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Old 13-04-2007, 02:36   #31
anml anml is offline
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I made a short lesson about the Gender of Nouns with some exercices at the end, really easy to undestand (i hope), feel free to ask any questions here

Gender of Nouns I

A noun is a word used to refer to a person, place, thing, or idea: (Everybody knows this but just in case –anml)

Person: Alex, boy, woman
Place: School, garden, garage
Thing: Ball, book
Idea: liberty, despair, intelligence

In Spanish, all nouns are either masculine or feminine:

Masculine Feminine


"El" (masculine) and "la" (feminine) mean "the."

Masculine Feminine
El chico--------La chica
The boy------The girl

El libro----------La escuela
The book------The School

Nouns that end in -o are usually masculine.
Nouns that end in -a are usually feminine.

Gender of Nouns II

Masculine nouns that end in a consonant often have a corresponding feminine form that ends in -a.

el profesor
la profesora

el doctor
la doctora

Nouns that end in -sión, -ción, -dad, -tad, -tud, -umbre are feminine.

la televisión – tv
la ciudad – City
la universidad – Univercity

Some nouns that end in -a are masculine.

el problema – problem
el mapa – map
el planeta – planet

Many nouns that end in -ma are masculine.

el telegrama – tv
el problema – Problem
el sistema – System

Four of the nouns that end in -a are masculine.

el día – day
el mapa – map
el planeta – planet
el sofá - Sofa

A few nouns that end in -o are feminine.
la mano – hand
la radio - radio

• Most nouns that end in -o are masculine.
• Most nouns that end in -a are feminine.
• Masculine nouns that end in a consonant often have a corresponding feminine form that ends in -a.
• Nouns that end in -sión, -ción, -dad, -tad, -tud, -umbre are feminine.
• Many nouns that end in -ma are masculine.
• A few nouns that end in -o are feminine


A. Select the correct one

1 .- Which word is masculine?
Casa - house
Mesa - table
Libro - book
Ventana – window

2.- Which word is feminine?
numero - Number
telefono - Telefone
televisión – tv
Planeta – planet

B. Choose masculine or femenine

1.- El libro: masculine or feminine?

2.- La Pluma: masculine or feminine?

3.- Mapa: masculine or feminine?

C. Add the missing letter/word

El libr__

La mes__

__ problema

__ silla

i suck making lessons
I suffer because of you,
I die because of you,
But what else can i do?
Just live looking at you.

Last edited by anml; 14-04-2007 at 00:43.
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