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Old 30-03-2007, 09:06   #45
freddie freddie is offline
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Originally Posted by haku
Regardless, i am still the product of a rather large unitary state, which was originally made up of rather different provinces, so it's not always easy for me to understand why it has never been possible for South Slavic people to unite into a unitary state, because in the end, i don't think that there are more differences between the various South Slavic countries than between the various provinces that united to make up France, Italy, or Germany.
Probably becuase those provinces never developed a sense of national belonging or more likely - weren't even familiar with the concept of national states, while most national countries in the balkans even enjoyed brief moments of independence in the past. Sure it all started out as one proto south-slavic tribal community, but that was more than a thousand years ago. Yugoslavia (and the kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes before it) was an atempt of patching those ancient ties back together, but at that point we were too estranged to coexist together. It's just as artificial as the Soviet Union and we all know how that ended. In the same way I doubt Sweden, Norway & Denmark would be too keen on dropping their nationalistic tendencies and join forces into a Nordic megastate just because of their common history and similar languages...
freddie | t.E.A.m. [ ]

Religion is an insult to human dignity. With or without it you would have good people doing good things and evil people doing evil things. But for good people to do evil things, that takes religion.
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