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Old 27-01-2007, 02:41   #7
Amy_Lee_Rocks Amy_Lee_Rocks is offline
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Originally Posted by Talyubittu View Post
1. Most of the texas population speaks English, followed by Spanish and Vietnamese/Taiwanese. "most" of the population, does not speak Spanish only.

2. It is illegal to run a business in the United States that does not cummunicate in English.

3. If you moved to the USA in 6th grade then I find that hardly impossible that you learned English then. For one - in order to even get a green card a backlog of nearly 5-7 years is usual for waiting for it. So unless you were an illegal immigrant at the time you joined the school, somthing quite fishy is going on. Not to mention - you're parents could not own a business until they were actual citizens, a green card only grants them the right to work and wages, they are not allowed to run their own business that I am aware of by united states law. So that would have been another six years for them waiting to get their actual naturalization papers and everything finnished and accepted into America as an actual citizen, so we are looking at about 12 years here, right? So if I'm correct, you would just now be an American citizen, and you're parents would have been participating in the owning of an illegal business? And even still the fact of the matter is you claim to have taken AP Government, you claim to have lived in the USA for 6 years prior to now, and you still have managed to spell the word "IRAQ" correctly, a term highly popular in the media since 2003, and widely popular in a AP Government class, you had no clue who Saddam Hussein was or anything else involving this country, which leads me to think this statement is as false as your last one.

On the numerous occasions that I have talked to you, your mother has been a caterer to the national government, a teacher and now she seems to own a business. It's clear you decided to open up notepad and forge a story for yourself, however with no clear talent for leiing you've failed to pass anything believeable by me.

Oh and by the way. If your mother was indeed a teacher, then why on Earth did she not speak English? I was under the impression you had to be fluent in this countries mother tongue to work in a government facility?.....Hmm. Who knows?

Forre - Trust me, it's not. Like I said, foreign news networks make life in America seem much more harsh than it actually is. There's nothing horrible about our country besides all the overweight people.

First of didnt read right..
Second, I live in Texas, i know what is happening here ok..most of the population speaks spanish, and yes they also speak other languages.
Third "my parents didnt know English, they had to learn it to have their business" I said THEY HAD TO LEARN ENGLISH!!!. Meaning they learned it in order to run their business
Fourth, I moved here to the U.S when i was 4..incase you dont know what ESL means..its English as a Second Language, i was learning it. Meaning i was in classes that spoke spanish to me most of the time. Its not very hard to become a citizen, specially when you have a family member whose is already a citizen. My dad moved to the U.S way before my sister, mom and I moved here. He was already a citizen and married to my mom. We decided to leave our country to be with my father, and open up a business. My father was able to since he has been here alot longer than my sister, my mother, and I. I seriously dont know how you got "Teacher". I told you back in Mexico she was a the way Catering is a business.
To make things shorter and more understandable, My dad has been going in and out of the U.S alot, before my mother had me he was in the U.S already a citizen. We moved to the U.S Huston first then moved to DFW 1 month later. Where they decided to have their own business And you're still with the "Iraq" thing? like i said before, i spell it however i feel like it..ok

PS: I've lived in the U.S for 14 years
Cause you're my rock star in between the set
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