Thread: Empty Walls
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Old 02-04-2003, 23:31   #22
Ranko Ranko is offline
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Run and run, but never turn to look fordward. Blinded past, bundled future. Life is a gift, cherish those hazed memories. Look ahead only to see nothing. Look back only to see fog, where a lone shadow wallows, consumed by the smoke, not the fire. Detach, unbind, drag the waters... dreams long since forgotten. Run and run, unknown paths, landscape over destination. Day by day. Just let time slip past your grip. A fugitive not allowed to give.

Can you see, it's so pathetic.
Certainly, it's just an addict.

Find yourself surounded by smiles and love. Feel the cold that emanates from your heart, burning inside. Read ahead. Discover minds. See all the pain you caused, behind a thick coloured glass of hope. Feel unable to feel. Drown in sorrow. Hang on the paradox. Run and run, let time pass by. Taint yourself. If you're lucky, or not so, you'll have done it so many times, it won't wear off.

There's only me to save me from myself.
That's the mean I choosed for myself.

Run along this path that leads nowhere. It should be somewhere, but seemingly forgot. Hidden places, bad habits. Easy use. Tomorrow will be another day, don't get stuck in the past. Easy lie. Walk step after step, cautiously, carelessly. Bury your life underneath countless layers of pointless repetitions. Bring yourself down, your'e pretty good at that. Just, fear life.

Now I understand the power of cold blood.
Now I know nothing is all I've understood.

... and im just a child underneath, it's for everyone to see.

That thext avobe should qualify as creative thinking. Or something. Lol. Oh well. ^^;

Wonderful piece of yours. ^_^ Yo goku, write something or i won't play chess again with you. Lol. j/k
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