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Old 24-08-2006, 20:14   #14
Winkie Winkie is offline
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Queenie, I agree on that part, but I wasn't only talking about sexual attraction. Feeling pity for someone is also a way of "attraction", in my opinion. But I think that this girl, Natascha, is not attracted to her kidnapper, or felt any pity. I think it was the only way she could deal with the situation. Look at abused kids. They still love their parents. They are their parents, after all. And this man was her "father" for some years. He was all she had. All she could depend on. It's sick that this happened, it really is, but I think her stockholm-syndrome was not because she felt pity for him, or because she was attracted to him, but because *liking* him was the only way to make her life bareable (if that is a normal English word)

Rachel, I feel so sorry to hear about your friend. I wish there was an easy solution but there isn't, I'm afraid. All you can do is wait and catch her when she falls.. Maybe one day she'll see what she's doing, and quit forever.. Maybe that day will never come. But that is not your worry. I understand that that might seem cruel, but I don't mean it that way. But this guy treats her like she's worth nothing, and you can't change that. She has to see it for herself. And I think she knows, because you say she calls you and wants to quit with him, but maybe her heart doesn't want to see it, because maybe she loves him, in some way.. And it's hard to let go of someone you love, even if they treat you like you're less then shit.. *hugs Rachel and her friend*
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