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Old 18-06-2006, 22:54   #147
dradeel dradeel is offline
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(I haven't read all the posts, but I'm writing from what I understand after the last couple of posts: )
I think it's dangerous and more than anything wrong to divide people according to genes. Culture is a better way, as that can actually create real issues when cultures are mixed and when cultures are standing up against eachother.

Now, I haven't really made any stand when it comes to Turkey and membership in the EU, but as they have become recent NATO-members, and tactically it's a very important country, and is undoubtebly the most western country "down there" (if you can say that) , then I think it's important for EU to work for some kind of solution, even tho it would be hard, and it will take quite a long time ... but then again things happens so fast nowadays, and noone can tell what the future will bring us. But saying that Turkey should never join EU even tho the situations allows them to or shouldn't join simply because genetically they haven't got the same history as "us" are both unaccaptable conclusions to make imo.
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