Thread: Pretty New o.O
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Old 19-05-2006, 18:37   #1
ThatLady ThatLady is offline
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Talking Pretty New o.O

Okay everyone, this is like.... my first thread. I wanted to post a fanfic that I was working on. So be honest, please. ^__^ (btw, I haven't given it a title and I'm not good at spelling o.O)

The twilight settles gently on this worlds balance over night and day. Pushing back the purple-orange puddles in the sky, blanketing it with its dark blue quilt. The dark blotches in the sky disipates, and are finally overtaken.
Overhead, the lights flicker on as if anticipating the nights return. The train rocks back and forth to seemingly sooth its passangers to sleep. Droplets outside the outside the window ran across, having been shown only from the light's glow. They were so rythmic and chaotic. Lena smiled at the thought, dirorientedly systematic. Point one for the world.
Reality revealed the world that had been forgotten through shadows and light. The stains of an old, misused railway gave way to where the people would vacate it. People pass through here swiftly, easily, between stops; so fast sometimes their faces look blurred and time seems to fast-foward. Time here for Lena felt as if someone pressed pause. Pause was an understatement...
She sighed, hoping to see it hang in mid-air.

* * *
Early morning came shining with its brilliance in such cold weather. This year was warmer than normal, all the changes in the world outside of this one wouldn't change how amazingly dumbfounded this forgien teacher was. Ms. Dukeshire something-or-another was a teacher who taught class for English, but was so interested in Russia, she asked her students to write about a famous or inspriational Russian. Sukharov was in front of the class speaking about Leon Trotsky.
"Thousands filled the hall, waiting for Trotsky's speach. The crowd was tense..."
Lena sighed, this is so elementry! She sat impaitently for some sign, some reason, to be divert her attention. At the moment, she was waiting for the bell.
"Trotsky spoke of current conditions, and then continued. 'The Soviet government will give everything the country contains to the poor and to the men in the trenches...'"
Lena hoped that the world outside would possibly give way to something, anything, that could make time pass quicker. It felt uncomfortably dead. The room was at a complete dead stop, except for Ms. Dukeshire who was like a child on her first day of Christmas.
"The crowd surroundingTrotsky was aroused almost to ecstasy. This, actually, was already an insurrection. A transformation had begun --"
The bell rang. The class rose as one giant mass and, just as disorderly, left.

Well, yeah, this is it. ^__^ I hope you like it.

Last edited by ThatLady; 28-05-2006 at 15:51.
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