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Old 27-04-2006, 19:49   #15
freddie freddie is offline
Sad Little Monkey
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Originally Posted by PowerPuff Grrl

"If you kiss Hank's ass, he'll give you a million dollars"?
This is pretty darn explicit, less so than Lux, but still nonetheless.
Whether or not it is funny is a matter of taste but I think the message is pretty clear.
Imo it's really not. It's just a metaphore. Carrot and a stick theory. And to be honest... that IS the essence of religious dogmas as they are preached about today... and imo that's what Rachel had in mind when she spoke about "the bible". The fact that religions didn't neccesary originate as carrot and a stick affairs is also true... and yes.. I do believe there are people out there who're religious for all the right reasons. Bu those really shouldn't be offended at this thread, since it's exposing only one side of christian dogma. The side which themselves more than likely don't feel comfortable with either. I still claim the text jabs blind faith rather than one's own personal beliefs.

Originally Posted by PowerPuff Grrl
I know that there are more females than there are male, but the fact that there are a significant amount of men browsing these forums does affect how the site is managed. I'm going to take a wild guess and say that madeldoe is the only open Christian is the entire English Forum, if the ratio of Christians to Athiests were that of Female to Male than it is pretty reasonable to assume that Lux's thread would still be open.
Yes it is possible that madeldoe is the only one of this particular interest group, so she spoke up. I'm not saying she doesn't have a right to feel offended (eventhough the potential for anyone to get offended is vastly more remote than in Lux's thread) If she does feel so she's welcomed to explain to us all the good parts of christian beliefs. But trust me on this one... Lux's thread closing was not in any way connected to any male interest groups expressing discontent. It was more to do with the fact that it was redundant and not on an appropriate discussion level. It had absolutely no potential to evolve into an interesting debate. It did have a huge potential though to evolve into a flame war... and I don't think any males would be involved in the flaming, to tell you the truth.
freddie | t.E.A.m. [ ]

Religion is an insult to human dignity. With or without it you would have good people doing good things and evil people doing evil things. But for good people to do evil things, that takes religion.
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