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Old 19-01-2006, 07:54   #72
dare2dream28 dare2dream28 is offline
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I just finished reading through this thread, and frankly, I was rather pissed and disappointed after going through it.

First though:
Originally Posted by darje
So why call the american members of the forums "over the top" when it's only their president that's the fucktard?
THANK YOU!!!!!!! I did not vote for Bush and neither did the rest of the majority of my fellow Americans in the 2000 election (well technically I wasn't old enough to vote in the 2000 election, but I did vote in the 2004 election and it sure as hell wasn't for that dumbass!)

I don't see how it's fair to pass judgment on ALL Americans like people have been doing in this thread. How is that *any* different from us, the Americans, saying we hate all muslims because a handful of them bombed our country? It's the same type of idea.

A lot of you have pointed out why America is so bad. Well, if America is so awful, then why do so many damn people do or try to immigrate here every year?! America is the land of opportunity, religoius freedom, etc blah blah. NO, we're by all means NOT perfect, but we're not that freaking bad! How lucky am I to be a FREE woman that is allowed to have graduated college & can now make a career for myself? I could've had the fate of being betrothed to some guy I never knew, only to be beaten & have it so that a camel is worth more to the husband than myself. Gee, yeah, America is *soooooo* bad for allowing me to have *such* an opportunity! Again, I know we're not perfect and I do NOT think that we're better than everyone else, but at the same time, don't pass judgment on ALL of us Americans just because SOME Americans are stupid backwards religious psycho homophobic rednecks! And I'm not even going to list the amount of good we do!

Thank you Lux & everyone else who's defended the US.

So please, just because SOME Americans are idiots, don't classify ALL of us as egotistical wasters, because yeah, there are Americans who are fighting to defend the environment, writing letter after letter to their senators to influence how the government votes, & is NOT against every nation that's not the U.S. *cough* me *cough*.

All I'm asking is to show some respect to fellow forum members...this is a place where people from all over the world were united because of one interest and now that we've known each other for awhile, we've gone beyond that one interest, but guess what, we're still from around the world, have different backgrounds, & come from different's still no reason to show any less respect to anyone here.
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