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Old 01-06-2005, 22:02   #88
haku haku is offline
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The EU won't last long without a constitution, the current treaty (treaty of Nice) was only meant as an interim treaty until the constitution would be adopted, the treaty of Nice doesn't allow the EU to function properly with 25 members for very long, it doesn't allow any efficient decision making and soon EU institutions will come to a still, totally unable to reach any decisions.

The EU is dead because the historical French-German alliance that followed WWII is now destroyed and the EU won't advance anymore without that essential alliance. The EU is dead because the winners of that new situation are the UK and its 'new Europe' pro-US eastern buddies that only joined the EU to destroy it, under this new anglo-saxon leadership, the EU is going to decay into a loose free economic zone with no political control and no social regulations, the opposite of what Monet and Schumann wanted.

The EU is dead because French and Dutch people, two founding members, have become anti-European. Extreme nationalism is back like in the 1930s, people want their countries to leave the EU and go back to nation states with closed borders, like before WWII. People have forgotten the devastations of WWII and why the EU was created in the first place.

It's a late victory for the totalitarian leaders of the 1930s, in a way they were right, it was a mistake to think that we could build a European Confederation through a peaceful democratic process, obviously such an historical change can only be achieved through a new continental war.
Patrick | t.E.A.m. [ ]
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