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Old 06-11-2004, 17:30   #4
freddie freddie is offline
Sad Little Monkey
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This is odd. Pain is nothing but a normal sensation pushed to it's limits, up to the point where it becomes unbarable, right? So a person with such a disease couldn't even feel ANYTHING, not even a touch of the hand, so that person would have to be completely senseless, since pain is nothing more then a sense.
Let me draw an analogy here: it's the same as saying that somebody doesn't hear strickly the sounds that become painfully loud, while they can hear perfectly well at normal decibel levels. That doesn't make much sense does it? If you hear the quiet sounds then you SHOULD hear painfuly loud ones as well. Even more so. Much more intensely. Same with senses: if you can sense normal things, then you should be sensing pain, (which is just one of the senses at it's most intense), that much more.
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