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Old 09-08-2004, 13:40   #9
haku haku is offline
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Originally Posted by denial
and make male more dominant .. so... there is a hall of mirror [ crystal palace ] ( which is what was confusing in the early research since they couldn't figure it out .. so they said its a wasteland ) in male that actually make them more complicated [sofisticated] then female.
Males are not more sophisticated than females, quite the contrary actually.

Humans are by default female, it's the natural status of the species, males are nothing more than a mutated female.

Women have 23 pairs of chromosomes, each packed with about 1000 genes. Chromosomes are in pairs as a "backup" system, if a chromosome has a defective gene, there is another one on the second chromosome of the pair.
Women's X chromosome is no different, it's a pair of X chromosomes.

Men are different. They only have 22 pairs of chromosomes, they don't have a pair of X chromosomes, instead they have an association of an X chromosome with a Y chromosome.
It's a disadvantage, if males have an error in their single X chromosome, it doesn't have a backup and can't be corrected.
The Y chromosome is also single, but every gene is duplicated inside the chomosome so it can swap genes with itself. This system works, but not as well as having a true pair of chromosomes, it is more prone to mutations and errors.
And the Y chromosome is indeed a wasteland, not as much as was thought but still. It has less than 100 working genes, that's very little compared to other chromosomes, and it is filled with decayed genes that don't do anything.
Patrick | t.E.A.m. [ ]
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