Thread: Euro 2004
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Old 04-06-2004, 21:55   #30
coolasfcuk coolasfcuk is offline
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Originally Posted by staringelf
and that means...?

"Go, team!" ? haha
something like that, yeah. that's just one of the things bulgarians cheer at football games.

'aide' is slangish for 'haide' = 'lets goooooo'
'nash'te' slangish for 'nashite' = "ours"

so, there is no dirrect translation... something like: "goooooooooooo ours!!!" ... and score, or else LoL how about for your teams? it'd be fun to know what other countries yell.. and then when we watch the games we can listen for the people yelling those phrases


edit: we also say this one a lot: "Bulgari Iunatsi!!!"

'iunatsi' is plural for.....something like a very strong/patriotic guy - sort of a 'hero'

edit 2: oh, let me tell you a story about that one.... when we pronaunce 'iunatsi' it sounds like 'you nazzi' in English ! ... so when i was watching a Euro 4 years ago .. cheering my team like that..... my friends were like whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat? took a bit of explanation to explain to them, since they were in a bit of a shock! since then i dont cheer my team in USA ... at least not like THAT
oh... o!
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