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Old 22-05-2004, 17:41   #36
haku haku is offline
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rosh, i'm surprised you didn't know Express Gazeta. Back in the old days when Tatu were at their peak, they had controversial articles about them almost every week. Each time an EG article was posted on this forum, those threads always turned into big fights. It's EG that first revealed that Pasha was Yulia's boyfriend and that he already had a wife and daughter.

If you want to have a laugh, go read this thread:
It's where the first EG article about Pasha's wife was posted, it's *hilarious* to read the replies (including mine) that people made at the time.

I also recommend this thread:
It's where the first articles revealing that Pasha was Yulia's boyfriend were posted, again, people's replies are a funny read.
Patrick | t.E.A.m. [ ]
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