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Old 12-04-2004, 16:00   #49
PowerPuff Grrl PowerPuff Grrl is offline
The Dream is Over, :~(
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Join Date: Jan 2003
Location: Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Age: 41
Posts: 682

I am aware that there are some of you guys that are behind in viewing the episodes and it is totally unfair for you guys to be exposed to spoilers from people the have seen newer episodes. However, it is also unfair for ask that all discussion pertaining to those newer episodes be withdrawn. I have to get this off of my chest, so I hope this works. The text below this should be hidden, to read it you have to highlight it with your mouse. You know, it's like how they do it in other messages.

I hope this works.


Oh good lordy I need a shoulder to cry on.
Mr. Piddles, Shane, Tina!!!
Ok, when I asked for hot girl-on-girl sex I didn't mean it to be violent, or involved with infidelity, damnit!!! Oh man, that scene with Bette and Tina was difficult to watch. Tina sooo does not deserve any of this, she is so sweet, kind, and hot! (Did you guys notice how hot she was when she got up from under that sink). That slap was hard, but so satisfying. Though Bette is one of my favourite characters I cheered when she got bitch-slap.

I have to say that the episodes prior to this were really underwhelming. I was this close (Holds up thump and index finger together) to quit watching because freaking dolphins and manatees were getting more action than the women on the show. That and the show was kind of beginning to suck. But Goddamn did this episode redeem itself. I actually tolerated Jenny, freaking-Jenny. I'll even go so far to say that I like Jenny now, but for the love of God please don't let me see any of that so called "poetry."


I'll have more to add later, gots to go and study.