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Old 22-02-2004, 21:20   #87
freddie freddie is offline
Sad Little Monkey
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Originally posted by haku
Tatu are supposed to be different. If Yulia is like any bitchy American pop star, what's the point?
No difference whatsoever. That's my point. My point was also that it was like this ALL THE TIME.

Originally posted by haku
What's changed is that their career is going down the drain, the hardcore fans are all they have and they're losing even that. Yulia's diva attitude is no longer endearing, it's just tiring now.
So she should start behaving better now that their career is going down the drain? It's that a bit much to expect? She wasn't nice BEFORE when they were at their heights. Why start now? She always remained what she is. True to herself. Whatever that might mean. I always claimed she was rude, arogant spoiled little brat. But everyone dismissed it then. The only differece is that I forgave her then, or rather accepted her for what she is...
Most people are still unable to do that.

Originally posted by haku
Agreed. And you can bet that a lot less fans will vote for Tatu at the next MTV award show (if they are nominated ever again that is). Why care to vote since Yulia thinks those award ceremonies are useless?
Originally posted by Staringelf
...And you think that's ok? Just because she has 'fame' (in her country, that is, because in the West nobody knows her besides tATu fans)?
Just because she's famous she gets to be a total bitch and it's completely ok? I don't think so.
If we had good music to cover all the arogance and rudness that went on and is going on, then it'd all be aright. But we don't have good fresh music. And THAT'S the biggest problem.Not on how many MTC awards Yulia appears and who's nais she cuts. Those are all secondary things compared to what's REALLY importaint in a MUSICAL band. Music.
Michael Jackson was considered an unusual genious in the 80s... a bit weird, but still a genious cause the music he made then was phenomenal. When the quality of that failed in the 90s THEN did the "wacko" and "child abuser" slanders come up... nobody paied THAT much attention to his extrencisities until that cane the ONLY THING that was visable in public... no more #1 hits, no more multi-platinum albums. Just contraversy, cause there was nothign else left. And that's where TAtu are going I'm afraid if there won't be a solid album out SOON! So people again have something else too talk about.
freddie | t.E.A.m. [ ]

Religion is an insult to human dignity. With or without it you would have good people doing good things and evil people doing evil things. But for good people to do evil things, that takes religion.