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Old 21-02-2004, 12:24   #158
freddie freddie is offline
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Originally posted by simon
Freddie, your recollection is wrong. Read page 5 of "Are they lesbians?" on again (I told you to before when you made the same false accusation and you refused). I presented an argument that the structure of Yulia's anecdote was such that it only made sense for her to have said if she really did like girls. If you don't believe me, read what I wrote. Stop making this false accusation.
The whole time Ptyuch was discussed you uterly denied it had ANY importance... you said that me and other ppl were blind, that we're not able to comprehend sarcasm Yulia and Ivan were throwing at us... I know for a fact that I said that this interview is an ultimate proof of Yulia's bisexuality many times (even on, and I distinctively remember that you CONTRADICTED me there... if you'd agree with me then there'd be no discussion would there? Or maybe you changed your opinion from page 5 till the time I came to last summer and started contradicting yourself.

Originally posted by simon
Of course you can't! Did I deny that Yulia found Pasha attractive? What I was saying was that Pasha wasn't someobody people generally would find attractive, so his appeal must be based on something other than physical appearance.

People's rankings of the physical appearance of different people from photos correlate highly. What differs much more is whether or not they pass the level of being considered attractive. Some people have different tastes from others, but studies have shown that rankings generally don't differ very much.

Very attractive people sometimes pick people who are less physically attractive because of some other characteristic about them that really appeals. Once a strong emotional connection is made on the basis of that the hormone oxytocin then makes them fall in love and find the person physically attractive.

I understand this intellectually, I just find it a little strange because I'm one of those relatively unusual people who doesn't get that effect from oxytocin. I have fallen in love and still not found the person sexually attractive...

You have said that the fact I have a degree in psychology means I don't know anything about psychology. Actually, I do.
I don't even know what you were suggesting then. The point of your post was clearly that Yulia couldn't be bisexual since she finds attraction in such a type as Pasha is. That was what I gathered out of your post. I hope some other ppl thought the same
Simon for god sakes... put down books where you're searching for all this fun little facts about attaction, to impress us with your infinite wisdom. Attraction is such a personal thing and you talk about hormones. I realize it basicly comes down to that, but we're all subjected to the same kind of hormones yet none of us feels attraction the same way as the other... Like you realized yourself: EVERYONE could pass the level off being attractive if you find them attractive as a personality. Physical attraction can grow out of a mental and emotional one... I've seen it happen... wheter this is done by oxytocin or another random hormone is besides the point and obsotele except for the purpose of you wanting to show us what extensive knowlage of body chemistry you have (or what knowlage of looking up information from a book maybe?). Wait!! This is going nowhere. Why on earth am I even discussing this? The question remains... WHAT WAS YOUR POINT?! Yulia is not bi cause she's attracted to Pasha? Yet you say yourself that attraction can grow out of a strong emotional connection... which practicaly dismantles that claim. I don't even know to what I should be arguing here.

Originally posted by simon
You think Pasha looks feminine?
Mind you that I wanted to make a point that Yulia dating Pasha doesn't prove a thing, since I thougth you were suggesting that she can't be bi cause of Pasha (and I still can't find any other meaning to your first post actualy). I wanted to say that that attraction can be diverse... and even if a girl likes rugged guys it doesn't mean she couldn't be attracted to cute feme girls. Just different spectrum of attraction.

Lets go trough my sentance step by step...

" This might be even a bit more complicated for bisexual people .... - nothing wrong with this part right?

" ...who may look for male characteristics on a man and female characteristic on a woman.... " - this part is bothering you?

Where exactly did you figure here that I thought Pasha is feminine? Quite the oposite... I was rather suggestion that it wouldn't be an impossible thing for Yulia to like Pasha (the rugged, masculine type male), and at the same time feel attraction to femme girls (For instance that Masha girl since you mentioned her specificaly). You maybe mistakenly thought I said female characteristics in men and male characteristics in women (which can alson happen, but that's not the point here). Teh point is I condired Pasha quite a masculine guy.

I'm not going to respond anymore since I'm getting increasingly irritaded here. I'll answer only if you personaly attack me. So knock yourself out dude.
freddie | t.E.A.m. [ ]

Religion is an insult to human dignity. With or without it you would have good people doing good things and evil people doing evil things. But for good people to do evil things, that takes religion.

Last edited by freddie; 21-02-2004 at 12:32.