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Old 11-10-2003, 00:43   #78
la aurora la aurora is offline
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russkayatatu, I'm really gald our ways crossed again it would be really interesting to hear ur file, hope I will when come back. Yeah, it's great that U have this experience of learning russian as a foreigner. I don't have it. So it would be really nice of U to read this thread and if U notice I gave some things from the 'russian' point of view and U can explain our students how to deal with this or that easier, tell them, k?

Elf, it would be a honor for ME if U decide to become my assistent Same goes for russkayatatu and coolie (huh... I know U are one of the students, but sometimes U really can help like with this alphabet. U are slavic... and U know russian well enough).

Uff... I don't know when I'll be online again as I have just few cents left So, I'm leaving this tread in ur hands, guys. Try to answer questions U can. Give students some advices with pronunciation, if they need. I'm giving some kind of homework again, so they'll def need them may be U'll find anything else to entertain guys while I'm absent (may be I'll connect from any i-net cafe, but I won't have ability to download anything).
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