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Old 06-09-2003, 21:02   #2
vicky7 vicky7 is offline
what can I say...
Join Date: Mar 2003
Location: Wigan, England
Age: 43
Posts: 185

Chapter 2 – The ‘Perfect’ Boyfriend

Roman Popov - short dark hair, chocolate brown eyes, a perfect white smile and a beautiful body… The way he looked at her like she was the only girl on earth – she always felt so special when they were together she thought dreamily pulling out the new figure hugging short black dress she had bought especially for his homecoming. She detested dresses. She felt far more comfortable slumming about in her jeans, a t-shirt and her favourite trainers. She had never been a girly girl but as much as she hated to admit it, her mum was right. She had to make the effort for Roman. How else was she going to keep him? Roman could have anyone he wanted, why would he choose a tomboy over an ultra feminine woman, dressed to kill with the aim to please? The answer was – he wouldn’t.

Her wardrobe contained many short, tight designer dresses that Roman had carefully picked out for her during their two-month relationship, he was so generous. However, as far as Lena was concerned the one good thing about him working away was the fact that she rarely had to wear them. Besides the dresses, he bought her masses of sexy underwear but despite this Roman and Lena had in fact slept together only once. Tonight was going to be the second time – the difference being this time Lena was determined to remember it.

The traffic on the way to the airport was horrendous. Lena had desperately tried to weave her Mini Cooper through the heavy traffic but with little success. She finally arrived in the airport car park at 5.55pm, hastily pulling into a space, practically jumping out of the car before she had even pulled the keys from the ignition. She crossed the car park in two huge strides, pulled out some change and ran back to the car to display her ticket.

She ran inside the airport terminal, looking up at the arrivals board to see that flight MS563 from Paris had landed at 5.45pm. It was now 6.02pm. Roman would be with her in a matter of minutes.

6.06pm – She checked her watch again, still no sight of him. Out of the corner of her eye she noticed a stall selling flowers a few yards away. There was a huge selection of red roses and on impulse she decided to buy some. Why should guys always have to be the romantic ones? She picked out a dozen roses and handed over some money to the stallholder. He smiled warmly at her, she wasn’t the first to buy flowers for her loved one that day but in his opinion she was one of the prettiest, her boyfriend was a lucky guy. As she admired the bunch of roses and was about to turn around and go back to the arrivals lounge she felt two large hands cover her eyes and a familiar voice whispered in her ear “Guess who?”

She smiled. “I dunno, Justin Timberlake?” She heard Roman’s throaty laugh and turned around to see him smiling broadly at her.

“Hey, I’m sorry to disappoint you Elena but its only me, your boring boyfriend” he frowned, pretending to be hurt.

“Oh shame, well never mind, I suppose you’ll have to do.” She said with a cheeky grin.

“So, are they for your other boyfriend Elena?” Roman was pointing at the roses.

Roman always called her Elena. He considered Lena to be a common name and that she should use her full name, which was ‘classier’ or something. Lena had simply shrugged her shoulders when he had said this to her, it was no big deal as long as he wanted to be with her but she still considered it to be her ‘naughty’ name. As a child she always knew when she was in trouble when her mother shouted “ELENA, COME HERE PLEASE!” It happened frequently after her father left, she had found it hard to respect her mother after that. How hard was it to keep a man happy after all?

She remembered the flowers she was holding and held them out to Roman “There for you honey.”

“Oh, you shouldn’t have you know, I should be the one buying you flowers not the other way round” he exclaimed.

“Well, I just saw them and thought of you, I just had to buy them” A sudden shyness overcame Lena at this point. It had been Valentine’s Day four days earlier and Roman had evidently forgotten as she had not heard from him or received a card or anything. She had put it to the back of her mind because when he was around he was a great boyfriend, he just obviously didn’t believe in Valentine’s Day she had reasoned with herself.

“You’re such as sweetie” Roman engulfed her in his arms looking down into her eyes. Lena melted into her chocolate eyes as the intensity took over. She ruffled his hair lovingly “And you’re gorgeous.”

“Hey, don’t do that, you’ll mess me up” he protested

“You’re so vain, I thought appearances weren’t supposed to matter?”

“Only ugly people say that” Roman proclaimed seriously.

Lena laughed at this although she knew he wasn’t joking. “C’mon, let me take you home so I can show you how much I’ve missed you.”

“I thought you’d never ask.” With that he picked up his luggage in one hand and wrapped his free arm about Lena’s shoulders.

When Lena had gotten Roman back to the apartment she had served up a three course meal of his favourite asparagus soup, a huge fillet steak with all the trimmings, with herself as dessert – Roman did not know that yet though. After dinner she had excused herself to the kitchen to make coffee and disappeared to her bedroom. She changed into her cream satin negligee, which barely covered her thighs and returned to the dining area to offer herself up to Roman on a plate. He was still hungry.

Her legs wrapped around his waist as he carried her into the bedroom. He crashed her back against one of the bedroom walls kissing her roughly. Her back ached on the impact of the hard wall but she managed to suppress the pain. She kissed Roman back in an attempt to slow the tempo of the kissing and increase the intimacy and her enjoyment. However, Roman had other ideas and twisted around pushing her down on the bed landing heavily on top of her, a gasp of pain audible from Lena’s lips.

She could feel a hardness pushing against her as he unzipped himself ready for action. With that she pulled out a condom from her bedside cabinet and helped him into it. At that point Lena expected more foreplay, only to be bitterly disappointed. Roman plunged into her, her un-aroused body throbbing from the injection of the foreign object. She clenched her teeth trying not to scream from the pain he was inflicting upon her.

After a few minutes of Lena biting down on the pain, Roman looked down into her eyes expectantly, she knew what she had to do. With that she started to moan loudly. “Oh yes, Roman, yes, oh god…” she faked to the extreme. She could see he was satisfied by her reaction so she went silent, Roman then rolled off her on to the right side of the bed releasing himself from the condom, tossing it into the bin, falling asleep in an instant.

Lena watched his back steadily rise up and down, as he began to snore loudly. She felt utterly dejected. The last time (her first time) they had sex she had written off as a bad one off because she had been drunk out of her skull but this time… Well, she would have preferred to have gone to the dentists – she hated the dentists. Was that as good as it would ever be? Would she ever enjoy sex? Maybe some people were more sexual than others and Lena was one of the least sexual. But if that was the case why was she so disillusioned…

The following morning Lena woke up and watched Roman sleep for a while. He was so peaceful. When the clock read 10.01am she decided to get up and make breakfast. As she moved to leave the bedroom Roman groaned. “Where you going?”

“I just thought I’d make us some breakfast.”

“Mmm, sounds good” He pulled Lena close for a quick kiss.

She departed from the bedroom as Roman watched on. Elena was good wife material as far as he was concerned – the typical trophy wife. She was pretty, sweet and intelligent but slightly boring and the sex although they had only had it twice was appalling. Thank god there were others who filled his sexual requirements. He lay there groggily for several minutes before his mobile phone started to ring. Svetlana, his phone told him, her name flashing up on the display.


“Hey Roman, I take it you’re with that prissy girlfriend of yours” Svetlana bitched.

“Yeah, I’m at her place now” he whispered looking around suspiciously for Lena’s reappearance.

“Come on, get round here so I can give you the ride of your life.” Roman smiled to himself; Svetlana was the best in bed.

“What are you wearing?” he asked cheekily.

“Wouldn’t you like to know?” she answered coyly. Roman raised an eyebrow at this, completely turned on.

“When you coming round?” Svetlana questioned.

As soon as I can, promise.”

“Roman, breakfast is ready, honey.” Lena called sweetly.

“Coming sweetie.” he acknowledged.

“Yeah go get your breakfast Roman, you’re gonna need all the energy you can get” Svetlana purred down the phone seductively twirling the phone cable around her fingers. She knew he would be around within the hour, of that she was completely certain.

Roman hurried to the kitchen as soon as he had gotten off the phone to Svetlana. He gulped down the breakfast Lena had placed in front of him at break neck speed. He wanted to go to Svetlana as soon as possible. He felt guilty but he was a man who needed sexual pleasure and lots of it. It wasn’t his fault Lena couldn’t deliver.

“Roman” Lena interrupted his thoughts. “I’m gonna invite Mum, Boris and Katya for dinner tonight, you’ll come won’t you?” She enquired hopefully.

“Hey, of course I will sweetie, anything for you, my love.”

Lena smiled contentedly. “I knew I could rely on you.”

Roman smirked to himself as Lena turned and took his plate from him to wash it in the sink. If she really thought he was prepared to make small talk with her nagging mother, her dimwit stepfather and that brat of a sister then she really was delusional. But whatever, he was gong to make his excuses and leave in a few minutes to go and get well and truly laid. That was all he could think about right now, sex.
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