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xmad 12-01-2006 23:29

Nuclear facilities
What do you think of Iran's nuclear facilities ?
I see many countries dont wanna let Iran has this kind of facilities even those top countries.
Why do they find it dangerous ?

haku 12-01-2006 23:45

Because countries that already have nuclear capabilities do not like to see other countries acquiring that technology, they want to feel superior and special. Originally only the 5 permanent members of the UN security council had nuclear capabilities, and they would have liked if things had remained that way since it gave them a tremendous power over all other countries.

Iran being a sovereign country, i personally think that Iran has the right to develop its nuclear program as it wants, it's an internal matter and no other country should interfere.

However, things being what they are at the moment (only one superpower that no-one can challenge), it is likely that Iran will be bombed by the US in the coming months and its nuclear facilities destroyed.

Rachel 12-01-2006 23:48


Originally Posted by xmad
Why do they find it dangerous ?

Because the European governments know half the time we deserve some kind of nuclear bomb dropped over us. :p America deserve it too, but they'll never accept they deserve it :rolleyes:


Originally Posted by Amber
Because countries that already have nuclear capabilities do not like to see other countries acquiring that technology, they want to feel superior and special.

Totally agree with you Amber! (As usual!) :p

freddie 12-01-2006 23:49

Because it can be disasterous in the wrong hands... which is basically ANYONE'S hands. :p ... but that goes double for a country as politically extreme as Iran. Not to mention it represents a huge potential to make political threats to people you don't like - so a rather dangerous bargaining chip.

No ofence xmad, but I think the question you're asking is ridiculous. Borderline rhetorical.

Rachel 12-01-2006 23:50


Originally Posted by freddie
No ofence xmad, but I think the question you're asking is ridiculous. Borderline rhetorical.

:no: :no: :no: Not when the countries that are against Iran having nuclear facilities have them themselves.

freddie 12-01-2006 23:56

In the perfect world... I'd disarm everyone's nukes. But that's hardly happening anytime soon (it is a distant plan though). So we have an extremist country like Iran who's president made open remarks about how Israel shouldn't exist, going as far as to question the holocaust, wanting to build their own nuke program. Yeah... not exactly the rigth step towards the world stability. And this has NOTHING to do with the existing countries with nuclear capabilities, or their "advantage" over the rest of the world. It's about common sense. Iran & nukes = nono.

Rachel 13-01-2006 00:06


Originally Posted by freddie
Iran & nukes = nono.

The world & nukes = nono.

xmad 13-01-2006 00:08


Originally Posted by freddie
but I think the question you're asking is ridiculous

It isnt ridiculous at all.
People in Iran think this means another war.


Originally Posted by Rachel
Not when the countries that are against Iran having nuclear facilities have them themselves.


haku 13-01-2006 00:10


Originally Posted by freddie
Iran & nukes = nono.

Well, if we had prevented North Korea, Pakistan, and Israel from having nuclear capabilities, then it would be reasonable (even logical) to prevent Iran from having them as well, but we didn't, those 3 countries have nuclear capabilities (including North Korea which has a total nutcase as an absolute leader). So if those countries can have them, so can Iran, there is no reason to target Iran and only Iran.

But once again, we see here a perverted side effect of the illegal invasion of Iraq. What did the Iranian leaders see?
North Korea > crazy and extremely dangerous dictator > has nuclear capabilities > is totally left alone by the US and can do whatever he wants
Iraq > irritating but not very dangerous dictator > does not have nuclear capabilities > is invaded and destroyed by the US
Conclusion? To be left alone by the US you need to acquire nuclear capabilities as fast as possible.

xmad 13-01-2006 00:15


Originally Posted by Amber
Well, if we had prevented North Korea, Pakistan, and Israel from having nuclear capabilities, then it would be reasonable (even logical) to prevent Iran from having them as well, but we didn't, those 3 countries have nuclear capabilities (including North Korea which has a total nutcase as an absolute leader). So if those countries can have them, so can Iran, there is no reason to target Iran and only Iran.

Totally agree with that.
I dont agree with Iran regime but the current situation isnt fair at all.

freddie 13-01-2006 00:34

Did they ALLOW North Korea? North Korea never ASKED anyone. Nor will Iran. The difference is Iran doesn't want to be as isolated from the international community as North Korea. I agree that no country should have it but it's still the neccesary evil of the 21st century. IAEA isn't as concerned as Pakistan's or Israel's capabilities, yet it's rather concerned with North Korea's development in that respect. And what it DOESN'T need is another North Korea to worry about...

xmad 13-01-2006 00:48


Originally Posted by freddie
North Korea never ASKED anyone

Did US or others ask?

haku 13-01-2006 00:57


Originally Posted by xmad
Did US or others ask?

Exactly, none of the countries that currently have nuclear weapons have ever asked anyone if they were allowed to develop them, they just did, but now that they do have those weapons, they would want all other countries to ask their persmission first, and not just nuclear weapons, but even nuclear power plants too, it's total double standards.

Iran totally has the right to develop nuclear power plants to power its population.

freddie 13-01-2006 01:10

US and the former USSR developed their nuclear programs during the cold war days. It was a matter of super-power watching over one another.

Sure... Iran can develop their nuclear program... no one can really say no to them directly. But if they want to be taken seriously and not get into conflicts with the international community (like NK did many times before), it shouldn't. It is my opinion Iran's nuklear program would cause further destabilisation in that delicate part of the world. And that's like rubbing salt to the wounds.

zelda05 13-01-2006 14:15


Originally Posted by Amber
Because countries that already have nuclear capabilities do not like to see other countries acquiring that technology, they want to feel superior and special.

I agree!


Originally Posted by Amber
Well, if we had prevented North Korea, Pakistan, and Israel from having nuclear capabilities then it would be reasonable (even logical)

Pakistan having nuclear capabilities seems reasonable. Considering the fact, their enemy (India) have nuclear technology. Beside, Pakistan had suffered economically when the sanctions were imposed on them.

EDIT: I am not suggesting that nuclear technology should be used by either of these two neighboring countries nor am I saying that nuclear capabilities are good to have.

Rachel 13-01-2006 14:24


Originally Posted by zelda05
Pakistan having nuclear capabilities seems reasonable. Considering the fact, their enemy (India) have nuclear technology.

I don't know anything about that situation, but the fact is no one should have nuclear capabilities.

It's like teenagers that go out with knifes. Lots do it because they fear others have them, so they want to protect themselves. But the others have them because they know others have them and they want to protect themselves aswell. So fear causes chaos. They are their own worst enemies.

I just want peace in the world, but of course we know while there are maniacs ruling countries taht will never happen :rolleyes:

zelda05 13-01-2006 14:33


Originally Posted by Rachel
the fact is no one should have nuclear capabilities.

I couldn't agree with you more!


Originally Posted by Rachel
I just want peace in the world, but of course we know while there are maniacs ruling countries taht will never happen :rolleyes:

Yep, you are right on point!

haku 13-01-2006 16:25


Originally Posted by zelda05
Pakistan having nuclear capabilities seems reasonable. Considering the fact, their enemy (India) have nuclear technology. Beside, Pakistan had suffered economically when the sanctions were imposed on them.

Well, nuclear weapons are all about creating a "balance of terror", i can destroy you, you can destroy me, so we do nothing, this was obviously the case in the USA/USSR confrontation.

India did not acquire nuclear weapons because of Pakistan though, but because of China. India and China have been historical enemies for centuries. To this day, even though India and China share one of the longest border in the world, they do not recognize a single km of it and have many border disputes (including Chinese and Indian border guards shooting regularly at each other). Indians still have the Mongol invasion of India in mind, and they see a possible attack from China as a totally credible threat (and the invasion of Tibet by China has shown that this is not an imaginary threat), so when China got nuclear weapons, India had to get them too to reestablish a "balance of terror" in the region.

India do not see Pakistan as an enemy exactly, after all Pakistanis are just muslim Indians, it's more like a familly quarrel. It's actually China that provided Pakistan with nuclear weapons, precisely to shift the "balance of terror" in their favor. The goal of the Chinese was to create a second nuclear threat for India so the "balance of terror" would be broken and India would be in a weakened position, and it worked perfectly. Now India is alone and has to worry about 2 nuclear threats which makes the situation much more unstable than it used to be when India and China were in a deadlock.

Now in the Middle East it should also be a question of balance, Israel has nuclear weapons and is totally backed by the US, Middle Eastern countries know that Israel and the US can destroy them, but of course they can't destroy Israel or the US.
If Iran had nuclear weapons, it would create some balance between Israel and the rest of the region since each side would know that the other can destroy them.

intervolkov 13-01-2006 17:26

the trouble is the new Iran President

In fact he want come back at the time of Islamic Revolution by Khoiemi

zelda05 13-01-2006 18:32


Originally Posted by Amber
Well, nuclear weapons are all about creating a "balance of terror", i can destroy you, you can destroy me

I agree!


Originally Posted by Amber
India did not acquire nuclear weapons because of Pakistan

Very well aware of this fact. Pakistan, on the contrary, did acquire nuclear weapon because it felt it was necessary just like any other country and that because India had nuclear capabilities. India and Pakistan relations are not at its best (It never has been). They have many disputes especially the Kashmir issue, which apparently no one in the international community find interesting enough to solve. There is always news about Pakistani's and Indians border guards shooting at each other. Both countries have/are held/ing each others citizens in captivity.


Originally Posted by Amber
India do not see Pakistan as an enemy exactly, after all Pakistanis are just muslim Indians

They are muslim indeed but indians impossible. Yes, Pakistan and India used to be one country before the 1947 independence. However, no Pakistani will call him/herself an Indian. Unless of course, those that they call themselves Indians (instead of Pakistani) have family history that goes to the time in which their families lived on the side, which is now we know called India.


Originally Posted by Amber
China that provided Pakistan with nuclear weapons, precisely to shift the "balance of terror" in their favor.

Every country has its own interest. China provided the necessary chemicals to develop nuclear and Pakistan had the genius scientist.


Originally Posted by Amber
Now in the Middle East it should also be a question of balance, Israel has nuclear weapons and is totally backed by the US, Middle Eastern countries know that Israel and the US can destroy them, but of course they can't destroy Israel or the US.
If Iran had nuclear weapons, it would create some balance between Israel and the rest of the region since each side would know that the other can destroy them.

I am very impressed with you Amber! :D
.... well informed!

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