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Kate 19-06-2004 22:18

Tell a Fairy Tale: "Once upon a time..."
Okey, here's an old idea, let's all make a fairy tale! You know how it goes, every person tells a little bit (not too much) which sticks with what the previous people have said and so on.

1). Keep the story as clean and megical as possible. No sex, no uneccessary drug abuse, no verbal abuse etc. You get the picture.
2).The person who ends the story loses the game.

I'll start:

Once upon a time, in a country "Far Far Away", there was a huge castle near a purple lake...

kishkash 19-06-2004 22:19

where an old woman by the name Hilda lived, the last of the orange unicorn caretakers...

Kate 19-06-2004 22:21

Hilda was a well known genetics engeneerer, a career banned from "Far Far Away"... she was a time bomb just waiting to happen...

kishkash 19-06-2004 22:23

She had already started experemtation to create the ultimate flying unicorn that could be used by boeing as a superior jet liner for long overseas flights.

Unplugged 19-06-2004 22:23

...She lived in peace, experimenting and going through different challenges, until the dark day where she faced a dangerous threat. The castle was being attacked by one hideous man named Tsen Tsen, who couldn't stop drooling and swearing at the same time!

kishkash 19-06-2004 22:27

This evil Tsen Tsen, a genetic experiment from the late 70s gone wrong, had lived in hiding as a hermaphrodyte for many years honing his special 'skills' to be able to one day face his nemesis and creator...Hilda...the unicorn caretaker.

LMFAO!! :lol:

Unplugged 19-06-2004 22:29

...Tsen Tsen had gathered a troop of hermaphrodytes like him to kill Hilda and take over the castle.

Kate 19-06-2004 22:29

A few years ago, Tsen Tsen fell in love with Hilda's daughter, Amber, after seeing her bath in the purple lake. She was the prettiest young woman ever to walk the ground of "Far Far Away". Needless to say she loved unicorns. :rolleyes:

Unplugged 19-06-2004 22:32

But Amber didn't want Tsen Tsen. As soon as she found out he was a terrible ugly hermaphrodite, she managed to ban him from "Far Far Away". He left peacefully but swore he would come back for revenge! And he did :eek: :grustno:

kishkash 19-06-2004 22:34

Tsen Tsen was wrought with anger from his unrequieted love amber, for whom he pined. For in the land of "far far away" genetic creations and 'real people' were unable to llive together as woman and hermaphrodyte for the marriage certificates had not yet put the checkbox 'other' under Spouse.

Kate 19-06-2004 22:36

Tsen tsen has saved up money for years to get a good army to attack the castle, but at the last minut he spent it all by going to Hilda's plastic surgery clinic for a face life. Now all he had was an army of hermaphrodites. ANYWAY, as Tsen Tsen's army closed in on the castle....

kishkash 19-06-2004 22:39

He/she/the noticed a loud and high pitched drone, not unlike the sound of a large group of angry feather tailed orange unicorns getting ready to fly en mass. Could it be? ...

rosh 19-06-2004 22:41

could it be that tsen tsen had also had a sex change and was now a lesbian stalker, after hildas daughter

Unplugged 19-06-2004 22:42

... Hilda released her strong orange unicorns to confront Tsen Tsen and his army. The army was beaten by the unicorns and Tsen Tsen asked Hilda for mercy: "Please, it's enough that I'm fucking ugly and demented, I don't want to die today!"

rosh 19-06-2004 22:43

tsen tsen was forced by hilda, to change his sex, and enter her harem [the ugly section] and to have sex with all the other uglies

kishkash 19-06-2004 22:43

But to Tsen Tsen's dismay, his features had been altered to that of Hilda's, so convincingly so, that he can now pass as her. [a true oddity among oddities]

rosh 19-06-2004 22:46

hilda decided it wasnt bad enough that tsen be ugly, but decided to make as many people in the ugly harem, look like tsen tsen had. he also had kitchen duty every single day ... poor thing

Kate 19-06-2004 22:53

Amber got tired of Tsen Tsen's presence in the castle, so she turned him into a bug and squashed him. He was dead, or was he?

But Amber and Hilda didn't have time to worry about Tsen Tsen's well being, they had to get ready for the annual "Far Far Away" royal ball. And Amber had a personal invitation for Prince Charming himself.

Veggie Delite 19-06-2004 22:54

he peed in hilda's tee every morning, and that eased his pain a little

gah...i'm late. put this before kate's post...

Kate 19-06-2004 23:00

A REMINDER: Please, let's try to keep this story as megical and clean as possible. It can be funny without mentioning the toilet related topics and swearing. Please, try to understand and keep to the guidelines.

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