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oasischuan 09-08-2003 22:53

Alex from Fame Academy!
I think she's amazing! I want her to win! :done:

Tom Violence 09-08-2003 22:56

Spot on! I've even been watching the nightly Fame Academy shows on BBC Three for that girl. She has such presence and starpower, I'm amazed. It's the first time I've cared for anybody on any of these shows.

My only worry is that she won't get the material she deserves after the show has finished. Which would be an absolute travesty.

oasischuan 09-08-2003 23:04

You are lucky to have BBC 3! I can only watch BBC1... Did you see the article about Carrie on Daily Star today? Alex has been quoted 'Carrie is so pretty, I have no problem being coached by her' and 'I'm gay' to others.

I think she's one of the few original artists in the house. Her voice is brilliant. She should win!

spyretto 10-08-2003 00:07

Is she that girl who had her hair done like Yulia's and wore a pink top a la Tatu on TOTP? when I saw her I was sure she'd start screaming "Not Gonna Get Us!! They're not gonna get us!!!"


If I'm wrong I gotta say that I wasn't watching much, I just had it on. :D Tough to watch such crap, but I watched her for a while and I was amazed. she had a very low-pitched voice, lol

Kappa 10-08-2003 00:12

*mepouts* People, pics, please? I don't know her...

spyretto 10-08-2003 00:15

I think this is the official site of the show. Do you think she might try to sing Tatu later?? :D

oasischuan 10-08-2003 00:28

That picture on the official site is terrible
There are people saying that she looks like one in her 50s!

On the official message board, someone was actually slagging her off by describing her as a 'Tatu reject'. How pathetic!

Luckily she has lots of support she deserved and I'm sure she will be in the final three. And hopefully she will win! :rose:

spyretto 10-08-2003 00:30

yeah, I saw that and she definitely looked better on the show, and sounded well too. Hmm, what did she sing?

It's cool, now that there aren't many news about Tatu at least we have a Tatu fan on Star Academy. :) ahem, Fame, I mean :D
she has the attitude too... and maybe she's a lesbian? just a thought...

Tom Violence 10-08-2003 00:37

She is gay, she's already said as much to one of the other contestants.

Tonight she sang 'I Don't Want to Talk About It'. Apparently it's a Rod Stewart song.

oasischuan 10-08-2003 00:40

She sang 'I don't want to talk about it'. The mic stopped working so she had to do it again. The way she handled it was so professional. She did a fab version of 'Beautiful' on Wednesday while suffering tonsillitis.

Yes, she's lesbian. According to Daily Star, she came out when she was 14.

spyretto 10-08-2003 00:40

But it was covered by that band, hmm what the name? Everything But The Girl, right?
oh, she's gay, ok, I haven't been watching it on BBC3 or BBC1, though I might do now - just to see how our Yulia fan gets on.

oh yeah, I saw that bit when the microphone didn't work, and I thought wtf? Very harsh for her but she did well regardless.
Then I think I switched off...the others were so cheesy I couldn't watch.

oasischuan 10-08-2003 00:44

I thought Dina Caroll sang it as well. Who's the original version?

spyretto 10-08-2003 00:51

Stewart's, I'm sure. Aren't they any other pictures of her? Maybe from the show?

Tom Violence 10-08-2003 00:57

This is encouraging.

And this shoddy effort is the best picture of her I've found so far. No mad cappers on her case yet, it seems.

spyretto 10-08-2003 01:03

wow, that's very promising indeed. ;)

The bookies also have her joined favourite.

oasischuan 10-08-2003 01:06

Such a small pic...
Take better pix please, Fame Academy!!

More about Alex:

poppy 13-08-2003 22:44

this is quite a good photo. rock star in training LOL. i haven't watched it though so i don't know what she's like or what she sounds like, but yeah Yulia did spring to mind.

oasischuan 13-08-2003 23:21

More great pix!!









Many thanx to edman from digital spy forum!!

Rachel 14-08-2003 02:19

Oh yum!!! Wouldn't say no to her! :D

I haven't watched Fame Academy at all, but I will try to catch it as she looks hot!

I'll see if I can cap something of her :)

Kappa 14-08-2003 05:54

I_Love_Yulia, I would *madly* appreciate it if you did. :/ No BBC channel in here, you know? And she looks damn interesting. :P

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