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haku 24-08-2006 19:16

Girl found after 8 years of captivity
Dreadful story: Girl found after 8 years of captivity.

Rachel 24-08-2006 19:20

Oh lord that is *sick* :hmmm:

I think we can pretty much guarantee he sexually abused her, well, unless he had some kind of mental condition where he was desperate for a "daughter" or something :bum:

Anyway, poor girl! :(

QueenBee 24-08-2006 19:26

I agree... very sick. Poor girl will probably never have a normal life again (whatever that is). Can't see how anyone can go back to civilization easily after living in those conditions...

Winkie 24-08-2006 19:33

Poor girl. She's also suffering from "Stockholm-Syndrome", I read, which will make it even harder to go back to her old life
(For those who don't know, Stockholm-Syndrome is a syndrome where people actually hold on to their kidnappers or thieves or something. First time it was noticed was when some people rubbed a bank and took hostage of a few people. After a few days, the police managed to free the bank and the hostages but some of them felt like they should defent the thieves, and actually fought the police, in order for the thieves to escape.)
She has spend her entire teenage years in a "dungeon" :S She's never been in a normal highschool or anything :S How on earth can she go back to "normal circumstances".. I think that in some ways she still has the mind of a 10 year old, and that it will be hard for her to go back.. I just hope she'll be okay..

Kyro 24-08-2006 19:34

It's hard to believe that people are capable of things like this. It's gonna take her a very long time to reach any kind of normality in her life, if ever. I really hope that she manages to adjust to normal life reasonably well.

QueenBee 24-08-2006 19:40


After a few days, the police managed to free the bank and the hostages but some of them felt like they should defent the thieves, and actually fought the police, in order for the thieves to escape.
There were also some rumours stating that one of the hostages fell in love and wanted to marry one of the kidnappers... :none: I don't know if that's true though.

Winkie 24-08-2006 19:48

I don't know that either, but I think it might be possible. Some people are simply attracted to violence, how cruel that might sound, and someone who has power and who has the guts to do something like take hostages, might seem very attractive to those people..

Rachel 24-08-2006 19:51

Sounds like my friend Clare with her abusive boyfriend :rolleyes:

haku 24-08-2006 19:53

Many women are attracted to bad boys, thugs, gangstersā€¦ It's the instinctive attraction for alpha males who are thought to be superior genitors.

the unforgiven 24-08-2006 19:57

I saw it on french tv. omg!! this f*ckin bastard just commited suicide!! that's not fair
he deserved to "suffer" more
I can't stand it !! *pukes*

I'm glad she found enough strenght to runaway

Winkie 24-08-2006 20:00

What's the thing with your friend, Rach?

Haku, I know that, I don't know if you people have heard about the Marc Dutroux story, it happened in Belgium some years ago, he raped and murdered several girls, aged between 8 and 18. He buried them while they were drugged, but still alive. But before he did that, he hid them in his basement and raped them almost every day (If you are interested in the story, the only survivor, Sabine Dardenne, wrote a very good book about it! Read it! Here is some information about it: Sabine Dardenne - I choose to live)
But his wife, she knew about this. They had kids together, and she knew! She knew her husband raped and murdered innocent little girls, same age as their own kids had, and still, she stayed with him.. Why? Love? Attraction? I have no idea. But when they were captured, and put in jail, she fought for a visiting right for her children. A woman who had no problems with her husband kidnapping, raping, and murdering little girls, wanted to see her own children.

Some people in this world are not worth to be called human. They are less than that. They are worthless. Not a fact, just my opinion..
If you are drawn to men like that, please please please try to do something about it, it's soo bad..

QueenBee 24-08-2006 20:05

I don't think the attraction to violence is the reason to why these people start protecting their kidnappers... isn't it a natural.. umm.. thing? (I forgot the word!) Like when you are in a dangerous situation, you try to look at it from a positive point of view. As if these people are trying to find good things in the abuser to feel more secure and "balanced", like they still have a chance, because this person is human and can therefore also be kind, and poor little thing probably had a bad childhood, and I'm sure if I just act nice he will let me go etc etc... Then it gets out of control and it turns into attraction...


(If you are interested in the story, the only survivor, Sabine Dardenne, wrote a very good book about it! Read it!)
Any idea what that book is called? I hope they translated it to Swedish, too lazy to read it in English (I figure there's an English version out there)...

Edit: Oh I found it! "I choose life"

There's always been the question to why these women stay with their abusive partners... and they always say that they "love them"... it's a bit scary but I can see how they might think... maybe they're thinking that this person will change, that it's not really that bad, that it will be over soon... I think they might also have low self-esteem so they will stay with whoever wants them around. Sad thing is, if they are the abused ones they can also start blaming themselves... I think there is a problem there also, that these people need more love from other directions, to feel like they can make it without the abuser.

And blah blah

Rachel 24-08-2006 20:07


Originally Posted by Winkie
What's the thing with your friend, Rach?

He punches her, kicks her, calls her an "ugly whore", cheats on her, calls her mum nasty stuff and generally is a total ass hole. His dad is a convicted murderer and all his friends are complete and utter psychos. One of them tried it on with me a few years ago, I kicked him in the bollocks.

She calls me every few months crying her eyes out telling me she's gonna leave him. 48 hours later she's always back with him. I've given up.

This is him :none:

Winkie 24-08-2006 20:14

Queenie, I agree on that part, but I wasn't only talking about sexual attraction. Feeling pity for someone is also a way of "attraction", in my opinion. But I think that this girl, Natascha, is not attracted to her kidnapper, or felt any pity. I think it was the only way she could deal with the situation. Look at abused kids. They still love their parents. They are their parents, after all. And this man was her "father" for some years. He was all she had. All she could depend on. It's sick that this happened, it really is, but I think her stockholm-syndrome was not because she felt pity for him, or because she was attracted to him, but because *liking* him was the only way to make her life bareable (if that is a normal English word:p)

Rachel, I feel so sorry to hear about your friend. I wish there was an easy solution but there isn't, I'm afraid. All you can do is wait and catch her when she falls.. Maybe one day she'll see what she's doing, and quit forever.. Maybe that day will never come. But that is not your worry. I understand that that might seem cruel, but I don't mean it that way. But this guy treats her like she's worth nothing, and you can't change that. She has to see it for herself. And I think she knows, because you say she calls you and wants to quit with him, but maybe her heart doesn't want to see it, because maybe she loves him, in some way.. And it's hard to let go of someone you love, even if they treat you like you're less then shit.. *hugs Rachel and her friend*

QueenBee 24-08-2006 20:15

Rachel, I'm really sorry to hear about your friend... I hope she will find the strength to leave him one day

haku 24-08-2006 20:23


Originally Posted by Winkie
Haku, I know that

Yeah, sorry about that, i don't know why i quoted you, it was just meant as a general useless remark not aimed at anyone in particular.

Winkie 24-08-2006 20:26


Originally Posted by haku
Yeah, sorry about that, i don't know why i quoted you, it was just meant as a general useless remark not aimed at anyone in particular.

Don't worry, I didn't mean to offend you or something, you know I'm not fluent in English so sometimes I may seem rude but I don't mean it that way. I was just saying something like "yeah I've heard of that, but I still don't understand why they don't look for a sweet sensitive young man who can f**k their brains out", or something like that :p

Argos 24-08-2006 20:31

As the psychologist told, the kidnapper satisfied primarily his power fantasies, the girl had to call him 'Master', he tought her... she spoke about 'Pygmalion syndrome'. Probably the girl has not been sexually abused, but the kidnapper became more 'offensive and impudent' lately.

If some infame rumours will prove to be true, this case may become very nasty. A judge had investigated the mother of the child about 8 years ago because he suspected a connection to the kidnapper. He was sure that the girl showed signs of sexual abuse (massive weight gain in short time, bed wetting...). The next weeks may clarify whether there is any truth in these suspicions.

Winkie 24-08-2006 20:34

That is nasty yeah. Do you have a source? Like some newspaper on the internet, English, German, Dutch, doesn't matter, I'd like to read it..

Argos 24-08-2006 20:41


Originally Posted by Winkie
That is nasty yeah. Do you have a source? Like some newspaper on the internet, English, German, Dutch, doesn't matter, I'd like to read it..

The complete Kampusch - story in Der Standard, the rumour in german.

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