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luxxi 07-12-2004 13:16

Corrupted wish game
OK, so you make a wish and next posters says, "you get your wish, but..."

E.g. I say "I wish for a car" and next poster says "You get your wish but car is full of rabbid cats who jump at you and gouge out your eyes" and than makes their own wish.

Anybody wants to play?

I wish I lived in a big house.


marina 07-12-2004 13:45

You get your wish but house is in dark deep forest...

I just wish to be tottally unreasonable ..:)

luxxi 07-12-2004 14:42

You get your wish but nobody will like you.

I wish I had a lot of money


Mossopp 07-12-2004 16:14

You get your wish but you turn into Scrooge McDuck and have to live in a 'money bin' on a hill high above Duckburg!

I wish Eliza Dushku was madly in love with me.

Kate 07-12-2004 16:22

You get your wish but unfortunately Eliza Dushku will gain 100kg!!

I wish I could find an interesting book to read...

belissa 07-12-2004 16:43

You get your wish but you'll have nightmares after reading it!

I wish I went to Finland on my winter vacation...

coolasfcuk 07-12-2004 17:34

Go ahead .. but the TROLLS wil eat you ... and even Mumintroll wont be able to save you! :gigi:

I want to get accepted at my first choice University!

luxxi 07-12-2004 18:11

You will get your wish but university will close after you join.

I wish I could speak swahili


belissa 07-12-2004 18:40


Originally Posted by luxxi
You will get your wish but university will close after you join

:D :)

luxxi, you get your wish but then you forget ALL the words of your native language! ;)

nath 07-12-2004 20:18

belissa, I wished you've made a wish....
...but you didn't .... ;)

luxxi 07-12-2004 20:21

You get our wish but she woun't edit her post.

I wish christmas season would be over.


belissa 07-12-2004 21:00

You get your wish but then there'll be no Christmas at all, don't do it!

I wish I could not to forget about my wish anymore!

luxxi 07-12-2004 21:07

You get your wish but you will remember nothing else.

I wish it wouldn't be so cold.


Rachel 07-12-2004 21:41

You get your wish but for then it to be unbearably hot :p

I wish humans orgasmed as long as pigs (30 minutes!!! :eek: )

nath 07-12-2004 21:52

:eek: You get your wish :humans orgasmed as long as pigs (30 minutes!!! ) but nobody could sleep anymore cause it's too noisy!...

I wish I could find the "source" where it's said pigs orgasm 30 minutes!..
[offtopic]...are you sure orgasm is the good verb?[/offtopic][/

Rachel 07-12-2004 22:06


Originally Posted by sunwalk
[offtopic]...are you sure orgasm is the good verb?[/offtopic]

Maybe I should have said "I wish humans came as long as pigs" - that sounds correct *crap at English* LOL

luxxi 07-12-2004 23:27

You get your wish but you'll wish you hadn't.

I wish I could make a wish.


Mossopp 07-12-2004 23:36

You get your wish but the only wish you can make is for a dead fish to fall on your head from a great height and give you severe concussion.

I wish that Metallica would play a massive live show in my garden!

Rachel 07-12-2004 23:40

I wish for you to get your wish but the neighbours complain to the police and the show is stopped half way through :p

I wish money growed on trees :lalala:

luxxi 08-12-2004 09:26

You get your wish but it will be monopoly money

I wish I would be famous


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