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denial 06-08-2003 10:30

web girl
I like the song "webgirl" .. anyone have translation? .. I am curious .. I love the modem effect at the end...

la aurora 06-08-2003 12:20

There are 2 officially released versions of Sneg. One is on Zemfira's first album, second is a kind of remixed that was released much later as a new year present for fans. I like both. Official remixes of Zemfira are all good. I like Traffic remix even more then original song for example.

Web-girl is a nice song... a bit too poppish for Zemfira but i like it anyway. It's from the 3rd album [14 nedel' tishini]. Here's my attempt (poor attempt, sorry) to translate:

Girl... living (/that lives) in the web
Having found her love
between the lines,
between the sky and the ground

Trying to guess with her fingers...
Hoping to guess... to the end... to the end

Girl... living in the web
living for everyone... to the end
on the very last floor

keyboard... keeping the warmth
concealing a question
to noone... to noone

May be on another end of the line
U'll meet something in the strange 3d person
U'll give away ur heart
Someone will give away his heart.
U know, sometimes miracles happen
U know, sometimes ppl meet… (someone)
May be u’ll too... may be

Girl living in the web
Having forgotten her love
between the lines,
between the sky and the ground
Girl... tired eyes that caught up the sunrise
only her... only her...

Girl... living in the web... living in the web... living in the web...

denial 06-08-2003 12:29

sunny poison, oh thank you thank you thank you !!! spasiba !! :rose: :rose:

*next step* post this at Freddie's .. heh heh ..

xena225 10-10-2003 13:27

sunny poison, thank you so much for introducing Zemfira to us. I absolutely and totally adore this music, and Zemfira Ramazanova sounds like a very interesting woman indeed.

Spasiba! :rose: :rose:


xena225 04-11-2003 10:17

I was wondering if any of the nice Russian-speaking folks could translate this Zemfira song, or at least give me an idea what it's about?! That would be great! Thanks!

::: Не пошлое

Щербатая луна
И мы не в одной постели
Светло потому не смело
Я разбегусь: и с окна
Я верю не будет больно
Я помню как это делать

Мои тебе поздравления
От крошки
от гения
Мое в тебе сердце юное
щербатое лунное
Оно в тебе

Орбиты вдоль полос
Напрасно гудели вены
Я выбрала самый белый
В твоих глазах - вопрос
Тебя бы вот в эти стены
Придумай, что надо сделать

Мои тебе настроения
От крошки
от гения
Мое в тебе сердце юное
щербатое лунное
Оно в тебе мое прошлое
Не пошлое

В трубки губки
Сказки ласки
да все подряд

Мои тебе настроения
От крошки
от гения
Мое в тебе сердце юное
щербатое лунное
Оно в тебе мое прошлое
Не пошлое

Tom Violence 04-11-2003 21:30

I've recently been introduced to Zemfira's music. And, so far, I'm quite impressed. I heard a 'best of' compilation a couple of weekends ago at a party. I especially loved the sentiment of 'SPID' when I had it translated to me.

That's some chorus.

I also saw the video for 'Traffik' when I was at a friend's house the other day. Good again, in a meandering sort of way. But perhaps I would have liked it more if I understood the lyrics. I get the impression that the words are very important in Zemfira's work.

The video was also quite cool. A bit like a Calvin Klein ad, maybe, but that's not necessarially a bad thing.

Airheadap 19-11-2003 08:14

Sunny: have you heard Zemfira's song "Vorona"? Do you like it? And what is it about? Thanks.

la aurora 19-11-2003 23:51

Airheadap, I used to think Vorona was Linda's song :gigi: U sed to like it oh so long ago...

denial 20-11-2003 00:00

Zemfira - reminds me of Melissa Etheridge .. but the Russian version .. :gigi:

Sunny.. why are you an 'operator' ? LoL .. I use to like that word so much .. LoL

DinoBora 20-11-2003 00:15


Zemfira - reminds me of Melissa Etheridge ..
I do not know who is Melisa Etheridge *shame, shame, shame* :blush: but what I know for sure is that Zemfira is often described as russian Janis Joplin...

denial 20-11-2003 00:22

Janis Joplin... ahh .. maybe ...I got something like the best of Janis Joplin album .. my friend said I will like it .. but I can't relate to her music..

Its disappointing...

la aurora 20-11-2003 01:17

D, check the Tatrix thread on general forum and u'll get it :) I'm an operator... indeed :gigi:

goku 20-11-2003 01:31

Hmm... I kind of liked Zemfira. :heh:

denial 19-04-2004 18:43

I'm crazy about Zemfira very much now .. so what's new with her? Well .. took me sometimes .. I know .. but .. well .. I know I'm just slow ....

uhuh!! :yes: ... I found back this lost thread and my web-girl translation!!

Greg!! this can be great info..! :dead:


The girl was [and IS] a person hard to work with: very emotional, stubborn, impatient, touchy and sometimes quite aggressive. U never know what to expect from her. And she’s always in trouble. For example during her concert at Kiev some ppl in police uniform came on the stage and tried to stop the show. One of them made a REAL mistake – he tried to take Zemfira’s guitar....
..hmmm... now I really-really like this girl.....

so .. does anyone have that SPID video ?

- denial

haku 21-10-2004 13:58

Zemfira is in KP today. :D

Zemfira has a tattoo on her right arm. She recently discovered that it meant something in prison lingo that she didn't know about, so she got upset and she's now covering it with a black square.
Since it's temporary ink, the black square needs to be redone regularly, but you can't do that for too long because temporary ink ends up staining the skin permanently.
So she'll have to decide if she wants to surgically remove her original tattoo or cover it permanently.

Article with picture.

denial 21-10-2004 19:29

Thanks Haku .. LoL @ the black square tatoo .. that could a cool tatoo too ...

btw, I noticed .. "Земфира закрасила тату после заметки в «Комсомолке»" .. russian spell tatoo "тату" ?

Joha84 31-10-2004 02:14

Hello everyone!

I was going through some websites and I found this song called "we are the champions," sang by ZEMFIRA in duet with Queen!!!

I'm not really fond of Queen, but i like the song we are the champions (i'm sports fanatic :rolleyes: )

Anyway, here is the news about her singing this song with Queen:

and here is the link to download the song, but you have to register first:

hehe.. I like Zemfira's lil accent in some words :rolleyes:

denial 09-02-2005 20:19

I just checked Zemfira website. There is new video for download on the main page. Song Progulka ( Walk ).

13.12.04 Премьера

Представляем новый клип на песню "Прогулка" из будущего альбома.
Земфира - Прогулка (~10 мб)
Земфира - Прогулка (~20 мб)

- I like the video. the familiar face expression she made in Hosches video.. and I like the song and music too.. oh I miss this girl...

la aurora 23-03-2005 02:30

New album called 'Vindetta' is out and I'm definitely buying it. It has more electronics and a bit different atmosphere. Two new vids are available on her official site ( for download. One was mentioned by Denial already. Second is more depressive but still cool. Definitely her best vids ever. Finally she was lucky with her video-director (Renata Litvinova). They can seem wierd but colors.. images.. looks interesting and me likes.

XSpex 24-03-2005 05:01

Maybe you have seen this before, there is an article about Zemfira, I think she talks about her new album, I am not quite sure cos I couldn't undertand it :). There are cool pics :)
Here the link:
Zemfira article, Afisha magazine
Zemfira on the cover of Afisha magazine

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