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thegurgi 09-10-2003 19:35

:: HELP :: TheGurgi's Eurasian Musical Tour CD
I have begun a project that i intend to be my christmas presents for later this year. It's a CD of the songs i found from all around Europe and Asia. I've already made a V. 1 CD and have given it to people, and plan to expand it. So, Firstly i'm asking that if you have a song by a band in your country that you love... PLEASE send let me know, i might add it to my cd.

For the project, i'm pressing my own cd. With a booklet, backing and cd label. And my whole basis goes with a map i made of Eurasia, highlighting the countries i have so far. As opposing to label these countries in English, i would LOVE to label them with what people in their own countries call it.

So for Russia, i will label it Россия, if that's correct [please someone correct if it's wrong]

So I need, the following countries to be comfirmed that this is their spelling. And I need Japan [my computer can handle japanese characters]


Spain - España
France - ??
Belgium - Belgique
United Kingdom - United Kingdom [this one is easy!]
The Netherlands - Nederland
Germany - Deutchland
Iceland - ??
Sweden - Sverige
Russia - Россия
Japan - ??

I would very much to find songs from Italy, Greece, Poland, Ukraine, Finland.... etc [hehe, a song from all countries in Europe would be great]. Also, i need to specify i want these to be pop songs, not like BUBBLEGUM, but popular songs that are [were] played on the radio. If you could give the name of the band and one of their singles, it'd be great!

Actually, Denmark and Finland would make the "Tour" Concept of my cd work. Starting in Spain and moving north and then east.

So any help is appreciated...

DinoBora 09-10-2003 19:42

As far as I know:
Spain-Espana(with ~ sign over N)
Germany- Deutchland

QueenBee 09-10-2003 19:50

Spain - España
France - ?
Belgium - ?
United Kingdom - United Kingdom! Surprise :P
The Netherlands - Nederland
Germany - Deut(s?)chland
Iceland - ?
Sweden - Sverige
Russia - Россия
Japan - ??
Poland - Polska
Finland - Suomi

And I'm thinking about those songs..

thegurgi 09-10-2003 21:04

That's right! ESPANA! and SVERIGE < i should have known that!> DEUTCHLAND too...

Rossiya too... i can see that on my stamps.
Same with Nederland, which i've known

I don't really need the names of countries i don't have songs for, but THANKS!

madeldoe 09-10-2003 21:07

hmm..since youve already had help with the names, ill just recommend a song.

Nandito Ako by Lea Salonga, which translates to 'Im Here', is my all time favorite song from the Philippines. Though I'm not sure you'd want a flip song, i highly recommend it. :done:

thegurgi 09-10-2003 21:33

I'd then need a song from China... to connect Japan to the Phillipines

madeldoe 09-10-2003 21:41

hmm China? I could ask my cousin, but then that would be cheating :D Well if you ever need the song, id be happy to send it over to ya :)

Tom Violence 09-10-2003 21:43

France is 'France' in French. Crazy.

haku 09-10-2003 21:51

France is France

Iceland is Island

Belgium is Belgique (French speakers) AND Belgiл (Flemish speakers, i hope you can see the 'e' with two points). Can't do one without the other i'm afraid.

Edit: Oops, Tom beat me for my own country! :D

thegurgi 09-10-2003 21:58

Iceland is Island.
Like, island as in an island?
hrmm... I'm sure it's not pronounced eye-land. but still, ISLAND! hehe!

As for Belgium... do a majority of Belgium speak French or Flemish? That will be what determines what i put for it.

Still looking for Japan <Nipon> in Japanese Characters.


Originally posted by nataku
hmm China? I could ask my cousin, but then that would be cheating :D Well if you ever need the song, id be happy to send it over to ya :)
Feel free! No cheating when it comes to getting songs... I want to be well rounded too... hehe.

Tom Violence 09-10-2003 22:00

Iceland in Icelandic is in fact 'Нslandi'.

Details. That's an accented 'I', by the way. Not an 'H', which is what you'll see if you have Cyrillic as your default.

thegurgi 09-10-2003 22:02

Tom Violence, that changes everything!
Thanks! < yes i've always understood that i have to change encodings to view things correctly, this forum is an alphabet encoding melting pot after all >

40% of Belgium speaks French, so i'll go with BELGIЛ

haku 09-10-2003 22:28

I didn't really know how to give you Japan in Japanese since your comp doesn't handle Kanji so i made three files in different formats:

psd The best one if you have Photoshop since i've put the characters on a separate layer.

thegurgi 09-10-2003 22:36

haku, my computer can handle ALL Japanese character,
Kanji, Katakana and Hirigana... i kind of needed it in TXT format
but thanks for Photoshop One, came in super handy, but... i'd need it as a TXT layer so i can alter it's size,color and possibly font... without using transform

haku 09-10-2003 22:57

thegurgi, here's a rtf file. It's unicode encoded, so you shoudn't have any problem to read it.

rtf file

thegurgi 10-10-2003 01:27

I love Sundance Kid! But i'm only putting Single's on the CD
So, My Swedish Songs are If You Were Here, On Himmelst Drog, and Kevlar Soul...


raven ryuu 10-10-2003 04:02

I can write kanji on my computer

If you canЃft read what I typed aboveЃCthen change your encodingЃD In IE -- View > Encoding > JapaneseЃD

darnit... it didnЃft turn out good when‚hread the post :( I hope that is not the case for you.

And I love Utada Hikaru from Japan. I can share my favorite song of hers with you. Just let me know how to send you the file :D

Echoed 10-10-2003 04:40

Well, I could probably get you some Vietnamese songs. LOL. But anyway. But that music is incredibly depressing and tragic. *Laughs.* I've got a few Chinese songs though. I think they would be considered pop, if you'd like to listen to them. ^_^


taty994945 10-10-2003 09:33

i too have a range of vietnamese songs (my parent's)
but i dont think anyone here would like them... :D

thegurgi 10-10-2003 16:02

Wow, thanks... but i really need more EUROPEAN stuff than Asian.

I'm going for EURASIA, and Eurasia is pretty basically, Europe and Russia [and turkey too, i guess]. I have japan on it, because i really like this one Japanese artist and i practically have all his cds.

I don't need anything more from any of the countries i already have songs for, like Japan, Russia, Iceland, Sweden, France, Spain, Belgium, The Netherlands... well, those are all the countires i have.

I REALLY NEED ITALIAN, and GREEK, and POLISH would be Nice, same with finish. And i'd prefer bands that don't sing in English....

but i wouldn't mind hearing some chinese and vietnemese and may be able to fit them onto the CD < remember, at most i get 120 minutes for my cd (they have 120 cd-rs i believe, i'd have to buy some) >

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