Unofficial forum of group TATU

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Kate 17-12-2003 04:54

Anti-Tatu Forum: Do you think we should make one?
Okey, please take this the right way!

I_Love_Yulia and I had an idea. Well, after the documentary has been released, the fan base kinda split. Some were disappointed, some still bear hope for Tatu. And those who are disapoined express their opinion and upset the remaining fans. Thus resulting in conflicts.

To avoid this, getting an Anti-Tatu forum seems like a good idea. "Seems" being the key word. In an Anti-Tatu forum I hope to see the same threads, but people will express their negative opinions there, thus leaving the Tatu forum more positive. And the remaining fans won't have to read comments that upset them if they don't want to. :gigi:

What do you think?

Vote above, please.


::NOTE Please:: If you vote "NO", can you please explain why? Thanks :rose:

nath 17-12-2003 05:57

I don't like the expression "Anti -Tatu"'s too general, too large ...
I mean if you're "anti-tatu" , you're against ALL Tatu who is against the songs of tatu here?....
For me it's a too strong and too categoric name...
If ther eis a part of the forum for all "the negative part " and another for all the "positive part" , where the discussion will be?.....
Where is the interest in speaking just with people who have the same idea than you..?...How could you progress and grown up in your reflection in this condition?....
I don't reject this idea ...but "Anti-Tatu" is a name , a concept that i dislike a little...
I think this concept should be more worked...i hope you'll understand my idea , here.

Kate 17-12-2003 06:01


I don't like the expression "Anti -Tatu"'s too general, too large ...
Probably you are right. We are just developing the idea. See how the members will take it.

What about "Negavite thought on Tatu"?

Any suggestions other then "Anti-Tatu Forum"?

DinoBora 17-12-2003 06:20

People VS Tatu Forum...

and really...if there is Anti-Tatu subforum on group's official webpage why not to organize similar one here...

Kate 17-12-2003 06:22

oblakovshtanah, you are a genious!! :rose: What do you think, people? I think oblako has a GREAT idea for the future name of the forum!!

thegurgi 17-12-2003 06:42

Hey, why not.

On the official tatu .ru boards there is an Anti-Tatu board... but call it what you want. go for it

haku 17-12-2003 06:49

I think it's a good idea to have a place where people who feel disappointed, deceived, even betrayed can express their views freely.

I've personally been called "humanly pathetic, cynical, quitter, hater, etc..." just because i made a few posts expressing how i was feeling about all this.

We have the right to feel hurt and express it.

That being said, i don't really like the anti name either. When i've been disappointed by something, i don't like being defined in relation to that thing, even to say that i don't like it. That's why i've simply removed any direct reference to the band in my avatar and sig.

Tatu stands for "this girl loves that girl", ironically that's what i loved, that's what they told us, and that's what i believed.

The thing that i don't like, it's not Tatu, it's what they've revealed which is fakery, deception and lies.

What i'd like to be able to debate is why they thought they had to pretend to be a lesbian couple to defend freedom of love, why they thought they had to sell a lie to prone honesty, and why, after having helped a lot of people who were struggling with their sexuality, they simply decided to shatter the image, crushing thousands of people in the process.

There has to be a reason right? Or were they just fed up with everything?

Kate 17-12-2003 06:54

haku, we are currently thinking of "People vs Tatu" for the future forum name. You can suggest one, too.

This idea of the forum came to me when I was talking to Rachel, who is also very disappointed by Tatu's actions. And I don't like to see people who've been so very devoted to tatu last week being hurt by the remaining fans for expressing their true feelings.

Hopefully this idea will come through...

Celtic Jobber 17-12-2003 06:55

If all the tATu-haters want a forum to yourselves, I say go for it!. And good riddance from invading the other tATu forums with your over-whelmingly negative remarks. :blabla:

irish22 17-12-2003 06:55

i don't think it is a great idea i mean i know you are mad and hurt i mean i am hurt but that is just mean. wait take sometime and see what esle comes out i mean this video could not even complety be true it could have be cut in spots planed or theer could be a follow up to it that may surprise you you just never know with these girls don't you know that by now. there maybe be some turth in there iamge of tatu that they are not showing you just don't know.

Kate 17-12-2003 06:59

irish22, yes, but for the time being people need to express themselves without hurting the remaining Tatu fans and without being hurt back. Plus, there are always people with negative opinions, and a forum like the one I am suggesting won't hurt.

nath 17-12-2003 07:13


Anti-Tatu Forum: Do YOU think we should have one? VOTE now!! - Think of all the benefits: less negative comments about Tatu on the actual Tatu forum, disappointed people get a place to express their feelings!
Hummm Kate are you trying to influence the vote? not very impartial all that... :D I'm just kidding Kate...truth...:rose:

Celtic Jobber...don't worry ..nobody hates Tatu's just because there a lot of emotional things in this relation with Tatu....but i'm sure there is no hate...just pain...
.or "lucid" visions and without concession concerning managment ....

"People vs Tatu" ..yes it's better ..but you have a great imagination Girls & Boys....may be more "Peolpe vs Tatu's ...something"....haha! you see what I mean?...

forre 17-12-2003 07:54

I don't think we need such a from. If a person is really upset, this person may start a thread, even if it's a bit depressing, or leave a comment in a current thread. Different points of view are appreciated. Hateful remarks pointing towards another member won't be tolerated anywhere. May it be Super t.A.T.u., Super Anti - t.A.T.u., whatever. It will be all the same actually but in different departments of the forum, practically we'll just have double threads on everything. Do we need that?

madeldoe 17-12-2003 08:01

lol k..upon 'demand' ive decided to actually give this idea some thought..and ive come to the conclusion that i dont really care. It's seemingly pointless, since the main goal of an 'anti' is to piss off the fans. Its evident that they derive some sort of pleasure and amusment from bringing fans down. So if they dont have anyone to 'drag down', then what would be the point?

Although I am intrigued as to how this anti forum will work out. lol Its main purpose is to bash a band that they dont even like? At this time sure, its seems appropriate, but in the long run anti's will get tired of 'swimming in their own shit'.

Then again, this is an rare opportunity for the true fans to turn the tables. *evil laugh* They could go into the forum and pester the hell out of the widdle anti's hehe If the anti forum was created i'd do my darndest to spread the volkova faith :D

Like everything in life..theres always two [or more] ways of looking at it. Either wont have an profound effect on moi, so i dont really care. lol :D

nath 17-12-2003 08:09

What about another forum for The collect the mix, the both parts synthese? ;)

haku 17-12-2003 08:28

Ok, to put a bit of humor into all this i suggest as a name the Anti-Tato forum. (Tato for this girl loves that boy) That kind of anti i can live with. :D
That's what they've become and, let's face it, that's one of the thing that pisses us off the most, the fact that they are not together, and with boys!

We loved we they were Ta Lyubit Tu. :)

forre 17-12-2003 08:32

haku, "To" means "It" in Russian. What are you implying there? :lol:

haku 17-12-2003 08:35


Originally posted by forre
haku, "To" means "It" in Russian. What are you implying there? :lol:
LOL, ok, my automatic translator sucks, what's the masculine of tu then? :D

That "it" innuendo is not that bad though :P "That girl loves it"? LOL

Edit: Ok, i think i've found it, the masculine is Tot isn't it? :D

Tatot? LOL I'm definitely anti-Tatot! :laugh:

Kate 17-12-2003 08:45

forre, but making a thread in the Tatu forum will make people ask "Why are you here if you don't like what they do?" And it's pretty hurtful. An forum like the one I am proposing will give people a greater freedom of words, and Tatu fans won't have to stumble across very mean remarks that pop-up here and there all the time due to the documantary. :rose:

forre 17-12-2003 08:47

haku, "Him" will be "Togo". Accusative case. The model with TaTu has one part in Nominative and another in Accusative to show the relation. That's why "togo" is the grammatical equivalent to "tu", when speaking about cases . While simply "he" is "on".

Edit: So "that" regarding masculine object will be "tot" in the Nominative case. Demonstrative pronouns are used in the group's names. So to make it clear after all explanations: "Togo" - demonstrative masculine pronoun in Accusative case.

*Puff* :dead:

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