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Synthetic 18-12-2002 21:22

"24" - The best show ever
All of you who are fortunate enough to have Fox should, no need to watch the show called 24 on Fox, Tuesdays at 9pm est. It's truly the best show I have ever seen, it's better than most movies. Any other 24 junkies out there? I almost cried one time this season when I missed an episode (not really, haha)!

For the uninitated, 24 is a show where each episode is one hour in real life and each season is one full day. The first season is already out on DVD and the second season is airing now on Fox. The show is more than a gimmick, though. The plot revolves around several sub-plots. There is Jack Bauer, a CTU (Counter Terrorist Unit) agent, who is the 'main' character, David Palmer, a black congressman running for President (in the first season), and Jack's daughter and wife Kim and Terri. The first season more or less revolves around Palmer and Jack's stories, while the second season branches off into more. Definitely a kick ass show! :done:

Kate 18-12-2002 21:26

They don't show 24 in New Zealand anymore.. :( I loved it, :)

Synthetic 18-12-2002 21:32

That's too bad!! If I lived in New Zealand I would be marching in the streets demanding 24!! :D

On a side note, now that I think about it, I almost did move to New wierd would that be? lol

Another thing I like about 24 is that it's on Tuesday helps the week go by faster. Ahh, the perfectly engineered show!

knz2 19-12-2002 00:41

Good show. It was over kinda fast. Did Terri die in the end, or was she just seriously knocked out??

Synthetic 19-12-2002 06:09

I don't wanna spoil it now :D

goku 17-01-2003 23:50

Hmm... 24 was OK....
But did you guys see Fox's Man vs Beast? OMG, what is this world coming to?
lol But i found it amusing...

ChewieDC 13-02-2003 23:09

I recently bought first season on DVD. Great show. I also downloaded first episode from second season...but it seems to me little boring :)
But I heard that next episodes are much greater.

PowerPuff Grrl 20-02-2003 04:01

I wouldn't say it's the best show. The season (both) tends to go through peaks and troughs when it comes to excitement. And sometimes, it just barely jumps the shark, but that Kim's doing, really.

God, I wish she just dies already. She's so helpless without a guy around.

Evil or not evil, I love Sherry.

Echoed 20-02-2003 04:49

I've seen a total of ONE episode of "24". It was alright, but I guess not to my taste, being that I don't appear to be hooked to it. *Laughs.*


Avalanche 23-02-2003 05:32

haha 24 kicks booty!

i wonder if this season will end at midnight like last season

Jan 23-02-2003 08:13

I saw the first one of the first season- wasn't too impressed. I guess seen all that- I may give it another shot...

Ralf 01-04-2003 03:02

My god, I love that show. I watch it religiously. Just got the first series on DVD and watched from beginning to end. George Mason is the best character ever, for god's sake. Xander Berkely is a genius! Nena deserves to die, though. Horrible woman. Yeah, Jack's brilliant, too - even better in the second series. Tough guy - fantastic! Love it.

Yeah, I'll shut up now. Feel free to elaborate on its fantasticity.

knz2 01-04-2003 06:32

24 is back in NZ now. I wasn't expecting a season to top 1, but this season is pretty good. Nina does evil well.

PowerPuff Grrl 03-04-2003 02:30

I know that President Palmer is not actually real, like duh!
But doesn't anybody fantasize him being the real President of the US. The way he carries himself, how he speaks, and what he says!!!

Goddamn, he makes President Bush seem like fucking Lucifer!
Not to mention a blubbering idiot.

Ah President Palmer, if only it were true.

QueenBee 05-04-2003 11:50

too bad I cant even watch it :(

bgirlnikki 07-04-2003 05:27

I never heard of it, I guess I have something else to get realy into.

PowerPuff Grrl 08-04-2003 00:48

Ok, it may sound good, but really it isn't all that.
The plot "twists" - or so they would like us to believe - are just pure crap.

The premise is great, the execution is horrendous.
Y'all ain't missing much.

The only thing you may be missing is the sexiest voice ever to come out of television.
That is of course the voice of the Keifer!!!

bgirlnikki 08-04-2003 00:50

I won't bother with it.
Never Mind.

PowerPuff Grrl
Are you giving me the evil eye?

PowerPuff Grrl 08-04-2003 21:21

Evil eye, what?!
I'm trying to smile, you should see me when I'm really angry.

bgirlnikki 08-04-2003 21:31

Trying to smile? Hahahahah.
Anyway, 24 is ok, I finaly watched it.

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