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Kate 28-02-2004 21:04

[The Last One] Tatu In Podnebesnaya. Release from 28.02.04. [aka Ep. 13]
Discussing the last episode of Podnebesnaya here.

[font=courier]>>[/font] Mini-Report from Artem. [font=courier]<<[/font] :rose: <-- to Atrem.

To sum it all up, they cancelled the normal broadcasting by promising the "forbidden clips".
On the 14th they will show something with the old songs.
But today they showed the start of Podnebesnaya (new year part) and the end of Podnebesnaya (Shap's fantasies).
Also they played a few (two, three) demos and showed the "forbidden clip". The forbidden clip was for Demyan's song "Protected by glasses" aka "Zaschischatsia Ochkami". Din't get what was so forbidden about it... either it was that the girls were using the metro (subway) or because Lena took her top off... anyway, let's wait for Hare to post the exclusive tracks.
One of the tracks can be downloaded from here:


News from Podnebesnaya Official Website:

Only [font=courier]21[/font] days left until the announcement of the new album's release date!!

QueenBee 28-02-2004 21:09

Oooh freaky.. ;)

Kate 28-02-2004 21:32

Added the report and "Zaschischatsia Ochkami" song as posted by Artem on the Russian forum. :D Thanks, Artem.

QueenBee 28-02-2004 21:39

WOW! Thanks for the report! *Speechless* Lena took her top off? People are gonna love this. I wonder what the end of Podnebesnaya looked like.. Shap's fantasies? :none:

I'm looking forward to seeing this.. If I ever do see it :D Hopefully somebody will be nice enough to bring us a server..

Thanks Artmen :rose:
And Kate :rose:

Edit: Oops, I'm so stupid. :D I didn't notice the link was to one of the songs.. thanks for that!

Kate 28-02-2004 21:43

Just a thought. In the KP article, they said that they will show the "virtual tour" with the old songs IF the new album won't be released and it'll mean that Tatu no longer exist. And here they said that they will show the tour on the 14th (the supposed released date), does it mean that Tatu will be over?

Oh, and I LOVED THE NEW SONG. It's sooo cool. FINALLY something good from Tatu.

I'll add the translated lyrics in a sec.

Unplugged 28-02-2004 21:44


Originally posted by QueenBee
Lena took her top off? People are gonna love this.
:yes: :liplick:


Shap's fantasies? :none:
:lol: Maybe he mentioned you, Queenski :gigi:

Thanks, Kate! :D :done:

haku 28-02-2004 21:46

Thanks katbeidar and artem :rose:


Originally posted by QueenBee
Lena took her top off? People are gonna love this. :yes:
:D :liplick: :lalala: :dead:

That being said, i was expecting that "forbidden clip" to be something much more ground shaking than Lena taking her top off LOL.

I just listened to the song and well, they sound nice, not a potential hit, but nice.

TaTuDrEaMeR 28-02-2004 21:47

Thankz katbeidar....God I love the song its so good, its just something new with a great beat...they sound so the song

About the episode hehe Lena taking her top off lol noing new about that, I mean i know Yulia does it and isnt afraid to do it but noing new if Lena does it...cant wait to see the episode...

Hope the album comes out cuz i think it would be great espacially if this song is in it =)

Bitty2002 28-02-2004 21:50

Now when you say she took her top off, I am assuming she wasn't wearing a bra, since they RARELY do, but I just wanted to be sure. Because, if it was just showing her bra...*rolls eyes* this was such a publicity stunt. If it was that Lena was nude, still a publicity stunt. If it was that Lena was nude and didn't want anyone to see that, and Ivan fought to keep from being shown, but now Lena agreed for whatever makes me wonder why Ivan would have fought so hard for Lena unless he actually cared about her feelings. OR one again all a publicity stunt. I think we should add the word tatu to our dictionaries and put the definition of it as "publicity stunts"

Unplugged 28-02-2004 21:53


I am assuming she wasn't wearing a bra, since they RARELY do
:laugh: Yeah, that's true... Well, I hope she wasn't wearing one :lalala:

BTW: this was the "forbidden clip"? :rolleyes:

Kate 28-02-2004 21:54

Zaschischatsya Ochkami translated LYRICS:

This is your land,
This is your country,
It is your love,
It is your soul.

This is your moon,
This is your star,
It is your night,
It is yours forever [?]

It is my game,
That fixed the clouds,
The sky is halfed,
I'll give you the sun.

I will... I will protect myself with glasses... protect myself with glasses...

This is your [?]
This is your curve,
It is your storm,
They are your colors.

This is yours, mine,
This is your simplicity,
It is my fantasy,
It is your only.

It is my game,
That fixed the clouds,
The sky is halfed,
I'll give you the sun.

I will... I will protect myself with glasses... protect myself with glasses...

It is my game,
That fixed the clouds,
The sky is halfed,
I'll give you the sun.

I will... I will protect myself with glasses... protect myself with glasses...

I... I...

It is my game,
That fixed the clouds,
The sky is halfed,
I'll give you the sun.

I will... I will protect myself with glasses... protect myself with glasses...

It is my game,
That fixed the clouds,
The sky is halfed,
I'll give you the sun.

I will... I will protect myself with glasses... protect myself with glasses...

It's... I...


Artem 28-02-2004 21:55


itsme22 28-02-2004 21:57

Their vocals are good in the song, and I like the melody of their vocal, but I'm not so sure about the music. I think they could use Horn's help to make the song work better.

TaTuDrEaMeR 28-02-2004 21:59

Um I like the song the way it is expect the sound of the metro and the end where some guy is talking but other than that i love the song the way it is

Unplugged 28-02-2004 22:00

As for the song, I love the parts where they say "Zaschischatsia Ochkami".. But this is just a demo, right?

Kate 28-02-2004 22:03

I think that I like the song cuz it's not random, and it has a little special something in it. Not so much love for the vocals though... Julia and Lena are not singing very synchronically in the chorus... :hmmm:

TaTuDrEaMeR, there is a sound of the metro cuz the song was ripped from the music video, and the girls are using the metro in it.

Mossopp 28-02-2004 22:04

I can't download that track. I can only get the first 7 seconds of it. :(

TaTuDrEaMeR 28-02-2004 22:09

Ohh okay...didn't know that :lalala:... thankz i wanna see the vid...wish i lived in Russia to see all the episodes already shown and eveything else about em

Mossopp 28-02-2004 22:15

Can anyone suggest a reason as to why I cannot download this track? The 7 seconds of it that I managed to get sounded kinda cool and I wanna hear the rest.

itsme22 28-02-2004 22:18

the same thing happened to me, but when I downloaded it again it worked fine

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