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Yulia_Fan 23-04-2003 20:18

Fanfic - so far untitled
hey everyone :)

i have written a fanfic of my own and was wondering if i could post it directly here? i notice that other people have posted their stories on websites but i would rather just have mine here in the forum, is that allowed? :dknow:

well let me know and i will post the first chapter so u guys can let me know what u think :hmmm:

(PS: please do not compare me to the fantastic writers in this forum, this is my first fanfic and i assure u that it needs a lot of work! :bum: )

EDIT: just looked through all the rules that i could find and it seems ok for me to post my fanfic directly here. i am not very happy with the first chapter, chapters two and three are more impressive however currently they are only in rough and are hand written. please give me feedback on this, it would b very much appreciated :done:

EDIT: fanfic can be found here:

skrtfntcwu 23-04-2003 22:09


i like the fic. it's quite good actually (since u were worried).

when's the rest gonna be up?


oh ps: u might want to email ripptyd.. she usually posts up fics on her site. she be cool. let me know what happens :)


surferchickSD 23-04-2003 23:51

yeah its good you should keep writing!

pacmangirl 24-04-2003 02:42

:yes: More more more :done:

daydreamer0102 24-04-2003 03:22 more!!(when u have time, of course!) :)

YLuelniaa 24-04-2003 03:40

wow......that was good ....more please

parrish122 24-04-2003 06:00

I like it!

I'd say I was surprised that you were insecure over it, but I know how *I* get about my writing. :)

More, please!


Yulia_Fan 24-04-2003 06:27

...for all ur replies guys :D

i have written chapter two, its just needs to b typed up, might do it this evening if i have time. :)


thanks alot for the idea... i might email her tonight :)

YLuelniaa 24-04-2003 18:28

more please.....dont make us wait tooooo long for the 3rd chapter.....

lem0n 24-04-2003 18:42

great stuff
I can't wait to read chapter three. I always wanted to write something, you have no idea how many times I have started and not gotten beyond the first sentence. Kudos to you for having the balls to write and the guts to put it up here for other people to read =)

I think you have real talent


Yulia_Fan 24-04-2003 18:45

wow, thanks alot LemOn :D

from now on, i think i will be posting my story on Ripptyds site, but i'll post here when there is an update :)

YLuelniaa, chapter three is coming soon :D right now tho, history essay beckons :(

lem0n 24-04-2003 18:50

be sure to !!! I wouldn't want to miss what happens next =)

dare2dream28 24-04-2003 18:53

*chants* Chapter 3! Chapter 3! LOL Great writing!!!!! Can't wait for the next update!! :D

Yulia_Fan 24-04-2003 18:58

hehehe... :D thanks alot guys :D

YLuelniaa 24-04-2003 18:58

ugh...why must we suffer because of school work...its just not RIGHT....

but ok.......i suppose

smilie faces 24-04-2003 19:12

awesome fic..!!
i'll just sit here and wait.. and wait.. and wait..
you got it ! :)

YLuelniaa 25-04-2003 18:27

uhh shoot.......more please...*sighs* has to wait again!

Ripptyd 25-04-2003 19:32

The fic is now up at the site. :)
Just Chapter 1 & 2 though. No 3 yet.

Yulia_Fan 26-04-2003 18:30

chapter Three...
...has been emailed to Ripptyd :) hope u enjoy it

Ripptyd 26-04-2003 18:51

Chapter 3 is up! :)

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