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Sean Jon 07-01-2007 23:55 Forum Awards 2006 > Discussion
It's about that time, maybe a bit late but who cares, for the annual Tatysite Awards. Welcome to the 5th year!

Since it's already January and it's a bit late, we'll begin the nomination process in a week, on 15 January to be exact, and begin voting in February. Until then, look over last years categories and see if there are any other categories that you would enjoy seeing, or taken out.

Leave your suggestions after the beep.

Here were last years categories:

1- Best Female Member of the Year
The female member you have appreciated the most this year.
2- Best Male Member of the Year
The male member you have appreciated the most this year.
3- Hottest Female Member
The female member you find the most attractive.
4- Hottest Male Member
The male member you find the most attractive.
5- Best Newcomer
The member who joined this year that is your favourite.
6- Most Supportive Member
The member who has been the most helpful to other members on a personal level.
7- Most Creative Member
The member who created the best works of art, the most original topics, etc...
8- Most Entertaining Member
The member who has been the most entertaining (duh, lol).
9- Most Controversial Member
The member who has caused the most controversies.
10- Best Statement Maker
The member who has made the best posts.
11- Best Low Profile Member
The member who, even though they don't post much, you appreciate for their good personality.
12- Special Mention
Any member you think deserves to be mentioned but didn't belong in any other category.
13- Horniest Member
The member who shows their lust (probably for Yulia or Lena) the most.
14- Weirdest Member
The member who strikes you the most as really odd.
15- Biggest Post Whore
The member who posts the most.
16- Most Addicted to this Forum
The member who spends the most time here.
17- Most Missed Member
The member you regret the most among all of those who have left.
18- Best Moderator
The moderator you think has done the best job.
19- Best Avatars
The member who has had the best avatars
20- Best Signature
The member who has had the best signatures.
21- Best Nickname
The member whose nickname you like the most.
22- Most Annoying Member
The member who you find the most annoying.
23- The best humour
The member you think has the best humour.

crazy malchik 08-01-2007 00:02

1- Best Female Member of the Year

QueenBeeeeeee... Awwwwwwww! :D :wantkiss:

QueenOfLesbania 09-01-2007 17:52

in that case.. *deletes noms*
nah, i got nothing

haku 09-01-2007 18:20

People, we're not nominating yet. :p This thread is to tell if you agree with the categories, would want one trashed or a new one added, etc. Nominations will start later in another thread.

Vicente 09-01-2007 18:28

Ok, sorry :)

Yes, good categories

nath 09-01-2007 18:31

*deleted*...oops sorry :(
10- Best Statement Maker
I suggest that 2 different categories would be made here:
Best statement about tatu
Best Statement about general subjects.

crazy malchik 09-01-2007 18:56

Oh ok, then I'm just talking about my friend. :D

Winkie 09-01-2007 21:45

I agree.. :p

Sahar 09-01-2007 22:11

oh god, I'm probably the most annoying member XD

Winkie 09-01-2007 22:19

Can't be, that's me already, I just know :p

forre 09-01-2007 22:51

I never liked negative categories such as:
14- Weirdest Member
22- Most Annoying Member

So my suggestion is to turn them into something more positive as for instance:
14- The E.T. Member
The member who strikes you the most as a bit odd.
22- Slap-my-butt Member
The member who tends to provoke in either way.

the unforgiven 09-01-2007 22:55


Originally Posted by forre
14- The E.T. Member
The member who strikes you the most as a bit odd.
22- Slap-my-butt Member
The member who tends to provoke in either way.

LMAO @ that
I second those categories and all the other ones

Leni 10-01-2007 17:34

Yeah I think that the negative ones should go - at least the "annoying memeber". And the "weirdest" can be a bit harsh too.

There could be something like "the most original member" (someone who stands out from the rest with his/her style)

Dj_Volk 10-01-2007 19:21

1- Best Female Member of the Year
3- Hottest Female Member
6- Most Supportive Member
13- Horniest Member
18- Best Moderator

Racheeeeeeeeeeel :D
Finally... im here again

RowerB 10-01-2007 21:49


Originally Posted by forre
I never liked negative categories such as:
14- Weirdest Member
22- Most Annoying Member

The second one only started last year forre.

Anyway, I think these categories should stay. It would give people who have been gagged by the threat of a ban, the opportunity to say what they think of a member who has been nothing but a pain all year.

the unforgiven 10-01-2007 23:16

Dj_Volk, glad to see you here *huuuugs*


Originally Posted by Tatutaty
21- Best Nickname
The member whose nickname you like the most.

stupid question but, it's just the nickname or the nickname + the custom user title? huh?

Rachel 10-01-2007 23:18

Just the nickname :)

Dj_Volk, I :heart: you!

Sean Jon 11-01-2007 21:46

Alright, so this is forre's post. State whether you agree to it or not.


never liked negative categories such as:
14- Weirdest Member
22- Most Annoying Member

So my suggestion is to turn them into something more positive as for instance:
14- The E.T. Member
The member who strikes you the most as a bit odd.
22- Slap-my-butt Member
The member who tends to provoke in either way.
Also, nath stated that there should be a 'Best Statement Maker' category. I don't think we should have 2 subcategories so let's just leave it at that. Do you guys agree with this idea as well?

RowerB 11-01-2007 23:12

I disagree with forre. Leave those categories as they are.

nath 12-01-2007 06:18


Originally Posted by Tatutaty
I don't think we should have 2 subcategories so let's just leave it at that. Do you guys agree with this idea as well?

Could you develop and explain why you're opposed to this idea Tatutaty ?

I was thinking about those 2 different categories for 1 reason:
*for example, on a personal level, I think there is a member who makes very good comments about tatu BUT I won't never vote for this person as a Best Statement Maker just because I deeply disagree with some of its comments about general subjects.

So I think it's a little a pity...and a little unfair because I think that this person deserves really a mention about its great knowledge and good vision about tatu.

*At the opposite, there are some members who never make "deep" analysis about tatu but who have great statements about society, about politics, about ....
If I vote for these persons, I would seem really ridiculous in voting for the Best Statement of Tatysite...:(

Tatysite is a special forum: it isn't a forum JUST about the group has a very LARGE part about Society threads too.

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