Unofficial forum of group TATU

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protoman2k1 26-10-2003 09:08

Forum Undermoderated?
Lately it seems that the mods at the tatu thread are gone, we have people calling each other dumb@sses, Igor ur an awsome moderator, try to fix this please!!! its turning into a big old chatroom
Edit: Sorry if anyone gets mad, its just being hectic over there to much chat and we have someone calling someone else names, but sorry if anyone gets mad hopefully not:rose:

Mossopp 26-10-2003 14:14

I don't think the forum is undermoderated. I think the problem is that it used to be overmoderated and now the rules have been relaxed somewhat so it sometimes seems like things are getting out-of-hand.
Personally, I prefer the forum as it is now. I'll admit that there's no need for name-calling but this happens very rarely. I do find it annoying when threads on the tATu board "turn into a chat room" but, again, this doesn't happen very often. And I think both these things are a small price to pay in order to avoid another rehash of all the conflict and ill-feelings that happened a while ago when several members were banned for spurious reasons.

Igor 26-10-2003 14:22

За что боролись на то и напоролись.

Mossopp 26-10-2003 16:48

Huh? :spy:

Kate 26-10-2003 22:22


За что боролись на то и напоролись.
Translation: You got what you fought for.


Complete freedom? Isn't that what you guys wanted?

crni 26-10-2003 22:24


Complete freedom? Isn't that what you guys wanted?
freedom? yes.....but chaos? hmmm.....*shakes head*

QueenBee 26-10-2003 22:49

I didn't even notice there was a fight going on (plus I don't even know what thread you are talking about), but I am happy with the way things are now. I feel more relaxed than before where I had to think twice before posting something out of fear of being banned.. But as Mossopp said, this doesn't happen often and I feel that this forum is 1000 times better than it used to be.

nath 27-10-2003 00:17

I remember when the tatu's part of this forum closed...I remember I was deeply, deeply SAD....

I don't think there are new members who could be the cause of new problems , here...
We know each other, now..we know our characters, our personnalities....
So, do you think "more moderators" is the TRUE SOLUTION?... I know personnally some mods.....I know what they feel when they have to "censure", to delete parts of posts, to try to calm the things.....I know it isn't a thing they like to do....because they are as you and me....they are sentimentally attached to this site, to its members....
I know their words or even the physicall aspect , the grimace of sadness of one of them when they see that a new INUTILE PROBLEM arrives on the site and they have to "sanction"....and when they say "Oh! noooo...".....

May be , we all might try to take OUR OWN RESPONSABILITIES.......
1/Sometimes, we could be tired and write things knowing that could create bad when we realise that, why not try to repare our mistakes...and give apologies if we know , deep inside, we have to do them....?
2/Others people like the free those, I'll say: if you like this site...just remember what happened in July.....if you like this site ...just try to think to the CONSEQUENCES of your posts...the consequences , not for "your own EGO"..but the consequences for TATYSITE..

3/If people feel they are victims of injustice, or slandering...why enter in this stupid game?...why answer to the procovation on the site?...why not to try to be more intelligent than those who makes freely provocation?...

I mean , in this case, why not to try to find a solution with PM to the person who "agressed" you?...or to try to send a PM to the mods, explaining the situation...?

I love this site ...I don't want it closes again for stupid causes or personal quarrels.

It is not always the one which says the last word which is right inevitably... sometimes, when one answers to the provocation only by silence and ignorance, that proves perhaps just which one is more mature than the other...

So..there are ,on Tatysite, really GREAT and KIND PEOPLE...I would like to have the pleasure to read their posts for A LONG , LONG TIME AGAIN....
I know the majority of people is intelligent people , here.... I trust in you....because I don't want that TATYSITE DEADS....
So please, think to the consequences of your acts and words and posts BEFORE.....NOT AFTER, when it wll be TOO LATE....
and remember that when you hurt someone, there are always scars which remain.

We do not need sorrow or pain,here, we have just need to be happy be happy to meet each other, when we connect on Tatysite....Let's be intelligent for US....

taty994945 27-10-2003 00:31

I am very happy with the state of the forum atm.

spyretto 27-10-2003 00:50

yeah, I noticed seems the mods got bored of having to moderate the forum. They weren't the most ardent fans of Tatu anyway...

ok, lets start a tremendous row to bring them back!

just kidding...I think that the state of the forum is quite civilised still

haku 27-10-2003 04:31

I think the forum is moderated just fine. I'm happy as it is now. :)

And we have coolasfcuk to beep the bad words. Heee heee :gigi:

coolasfcuk 27-10-2003 04:58


And we have coolasfcuk to beep the bad words. Heee heee
would you prefere me to leave them there?
Read sunwalk's post .. thanks for posting that nath ..all of it.

there will always be unhappy people... if it's strictly moderated.... it is bad... if it not so strict... it is bad again :dknow: why sunwalks's post (yes again) and think about it....

haku 27-10-2003 05:34


I was not implying that you shouldn't do it. Like i said, i think the forum is moderated just fine right now. I have no complaints. I was joking about the bad words because words are just words to me, i never feel insulted by words.

[edited because it was a misunderstanding :) ]

coolasfcuk 27-10-2003 05:47

haku, no no... I wasnt saying it in a bad way... it was more like a joke to your joke.... words are just words to me too, but in a public place which has rules.... there has to be some order, so the place is 'good' for all people :)

to sum whats already been said very nicely: this is a public place... and everybody has a responsibility to follow the rules... mods out of their own free will agreed to do some of the 'dirty' work, but people should realize that we are all one big group of people here, and everybody is responsible for the forum's well being :done:

xena225 27-10-2003 09:03


Originally posted by coolasfcuk
people should realize that we are all one big group of people here, and everybody is responsible for the forum's well being
Very well said, I agree completely. :yes:

I like the way the forum is right now - just the right amount of "modding" (in my opinion). :done:


goku 28-10-2003 01:28

Hehe.. Our modding is subtle but effective.

I agree that there will always be unhappy people. We edit too much, or we edit too little, sometimes both at the same time! But from the sounds of a few of you it seems we are on track. Any input helps though. Help us help you. :)

teeny 28-10-2003 19:31


But from the sounds of a few of you it seems we are on track.
Yep.. as far as I am concerned the moderating job is nearly perfect at the time :rose:
I can't put my finger at anything that could be done in another way at the moment. At least at what I've seen. I'm happy as it is right now:D

Lena410 28-10-2003 19:58

I'm happy with how the forum is right now. It's not under nor over moderated at the moment. Great job guys. *smile*

goku 30-10-2003 00:02

Glad to hear it. :)

Still, it would be perfect if Kate (old admin) were still here... She comes every now and then. I guess I still haven't gotten over it, haha..

xena225 15-11-2003 01:05

I'm actually pretty pissed right now at how three mods weren't able to keep the thread "t.A.T.u. Official Photo Book" on topic and furthermore avoid the attacks and trolling going on there for hours.

It took Echoed 5 minutes when she finally arrived to sort this mess out.

Thank god for Echoed.


teeny 15-11-2003 01:13

Agreed.. thank you for closing down the thread, echoed.
I tried remaining on-topic, but I failed. I guess enough was enough, and I couldn't remain silent. Hopefully I'll be better at ignoring remarks in the future.. at least I'll work at it.

Lux 15-11-2003 01:20

i think mods here do a good job overall, but when unexpected circumstances appear, they are slow to extinguish the flames. when one individual or any group of individuals start going off topic and provoking others to bashing each other, it destroys the thread. this sort of thing should not be tolerated and when it starts happening i think mods should be quick to the rescue.

after all, i love this place. it would be sad to see it go to hell on the whims of people eager to get into the mode of criticizing everything someone else says just for their own amusement. not to mention, the "statement of one's opinion" i feel is stretched as far as possible. there's a difference between stating one's opinion and doing so purely to provoke someone else into disagreement, if not anger.

i realize that certain issues are touchy, but in the recent threads healthy debates are not executed. i believe people are arguing for the sake of getting a rise out of others. when people start aiming "opinions" [stated to be about tatu but really having almost nothing to do with them] at each other then things will go to hell. at least, if it continues. mod[s] to the rescue.


Kate 15-11-2003 01:45

I am sorry for commenting on negative remarks aimed at me. I tried not to start the fight, but I had no defend myself, I guess.

I had a good time, anyway. It's nice to spice things up from time to time. But, good things come in small packages, so the thread was closed. :p

freddie 15-11-2003 02:05

I think that the end off every good discusion soon follows when people are starting to state their opinions as facts. Things like "this new song sucks", "all tatu music is crap"...I mean that kind of discusion is for kindergarden. This is a DISCUSION forum. And when people will start to state offtopic non-sense then of course there will be others trying to dismiss it and voila! we have an offtopic discusion with "facts" flying around everywhere. The sad part it that some people that should enforce discipline areound this place are adding additional fuel to the fire in the good old tradition of Lets not treat eachother that way. The only way to prevent this is not by blaming the mods, specific members or whoever. We all have to change our ways and stop with the sarcasm and nonsense discusions about wheater or not Tatu girls are talented or not and wheater their music is any good or not. Maybe this isn't an actual "fan" forum, but it is a forum about the group tatu. There are bound to be fans of the group in majority here. And to say that tatu music sucks (in a topic that's not even meant for that) without any explanation whatsoever is just rude.

spyretto 15-11-2003 02:37


I'm actually pretty pissed right now at how three mods weren't able to keep the thread "t.A.T.u. Official Photo Book" on topic and furthermore avoid the attacks and trolling going on there for hours.
Hmm, now you're criticising the fact that the thread wasn't closed straight away? What do we want? do we want freedom of expression of freedom of moderation?

The thread went a bit off-topic, true, but it was pretty funny to read. Closure came in the right time also. ( before becoming too ugly )

As far as I'm concerned, the moderation was flawless and the thread great. It was so boring lately.

:coctail: That's to more firey discussions for the future.

haku 15-11-2003 02:57

I think what's happening on this forum is pretty clear.

This forum used to be over moderated. Then some "events" happened, we all know them. The forum was closed, then reopened with almost no moderation.

Obviously, some people in charge here thought that with no moderation this forum would crumble into chaos. That didn't happen. Members were enjoying themselves, discussing and having fun in good spirit. (Of course, some might call that boring.)

That was not the way it was supposed to go.

Then, a few weeks ago, a well known member of this forum, friend of the people in charge, reappeared under a new name and started to make inflammatory remarks all over the forum.

Can you say "agent provocateur"?

Of course, most people here being fans, they can't resist the urge to reply and defend Tatu. Chaos incurs, and we can see the people in charge cheering and saying it's great to see the forum "alive" again.

Now they have us exactly where they wanted us, begging for more moderation.

The best way to go for the fans would probably be to ignore that agent provocateur. I know it's not easy, i was unable to do it myself tonight.

coolasfcuk 15-11-2003 03:19


Originally posted by haku
I think what's happening on this forum is pretty clear.
I think it is not - so please, let me try to clear things up a little...


Obviously, some people in charge here thought that with no moderation this forum would crumble into chaos. That didn't happen. Members were enjoying themselves, discussing and having fun in good spirit. (Of course, some might call that boring.)
now the first part - there is no one, absolutelly no one from the mods that thought/wanted the forum to crumble .... people even went 'out of their way' so that the forum stayed.
second - since it is pretty obvious this is aimed in a way at me - do you see me on the forum :confused: posting every day?? Do I look bored?? wow ... let me state it loud and clear - i love this place.


Then, a few weeks ago, a well known member of this forum, friend of the people in charge, reappeared under a new name and started to make inflammatory remarks all over the forum.
not that it is really any of your business who is friends with who... but just because... I will let you know about myself - I dont know 'that person' you're talking about at all.


Of course, most people here being fans, they can't resist the urge to reply and defend Tatu. Chaos incurs, and we can see the people in charge cheering and saying it's great to see the forum "alive" again.
I will comment again, since this is also aimed at my post ... first of all - it was posted in the 'middle' of the thread - 2-3 pages before the end.... also - obviouslly misunderstood - I was happy people were discussing again, because really - even with the concerts comming and all that - thread would get like a page maybe 2 max of comments... and with yesterday's new song thread and today's 'naked' news all over the place - everybody seemed to be 'out' again and posting (regardless of how and what) ... so , yes, it felt 'alive'.


Now they have us exactly where they wanted us, begging for more moderation.
actually, no, personally me - I'd rather you not begging me for more moderation ... I'd rather people look at themselves first before they start 'stabing' the 'easy' targets first .. yeah, crusify me now - to quote someone from some t.A.T.u. thread - "it is easy to bash, isn't it"

taty994945 15-11-2003 03:28

gotta admit, this whole debacle is pretty funny :p

xena225 15-11-2003 03:34

That was an interesting post, haku, and the more I think about it the more I agree.


Originally posted by haku
Then, a few weeks ago, a well known member of this forum, friend of the people in charge, reappeared under a new name and started to make inflammatory remarks all over the forum.
Can you say "agent provocateur"?
It's really sad that people always allow themselves to be baited, but I guess being a fan you can only take so much. I try to ignore such posts, and I'm always sad to see people taking the bait and discussions deteriorating into off-topic screaming matches.


Originally posted by haku
Now they have us exactly where they wanted us, begging for more moderation.
I do not want more moderation. I want moderation where it's needed. Look at Echoed. She came, she saw, and everything was under control within minutes. It is possible to avoid a debacle like that.


Originally posted by haku
The best way to go for the fans would probably be to ignore that agent provocateur. I know it's not easy, i was unable to do it myself tonight.
Yes, we could try and remind people to keep a cool head. And keep the cool head ourselves. :)

Moderators, please: This is just hypothetical, but should you feel the need to "spice things up", to make the forum "alive" (which was definitely not needed tonight), please keep in mind that this can backfire, as it did tonight. The peace was disrupted, and the debate got ugly and out of hand. The thread was closed. Please try and keep the peace here, so we can have controversial, yet civilized debates.

Thank you.


haku 15-11-2003 03:46

coolasfcuk, actually this was not directed at you. We all know who the friend is, and it's not you, i knew that when i made my post.

I never saw the post you mentioned, i stopped reading that thread after my last post in it. I was thinking about other posts before mine from you, yes, but other people aswell, and in other threads too! Unfortunately, it's not the first one to be brought down by that agent provocateur.

Right now, that agent provocateur is continuing to "spice things up" in another thread. You're not in it. I'm not in it. The show goes on anyway.

To support my point:

Originally posted by Fidget
But the only people who want to see Julia's boobs are Tatu fans! Trust me, they are not a pretty sight. There are far more sexier boobs out there that Julia's two small flat pan-cakes..

If you are a boy, and think Julia's boobs are pretty, you might as well not respond to this post. This is not a thread for boob discussion. I'm an exception. Why? Because I made this forum happen.

Originally posted by Fidget
I find your remarks offensive. I stated my opinion that Julia's breasts are ugly. Ok?

And I am not "supposedly" streight. I am streight!! If I am going to recieve another comment like that, I'll turn to Igor. Do I go around stating that you are supposedly "lesbian"?

I just f*cking stated my opinion, and you made such a big deal out of it! For f*cks sake, woman! Pull yourself together!

Originally posted by Fidget
I don't have a problem with people being GAY! OK? (Hey, that rhymes).

I don't want to be one of them, though, cuz an idea of two women having sex sickens me.

Originally posted by Fidget
man+woman is natural. Woman and woman is not. So... i am traditional person. I have no problems with lesbians... it's hard to explain why I find them offensive though...

Originally posted by Fidget
Thank everyone who participated in this fantastic arguement. Dunno 'bout you, but I had fun.

Thank you.

*curtain closes*

That sure was a fun and lively friday night on tatysite. :none:

Echoed 15-11-2003 06:51

As spyretto mentioned, that thread was probably closed when it should have been. I was simply around at that point.

We moderators do what we can, and it's often debatable on what we should or should not do. However, all I ask is a bit of maturity from everyone. Gosh, darn it. :P


Kate 15-11-2003 09:09

Before you guys tell on me, take at least one hard look at yourselves. Look beyooooong the words you said to me. :) You do that with Tatu lyrics and photos, do it for the well being of this forum. Ok?

forre 15-11-2003 11:05

Echoed, Nothing has happened. There was absolutely no reason to panic. That's all. People have to get some playground from time to time. Undermoderation, overmoderation! He-he .. go and try to find your own "golden middle".

Kate 15-11-2003 11:07

forre, agreed. Like I said, you can't possibly please everyone. Especially when you start to take sides, it get ugly... :bum:

We are all only human. We should treat each other with respect first, to recieve respect. :heh: A rule I try to follow most of the time. (I fail constantly)

teeny 15-11-2003 11:26


Echoed, Nothing has happened. There was absolutely no reason to panic. That's all. People have to get some playground from time to time.
I agree when one states opinions only. But the discussion itself could have taken place in another thread. No need to mention opinions about lyrics in a Photobook thread, when there's another thread about "Nichya" already opened. And no need go to the level we reached yesterday.

xena225 15-11-2003 12:52


Originally posted by forre
Echoed, Nothing has happened.
Kinda sad that a moderator sees it this way. I am not surprised then that these threads went downhill, with moderators watching from the sidelines with folded hands. Playground? We are no children, and you are not our supervisor. You are here to moderate, to keep the peace. To serve the forum, as it were, to quote Echoed.


Originally posted by TLFdk
And no need go to the level we reached yesterday.
Absolutely no need at all. Too bad there seems to be only one moderator on the English forum who realizes that.


nath 15-11-2003 13:13

Cool...I like you very much: you'e a Great Mod ! Kiss

forre 15-11-2003 13:31


Originally posted by xena225
Kinda sad that a moderator sees it this way. I am not surprised then that these threads went downhill, with moderators watching from the sidelines with folded hands. Playground? We are no children, and you are not our supervisor. You are here to moderate, to keep the peace. To serve the forum, as it were, to quote Echoed.

People die every fourth minitute in the world - that is sad, for sure. Some discussions those got wild without calling names but stating the opinions only are fine. This is your freedom of speech. Take it or leave it.

Of course I'm not a supervisor thus no actions from my side. Or do we want some?

nath 15-11-2003 14:00

Just one question Xena225.....What REALLY did hurt you in this thread?..
...The fact that people didn't respect the rules in staying on topic? - They spoke about lyrics in a thread about future pics that nobody saw....
...or the fact that some people could not believe that Lena & Yulia are living a wonderfull and romantic love story and that they sing just to claim their incredible love for each other?..
....I was just asking the question to myself....

teeny 15-11-2003 14:14


What REALLY did hurt you in this thread?..
That the forum rules don't seem to apply to everyone at the forum. I understand that some people feels that the rules don't apply to them at all. The statements (at least some of them) could have been placed in another thread and it would be more fitting.
Do we like the fact that a discussion was started in the picture thread, just because there couldn't be much said about the pictures so far? No.. it's still a problem.

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