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|capricious| 12-03-2003 17:43

"Lost And Delirious" - Movie about 2 schoolgirls in love
Hey. I'm wondering if someone in here have seen "Lost and Delirious"? So I can disuss the movie with someone.

PowerPuff Grrl 12-03-2003 22:20

Well, I have.
Hee, it's Canadian.

Anyhoo, I probably would've liked the movie more had it not refer to Shakespeare oh-so many times.

Nonetheless, it was a nice film.

|capricious| 13-03-2003 07:02

Yeah, and the end was not good either.

YLuelniaa 13-03-2003 08:42

i saw it...and umm i didn't like it..too a bad way..they went way overboard for me

|capricious| 13-03-2003 17:24

yeah..I thought it was going to be better before I had seen it. Well well.. so do you have any movie to recommend?

YLuelniaa 13-03-2003 20:02

Have you seen the movie Aimee & that is a great movie..based on a true story about two women that fall for each other during the Holocoust (sp) and one women is Jewish and the other women is the wife of a Nazi Soldier...

Also its in German so if you dont understand it you will be reading subtitleds..

But I highly recommend this movie!

PowerPuff Grrl 14-03-2003 01:16

Regarding the same genre as L&D, I recommend Mulholland Drive. It's from David Lynch, so you know you're not going to get the movie, just enjoy it for what it is.

As well, Heavenly Creatures. But that one is kind of sad as well.

For more recs you could always check out the Best Gay Movies Thread .

Uhaku 14-03-2003 01:35

Mullholand Drive is just GREAT. although it takes forever to understand this lynch's film.

PowerPuff Grrl 14-03-2003 02:52


Originally posted by uhaku
Mullholand Drive is just GREAT. although it takes forever to understand this lynch's film.
I think it is the best film he has ever done. That is saying a lot, yo.

I honestly don't think you are supposed to understand it.
In any case, can you please submit your interpretation of the movie.

Mine is that the entire movie consists of fragments of Diane's dream right before she dies (it is at the beginning so I'm not spoiling it for people who haven't seen the movie). The dream in question is made up of elements from her reality. Of course this allows excuses for the movie not to make sense. I personally think that Diane is dreaming in the second half of the movie, the first half is a dream within the dream of the second half.
Whoa... yeah alright I think I make sense.

Uhaku 14-03-2003 06:35


Originally posted by PowerPuff Grrl
Mine is that the entire movie consists of fragments of Diane's dream right before she dies (it is at the beginning so I'm not spoiling it for people who haven't seen the movie). The dream in question is made up of elements from her reality. Of course this allows excuses for the movie not to make sense. I personally think that Diane is dreaming in the second half of the movie, the first half is a dream within the dream of the second half.
Whoa... yeah alright I think I make sense.

:) well, u ask for my interpretation. here is mine. a little different from urs though.

i think the first half of the film was diane's dream. and the second half was the reality which lead right to her death at the end. right after she opened that blue box, a pandora box, i think, she woke up from her dream (so did the audiences) and reality kicked in.

the first half was the dream she relived it in the way she wanted it to be. happy, successful and in love. while in reality, everything was just the opposite. while i didn't understand why certain side characters acted the way they did in the film, i didn't think it was that important. (but i'm sure Lynch had his reasons for it). because in the end, i think Lynch had successfully made a good point about this film. it's a tragic love story. simple as it may sound, the impression i got after watching it was like i just watched someone's real life falling apart. the film was full of nothing that made sense, but the second half made it all seemed real. the pain felt real to me.

one thing i heard though was that the old couple Diane met at the airport was her parents. as u could see in the first half of the movie, they were strangers to each other, but had nice conversation/casual relationship together. (this could be the way Diane wanted her relationship with her parents) while, in the second half, the old couple came to haunt her and lead to her suicide. it just made sense if the old couple were there to tell something about Diane's childhood. maybe her parents were treating her bad? maybe they were the reason that made Diane grew up to be so insecure? i'm not sure. it's just a thought. only Lynch has the answer to everything!!! :D

Edit to say: forgot to say i love heavenly creature as well. that was a really good film. for those who don't know, the director of Lord of the Ring directed this one, too. :)

PowerPuff Grrl 14-03-2003 20:01


Originally posted by uhaku
Only Lynch has the answer to everything!!!
I don't think even he knows the answers. Too many drags from the crackpipe if you ask me.

Uhaku 14-03-2003 20:59

as a filmmaker, the director must know the answers even if the audiences don't. that's the way i was taught. ^_^ let's go stalk Lynch.

PowerPuff Grrl 16-03-2003 22:36

I found a site that interprets the entire movie to the best of its ability. Then there is a Q&A thing on this site.

However, it is just an opinion. There are still some things left unanswered. It's damn informative though.

Do not go to these sites if you haven't seen Mulholland Drive yet. Even if you don't care for spoilers don't visit the site, it'll ruin your movie experience, especially with a movie like this .

Татуфэнка 18-03-2003 18:08

flu0525, I have seen this film here in Russia at summer 2002. In cinemas it was name or translated like Not gonna get us or better to so Them not gonna get. It's 1 of my favourit film and i ask about that film Lena and Yulia , they like it too.

|capricious| 18-03-2003 19:53

Oh so they have seen that movie too :done:
When and where did you asked them that?

WhoCares 29-03-2003 03:24

Well regarding the topic, I saw the ending of Lost and Delirious today. So I'm kinda pissed. It seems like a really good movie and I hate it when I catch the very end without seeing the rest. Although it's on the HBO channels for a bit but at all the inconvenient times! Grrr. Ah well, I'll see it soon and get back to you on what I think of it.

bgirlnikki 10-04-2003 19:11

Mullholand Drive
Was realy good. Althoug, like mentioned in prev. posts, kind of hard to understand.
I would highly recommend it.
As for L and D, it was ok. Question .... What were they reading and who was it by?

PowerPuff Grrl 11-04-2003 00:08

Depends, alot of thngs were cited in that movie, most of them from Shakespeare (which really spoiled the movie for me).

Shakespeare's MacBeth was used right before when Paulie told the old lady to "go f*ck yourself sideways."

It was that line that got to me.
I mean, like, sideways?
As opposed to forward?

bgirlnikki 11-04-2003 00:45

I thought that was Hilarious!
The teacher was just like, in shock!

cirrus 23-09-2003 20:50

Lost & Delirious
I just saw this movie the other night, and I noticed how much it goes along with the song "show me love." I have yet to see the movie 'show me love' that everyone talks about, so it may be just like Lost and Delirious. It's the story between 2 girls at a boarding school who share a secret love affair. When the younger sister of one girl discovers them in bed, she threatens to tell her family. The girl is so scared that she denies everything, ever her love for the other. The other girl (played by Piper Perabo from Coyote Ugly) falls apart. All she wants is the other to show her affection. All her attempts are shot down and she never recovers. She decides to jump from the school's roof to get her love's attention. It's sad, but it helps you realize how easily you can hurt someone who loves you. So if you haven't seen it, it's worth watching, and just keep in mind "show me love".

And in one scene Piper even says something along the lines of: "Lesbians?! We're not Lesbians! We just love each other!" :laugh:

That sounds oddly familiar...

ypsidan04 24-09-2003 16:59

Yep, sounds familiar alright. :yes: :laugh:

Sounds like a good movie. Also sounds like a good plot for a fanfic.

lolitagirl 16-10-2003 21:31

i love that movie!

karxwp 17-10-2003 06:13

hehehhehe that movie is THE movie! kinda pathetic (the ending) but you can have a lot of t.a.t.u's deja vu's :P the school uniforms, some of the lines :P it's a nice movie :D liked a lot :D

taty994945 22-10-2003 11:56

only watched a bit coz too boring!

school girls 09-11-2003 00:46

i've seen that movie
It's one of my favorites, I loved Piper's performance in it and the whole thing was just awesome 8)

Vitun_Hulllu 12-11-2003 20:02

Its a great movie damn ! ! ! :yes::yes::yes:
I love it so muuuuuuuuch ... :)

Uhaku 13-11-2003 08:49

Umm...i just bought the DVD because I couldn't find it in Blockbuster near my home. Gaaaah, I have to say I wasted 15 bucks! Am I the only one here who doesn't like it? The storyline was okay. But the characters are quite annoying. And those Shakespear's quotes just didn't go so well, they felt distracting. Some beautiful cinematography though.

Edit - "Show me love" is much better, imo.

Татуфэнка 10-07-2004 18:52

Some photos if u need ;)

Stone 31-07-2004 04:58

I love paulie!

Unplugged 24-01-2005 19:49

"Lost And Delirious" - Movie about 2 schoolgirls in love
I watched this movie a couple of months ago. I had heard about it and downloaded it so I could watch it [just because it's not available on DVD here, of course :lalala: I am *totally* anti-piracy :rolleyes:], because of the whole atmosphere - teen angst, lesbian love, school uniforms, secret encounters, etc.

This is what it's about:

Mary Bradford (Mischa Barton) is a shy, naive, freshman newcomer to a fancy girls boarding school where she strikes up a friendship with her two senior roommates, the overachieving Tori Moller (Jessica Paré ), and the voraciously poetry reading, unapologetic, closeted lesbian Paulie Oster (Piper Perabo). As Mary tries to adjust to her new suroundings, with some guidence from the local groundskeeper Joe Menzies (Graham Greene), she soon learns that Paulie and Tori are lovers. When Tori, under pressure from her classmates, wants to break it off with Paulie, she resorts to extreme measures to win Tori back.

These are the 3 girls...
Movie Trailer here [Windows Media Player]
More info on the IMDB

Anyway. I liked it, in general. But it could have been soooooo much better. The acting was great, but the character of Paulie is a little too cliché for my taste. If I were a lesbian, I'd pretty pissed to see another lesbian woman portrayed as 'butch' in all the worse way: wearing large, manly suit and tie for some school dance, etc. Why do people insist in this cliché of "butch and femme"? I mean, even if it's true to some extent, there is plenty of lesbian couples in which both women are overall feminine and look absolutely straight - and go to parties wearing dresses, not large manly suits. I think that insisting on that image of "feminine girl with the dress and butch girl with suit and tie" is pretty ridiculous. Yes, I know she wasn't in a suit and tie the whole movie, but still, lol, it's still cliché. And what annoyed me about that was that the movie has this whole indie attitude of like "hey, let's show how it really is", and it succeeds in many many aspects, but then brings in that cliché and then ruins that vibe.

So, I'd like to see if people who have seen it here share my opinions or not :D

For all the others, make sure you watch the movie! :yes: :coctail: It has some REALLY graphic scenes! :o *turns on fan* Very different from all those cheap erotic movies, these ones look so real and HOT!

belissa 24-01-2005 20:01

I love this film. i saw it for the first time maybe a year ago. And then I saw it for 4-5 times and I cry, cry and cry...The movie is so strong, powerful, emotional. But I don't like the end of it. Girls should run away from everybody and love each other.

So this movie is one of the most favourite mine... :cool: Maybe it's so because a lot of things in my life was closely connested with it for that period of my life... :bum:

forre 24-01-2005 20:03

I'd say as staringelf, - it's generally not a bad movie but could be better. The story looks real enough. Can be recommended.

Unplugged 24-01-2005 20:05


Originally Posted by belissa
The movie is so strong, powerful, emotional. But I don't like the end of it. Girls should run away from everybody and love each other.

I didn't like the ending either. It could have been good, but they messed it up completely in my opinion, it was supposed to look very deep but it turned out to look pretty cheesy. And, yeah, if you're gonna go cheesy, at least put the two girls running away and loving each other :D

QueenBee 24-01-2005 20:45

I think I've seen that movie... does it have a forest and some huge bird involved? :confused:
Since I'm not sure, I better not comment... :p

Unplugged 24-01-2005 20:49


Originally Posted by QueenBee
I think I've seen that movie... does it have a forest and some huge bird involved?

Yep :D

QueenBee 24-01-2005 20:53

Ooohhh... well I can't remember MUCH of it.. at first I was sort of excited when I found out the girls were a couple, I figured it would be a nice story to follow. But I took breaks inbetween the movie 'cause it got boring alot. The ending was nothing special either. I was really expecting something more powerful... it didn't really make me *think*.

ypsidan04 24-01-2005 22:44


Originally Posted by Татуфэнка


error 404: Datei nicht gefunden!
:laugh: :confused:

Originally Posted by staringelf


At first, she doesn't think much of it, but as she continues watching, she begins to see that Paulie and Tori may be more than just close friends.
She didn't think much of it at first?! :laugh: Yeah, that's realistic.

I'd like to see this but I won't. Too shy to rent it. :p

I mean, even if it's true to some extent, there is plenty of lesbian couples in which both women are overall feminine and look absolutely straight - and go to parties wearing dresses, not large manly suits.
Honestly, I rarely see that. It'd be nice if I saw it more often, but no. ;) But really, I was awestruck when a girl on what was already my favorite show, (Rescue Me on FX for the people in the US, I can't recommend it enough) completely normal looking, came out as gay (or maybe it's just a phase! :p ). But it sucked that they didn't develop that story line very much. Hopefully they will go into that more in the 2nd season coming up. I still remember how it went:

Mom: "Do you know what your daughter did today?"
Dad: "No, what now?"
Mom: "She was sent home for making out in the hallway."
Dad: "What? That's against the rules?!"
Mom: "With a girl."
Dad: "Oh...Seriously?"

But thankfully her Dad was cool with it. In fact, not just cool with it, he seemed to be encouraging her to go ahead with it. Just what I would have done. :D It was the mother that never seemed to get over it.


Originally Posted by belissa
But I don't like the end of it. Girls should run away from everybody and love each other.

Now where would you come up with an idea like that? :cool:

I have read what happens, and I can say that's not the right thing to do. #1, ever heard of "If you love something, let it go"? And #2, as the song goes, suicide is extremely self-righteous.

coolasfcuk 24-01-2005 23:26


Originally Posted by forre
I'd say as staringelf, - it's generally not a bad movie but could be better. The story looks real enough. Can be recommended.

:D OKie, I will rent it then ... so we can see it with sasha, in less than 2 weeks!!!!! :epopcorn:

...i think it is in my Netflix queue anyways :gigi:

forre 24-01-2005 23:46

coolasfcuk, Not that super worthy that you need to rent it. I have a feeling that you'll be dissapointed.

coolasfcuk 24-01-2005 23:52


Originally Posted by forre
coolasfcuk, Not that super worthy that you need to rent it. I have a feeling that you'll be dissapointed.

:gigi: oh ... well, no need to worry, I have that Netflix thing, where you pay 17 bucks a month and can rent all the movies you want without late fees ... and i already had it on my list .... besides, sasha has been known for watching some of those teenie flix :gigi: ... and i wouldnt mind them myself for a no-brain movie that you watch to simply fall asleep in front of the t.v. (which is ME duing anything on t.v. lately!) lol

..Ill let you know what i think when we see it :)

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