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PowerPuff Grrl 26-06-2009 02:39

RIP Michael Jackson, August 29, 1958 – June 25, 2009
I can't believe he's gone.

Unfortunately most of my memory of him mainly consists of persisent (and convincing) allegations of paedophilia, but I can't help but be ridiculously sad about all this.

I'm (most of us) are too young to have been alive during the 70s and 80s to experience him at his finest but he's been such a presence throughout pop culture; now we're just left with just his imitators.

My parents said that while we were living in the Middle East, Western Music music wasn't exactly listened to often as it is now (never reciprocated, unfortunately). Though the Beatles were known somewhat, there wasn't much of a mania happening anywhere else aside from Western Europe and N.America. If anything it was Boney M but they are pretty much unknown here in N.America, even now. I think it was Michael Jackson that was the first to actually break through that divide. He's left such a legacy.


thegurgi 26-06-2009 02:50

When i saw the news ... it was utterly shocking. Growing up in late 80s and early 90s, Michael Jackson was like the soundtrack of my childhood. Every classic song conjures up vivid memories. It's weird... i was never a huge MJ fan and i wasn't too concerned or interested by his personal quarries (i try to not care about the lives of celebrities). You just don't expect to loose an icon of your culture and youth to be gone. Three American Icons dead in the span of a few days. It's odd.

dradeel 26-06-2009 02:59

It sucks. He was one of those icons you never thought would pass away ... but to be honest, he had been living overdue for some years now. It was just a matter of time.

Luckily he left behind him an amazing collection of music and a memory that will live on for all eternity.

Endri 26-06-2009 03:48

He was a real king the time he was active. Such a shame he died... RIP. :bye:

FiorE 26-06-2009 04:17

I cant believe it, my mother gave me and my friends the shocking news, I´m shock,RIP King Of Pop, I really liked some of his songs, condolence to his brothers , sisters and his children :(

Talyubittu 26-06-2009 04:51

I've been watching about it all day. So sad that he's overshadowing Farrah, I truly feel sad for both losses. It's terrible. At least Farrah lived a happy life, poor Michael though...damn. Rest in peace my idol.

QueenBee 26-06-2009 05:10


I can't believe this :none: It's like Pavarotti... you think they will never die.

robbie 26-06-2009 10:08

I'm still in shock...

Don't know what to say. Still can't believe it...

AshMcAuliffe 26-06-2009 10:40

Farrah's death has affected me more than the Jackson one. I was never a fan of him whatsoever but i appreciate that there are many people upset by his death and have a love for his music. The guy was a good musician but he was far from an angel.
He started his career as a happy go lucky guy who slowly allowed himself to descend into murkier waters. The last 20 years of his life were plagued with child abuse accusations whether it be the molestation of other kids or hanging his own over a balcony!
Unfortunately that is the image that will forever stay in my mind for MJ...
Another thing that has pissed me off about his death is the whole upsurge of people posting statuses on Facebook cooing "Aww what a shame.. RIP Michael" etc when in reality that is utter shite! I was disgusted by many people's hypocrisy as given half a chance (and a gun) they would have killed him over the past few years due to his shenanigans. And not one person here can deny that they have laughed at or pulled a crude MJ joke.
You can all now proceed to shooting me now... :D

QueenBee 26-06-2009 13:32

AshMcAuliffe, what was the outcome of the child molestation accusations? I'm wondering because I didn't exactly follow that, so I have no idea what happened there.

My theory on Michael is that he is (was... omg) a very sick person. I don't mean sick like "Ewww pedophile" because like I said, I had no idea if there was any truth to that, but I mean I think he was mentally ill.

From what I've heard:
Growing up, his father was very abusive and perfection was very important. Apparently Michael and his brothers got beaten a lot and had to practice their little routines for hours on end, or else their father would get upset. I think the dad was the worst to Michael? I don't know exactly, but the image you got of that family is not a good one.

Also he obviously didn't have a real childhood, especially if the thing with his father is true. In that case it's easy to understand that Michael never had any time to do what he wanted, because he was either performing or practicing.

(I admit that I'm not sure if all of this is 100% true but that's what I think)

Now look at his adult life. It is so clearly obvious that Michael is (...was) messed up in the head from all that. His voice was that of a prepubescent boy. I don't know if that had anything to do with some illness or not, but he sounded so soft and innocent when he spoke.

He acted very childish too. I think the whole Neverland ranch thing was him acting out his childhood fantasies. He never got to be a little boy or grow up like most men do, leaving the boy-phase and entering the man-phase of his life. Like I said, I don't know what happened to the molestation accusations, but my guess is he never hurt anyone. He was around little boys so much (and eh, let them sleep in his bed) because he was like one of them, or I guess, he wanted to be one of them. Creepy as hell, yes.

Look at this video. Is that really a portrayal of a grown man? It's not even an adult just acting silly, it's like a little boy in a man's body.

My "theory" may be complete bull, but that's just always what I've thought of him. He made some great music and is a legend, yes, but he's a mentally disturbed MAN with many issues, in my eyes.


dradeel 26-06-2009 13:59


Originally Posted by AshMcAuliffe (Post 385758)
Unfortunately that is the image that will forever stay in my mind for MJ...

You know what, I think that will be mostly forgotten in 5 years. Over here you only hear about those kinda things when people wanna joke about MJ in a discussion - and that doesn't happen very often. As for comedians joking about it; it's not really so much fun to joke about a dead guy, and after a while people don't really care anymore. Even though it'll never go completely away (and should it?) I'm quite sure it will grow old in a while. VH1 will still play their Top 50 Michael Jackson songs now and then. People will still buy the albums and watch the live recordings. We won't hear about all the drama around the last part of his life, cuz that's one of those things that will grow out of date.


Originally Posted by AshMcAuliffe (Post 385758)
Another thing that has pissed me off about his death is the whole upsurge of people posting statuses on Facebook cooing "Aww what a shame.. RIP Michael" etc when in reality that is utter shite! I was disgusted by many people's hypocrisy as given half a chance (and a gun) they would have killed him over the past few years due to his shenanigans. And not one person here can deny that they have laughed at or pulled a crude MJ joke.

Completely agree. The day I publicly mourn over the death of someone's life it'll be someone who stand a little closer to me than a celebrity pop artist. But I'll say that some are hardcore fan of the guy, and those were the same that probably defended him in the whole pedophilia-drama, so it would make sense for them to publicly show some sorrow on such a day... but for everyone who never really had any ties to the fellow to shed tears on facebook; it seems hypocritical, and it's so transparent and meaningless to mourn when you really couldn't give a rat's ass. They'd give him life over accusations on pedophilia, they'd take his kid away from him on accusations of bad parenting, they don't listen to his music other than on the radio and have no albums in the house, but still they cry when he die - Pfff... I prefer consistancy! :p

thegurgi 26-06-2009 14:29

In my city there had been an MJ Tribute Band concert planed for today for weeks. I was actually going to go but i didn't buy a ticket in advance cause a friend assured me 'there's no way it will sell out' ... well it did. Very coincidental. They added a second, late show. I just got my ticket... it's going to be strange - i hope they do dirty diana.

fanoff 26-06-2009 16:40


Originally Posted by dradeel (Post 385746)
He was one of those icons you never thought would pass away

I just thought this when I saw it on the news.I am sad.I'm not a fan of his but just few names become such big in the world.Will remember him by some of his songs like Billie Jean,Beat It and...

Serduchka Fan 26-06-2009 16:59

Despite all of the contriversy surrounding him (the pedophilia accusations (which personally, I don't believe.)), he was one hell of a musician. :(

QueenBee 26-06-2009 17:40

In case anyone is interested
Front pages on Michael's death: - Swedish :D

Wow, that's a lot! Sorry! I thought maybe someone would be interested.
My favorite is the one with the glove. Simplistic - and you know who it represents immediately.

Some articles:

Michael Jackson's autopsy has begun
Doctor who lived in Michael's house is missing
Jackson family - Demerol caused death
Jackson family fear morphine OD

dradeel 26-06-2009 18:53


Originally Posted by QueenBee (Post 385768)
My favorite is the one with the glove. Simplistic - and you know who it represents immediately.

Yeah, that was a nice one. The one with the legs was also nice... that dance move is classy :)

Khartoun2004 26-06-2009 20:26

Just because people have selective memories, Michael was acquitted in all Child Molestation accusations brought against him in US court... Say what you want about the Legislature and the Executive, but our Judicial system is pretty decent everywhere except Texas. I do not believe that Michael Jackson was capable of being a pedophile, he was a 10 year old trapped in a 50 year old's body... I think he was just very naive and gold digging parents exploited his innocence for monetary gain. His compassion in other areas of his life and career just do not support that type of behavior. He does not fit the profile of child molesters.

What everyone seems to forget is all the charities he has started/supported over his life... More than any other celebrity in history... Certainly more than Bill Gates, who has a few billion dollars more than MJ. He has always showed inhuman compassion toward his fellow man despite the awful things people and the press have always said about him behind his back.

Maybe it's just me, but I get a sour taste in my mouth whenever people soil the memory of a person that just died (rather unexpectedly and tragically I might add)... Death affects everyone different, it's not nice to ridicule people who are genuinely grieving... You don't need to know someone personally to feel that they had a lasting, great impact on your life and to feel a sense of loss when they pass away.

My sincerest condolences go out to his family and especially his children.

AshMcAuliffe 26-06-2009 20:43

n/m it's pointless

Argos 26-06-2009 21:13


Originally Posted by Khartoun2004 (Post 385778)
... it's not nice to ridicule people who are genuinely grieving... You don't need to know someone personally to feel that they had a lasting, great impact on your life and to feel a sense of loss when they pass away.


I'm officially sad, not because I'm a big fan. Just because he was one of those artists who gave the people far more than he ever received. The music scene has lost one of it's nowadays very few great figures. His music, his charisma and his generosity will remain in the minds of people far beyond the echoes of the scandalmongers' despite.

thegurgi 26-06-2009 21:42

Khartoun2004, you are just spot on there. I've been trying to explain these sentiments today but people are just so set in their ways it's just completely moot. But i think you said it in the best way possible.
I've seriously been listening to him all day.

Khartoun2004 26-06-2009 22:11


Originally Posted by thegurgi (Post 385785)
Khartoun2004, you are just spot on there. I've been trying to explain these sentiments today but people are just so set in their ways it's just completely moot. But i think you said it in the best way possible.
I've seriously been listening to him all day.

OMG me too! I've been flipping through all the Mtv channels (they are for once actually playing mostly music videos and performances... of course all of Michael Jackson)... Such talent, Madonna is probably the closest artist I can think of that rivals him in popularity, but she's really not even close to being equal to him... I wish I had had the chance to see him perform live before he died. I'm sure it would have gone down as one of the best shows I would ever see in my life.

I still remember the first time I ever saw a music video, I was 5 years old and flipping through the cable channels at my dad's house and I just happened to flip to Mtv as Thriller was starting (the full length version of course)... It scared the shit out of me, but I loved every second of it. That was definitely the start of my fondness for horror movies.

PowerPuff Grrl 27-06-2009 01:04

Sorry but I'm going to have to agree with AshMcAuliffe. While the loss of a living legend is certainly great I hope his alleged paedophilia is never forgotten. You can appreciate the music and talent but still be disgusted with the man himself. It's crappy that he seems to have gotten off both times mainly due to the parents of the children being shady characters.

In any case, I don't buy the whole boy in man's body thing. I think it's just rationalising his perversions, a grown adult can only blame his/her parents for so long. After a while you have to take responsibility for your own life. Michael just fed into his own ego, the guy had a God-like status, he could get away with child molestation if he tried... and he did. Celebrities tend to get away with many things.

I apologise for saying this now, it's rather tasteless to say only one day after his death. I just felt like giving a differing, non-adoring assessment of his waning years. Glossing over his faults just doesn't sit well with me but we are all entitled to our opinions, of course.

Endri 27-06-2009 01:51

Farrah Fawcett arrives at the pearly gates and Saint Peter Grants her one wish, so she thinks for a minute and says "I wish all the children in the world to be safe". The next day Micheal Jackson dies from heart attack.

AshMcAuliffe 27-06-2009 10:23


Originally Posted by PowerPuff Grrl (Post 385792)
Glossing over his faults just doesn't sit well with me but we are all entitled to our opinions, of course.

Exactamundo! That is what pisses me off the most. When someone dies (namely celebrities) they are ALWAYS painted out to be an angel. :bebebe:
Ok, he was found not guilty in the trial but he settled the first case out of court essentially buying silence. If he had nothing to hide why not allow it to go to court the first time around and prove your innocence? Unfortunately shit sticks. He should have kept his distance from kids after the first incident but he never. He never learnt by his mistakes regarding that. He believed he could get away with anything just because of his status and his wealth.
And i also do not buy the whole 10-year old in a man's body thing. He was a shrewd, cunning operator. He had to be to survive in the industry that long. When it comes to his music many people mourned the death of his music career 15 years ago when his last decent tracks were released. The last 15 years or so of his life were not about music but about depicting himself as a crazy man and getting himself into trouble. All that happened to him was a matter of CHOICE. He chose to do the things whether they be good things or bad things.
Praise him all you want for his music but don't ever try to gloss over his shortcomings. He was a man with many faults not an angel or a god like many are portraying him to be. I'm now awaiting to see pictures of him depicted as such.

Talyubittu 27-06-2009 14:15

The only sick and disgusting thing on this forum is the fact that members like Ash and Endri bring up extremely negative (and what's more, negativity is from allegations that Michael was not found guilty of) aspects of an icons life just to be spiteful when the man has just passed without warning. It's a time to remember Michael Jackson, not to play guessing games and point the finger at him for accusations of child molestation. It's sad that to actually have a tarnished reputation, you don't have to be found guilty of doing anything wrong. Anyone can accuse anybody of anything. Just be accused of something and people are ready to make their own judgments. But people like to do that to anyone who deviates from the norm in society. Even our friendly little hypocritical group of misfits from tatysite.

QueenBee 27-06-2009 14:57


Originally Posted by AshMcAuliffe (Post 385801)
Ok, he was found not guilty in the trial but he settled the first case out of court essentially buying silence. If he had nothing to hide why not allow it to go to court the first time around and prove your innocence?

What I find really interesting is the fact that the parents of these children accepted money. Wouldn't you make sure that your child's molester got a real punishment? No amount of money can make up for your child being abused, IF they were.


Originally Posted by AshMcAuliffe (Post 385801)
He should have kept his distance from kids after the first incident but he never.

Again, I wonder what the parents thought. If you know a person may molest your children, there's no way you let them sleep over at their place.

I think the parents just realized they could get money out of it so they used their children.


Originally Posted by AshMcAuliffe (Post 385801)
The last 15 years or so of his life were not about music but about depicting himself as a crazy man and getting himself into trouble.

That's why I'm a bit surprised at how people are all like "Omg he was such an inspiration, there was no-one better than him" when all they've done for these past years is ridicule him and laugh at how crazy he was. I've seen this on another community I visit, it's kind of weird.


Originally Posted by AshMcAuliffe (Post 385801)
All that happened to him was a matter of CHOICE. He chose to do the things whether they be good things or bad things.

I don't think he even realized what he was doing, I honestly believe him when he said it's normal to have sleep-overs with little boys. :bum: I really think he was that crazy.


Originally Posted by Talyubittu (Post 385802)
Just be accused of something and people are ready to make their own judgments.

That's true, which is why I don't see anything wrong with speaking badly of him. I don't believe in the accusations myself. But just because he was an icon or whatever doesn't mean everyone has to praise him. Some people do think he molested children, and even if they're basing their opinion on something that wasn't even proved, I won't tell them they have to mourn him and show respect. Honestly, if I heard that someone who *I* considered a child molester (whether it's because I know, or because I think so - no matter what I base it on), I wouldn't be sad about it either.

I'm not trying to be negative about him, I promise. :D I think he seemed to be a good man. Although in my eyes something must have definitely been very wrong with him, but whatever.

Also may I add, I feel so sorry for the doctor who was living with him. People think he's guilty of murder, and are wishing death upon him and hoping he ends up in jail and whatnot. :none:

I'd like to share a video that I thought was super cool celebrating his success :)

Larie't 27-06-2009 15:39

Every radio chanel plays him here now, and last night in a club they played many song's of Jackson :) We danced to his memory

QueenBee 27-06-2009 16:00

Larie't, that's adorable... I would have loved to do that, it's very touching when people get together like that, even complete strangers. There are some videos on youtube where people in the street are celebrating his life by playing songs on a jukebox and singing and dancing. Strangers. Really beautiful.

AshMcAuliffe 27-06-2009 16:40


Originally Posted by Talyubittu (Post 385802)
The only sick and disgusting thing on this forum is the fact that members like Ash and Endri bring up extremely negative (and what's more, negativity is from allegations that Michael was not found guilty of) aspects of an icons life just to be spiteful when the man has just passed without warning. It's a time to remember Michael Jackson, not to play guessing games and point the finger at him for accusations of child molestation. It's sad that to actually have a tarnished reputation, you don't have to be found guilty of doing anything wrong. Anyone can accuse anybody of anything. Just be accused of something and people are ready to make their own judgments. But people like to do that to anyone who deviates from the norm in society. Even our friendly little hypocritical group of misfits from tatysite.

Freedom of speech... be good to remember that in future. Don't like what i write? I don't care. Just don't expect me to keep schtum just because you don't like what i say. Misfit? :blabla: :lol: You made my day. Nice to be called something different than the usual crap. I'd love to know where you get off calling ME a hypocrite.
If you're going to be in the public eye then you have to deal with sceptical people like me and Endri. My point was valid. Plus he screwed up his own career by giving up on making music. If you actually read what i said i never criticised his music and said i respected people's love of him. i mainly have issues with him as a person and his shady dealings because that is what they were. He shot himself in the foot with the documentary that he starred in. That was a glimpse at the real MJ. And he and his people dissed the documentary saying it was inaccurate and unfair... The team followed him for a good period of time. You cannot fake reality.
I'm not spouting negativity. I am simply offering an alternative opinion on MJ. That is nothing new as every conversation you could possibly have on the guy would bring up exactly the same, differing points of view.
Regarding the child molestation stuff - he was found not guilty ONCE which i have said. He paid to get himself out of the other case. Make of that what you like.
QueenBee - Continuing to sleep in the same bed as little boys after you've been accused of molestation? If he never thought anything wrong with it i'm sure his aides did! And thank you for being honest and neutral. That's what i like about you. :D And regarding what you said about the doctor that sums up my case in point! "Michael Jackson can't be to blame for his death BLAH BLAH BLAH... it must have been the doctor etc." Trying to find someone to blame is disgusting but typical in this case. The facts are there that for a good few years now MJ was abusing prescription drugs! It looks like a Heath Ledger kind of case; Death by a cocktail of prescription drugs.
The fact remains that MJ wasted the last 15 years of his life.

AshMcAuliffe 27-06-2009 16:48


thegurgi 27-06-2009 19:41

Last night went to a Michael Tribute Concert. The line stretched several blocks and two shows sold out back to back. It started at 12:30am and got out at 3. While it was fun... we all couldn't help but think... dang this weird. To see a caricature of the man on stage was odd and it seemed extremely emotional for him. The musicians how ever were amazing.

In terms of the molestation thing, may i just state that while were all allowed to have opinions on the matter, when it comes to celebrities just keep in mind that none of us actually knew the man. How dare we try to defile the contributions the man made to recording industry because of rumours and the media (which are the most skewed source of information on the planet). When you read the comments made about him from people WHO ACTUALLY KNEW him, you hear the testimony of a fairly compassionate but misunderstood man (who barring from any excuses from the mistakes he has made, which we all do) that had a life that none of us could possibly imagine. Being famous from the adolescence has proven consequences that are mostly cause by the public's constant query eye.

And another thing, so many of the most amazing artists (especially those from the classical and renaissance periods and the post-modern era artists from of the late 20th century were almost all degenerates) that we still respect to this day had secret and often disgusting lives that never came into the popular limelight. We don't downplay their contributions to culture do we? The information era has it's downfalls as we gloss over real contributions over rumors, allegations and quick judgments.

Talyubittu 27-06-2009 21:19


In terms of the molestation thing, may i just state that while were all allowed to have opinions on the matter, when it comes to celebrities just keep in mind that none of us actually knew the man. How dare we try to defile the contributions the man made to recording industry because of rumours and the media (which are the most skewed source of information on the planet). When you read the comments made about him from people WHO ACTUALLY KNEW him, you hear the testimony of a fairly compassionate but misunderstood man (who barring from any excuses from the mistakes he has made, which we all do) that had a life that none of us could possibly imagine. Being famous from the adolescence has proven consequences that are mostly cause by the public's constant query eye.
Thank you. That needed to be said.

Endri 27-06-2009 21:48


Originally Posted by Talyubittu (Post 385802)
The only sick and disgusting thing on this forum is the fact that members like Ash and Endri bring up extremely negative (and what's more, negativity is from allegations that Michael was not found guilty of) aspects of an icons life just to be spiteful when the man has just passed without warning.

I respect Michael Jackson as a musician, he--together with Elvis Presley and Beatles--was one of those stars that will shine forever. But, frankly speaking, Michael Jackson, the artist, was dead years ago.

thegurgi 27-06-2009 23:38


Originally Posted by Endri (Post 385822)
But, frankly speaking, Michael Jackson, the artist, was dead years ago.

Not exactly a fair statement ... the same was for Elvis when he died. In fact the circumstances of their deaths are so eerily creepy. Apparently Jackson himself feared sharing Elvis's fate. Elvis had been touring poorly and his respect was waning. He had done a concert and things were slowing putting themselves back together when he suddenly died. Michael was in the same transition period. We didn't have a chance to see what he had in store for us, same as with Elvis. History repeats, The King of Rock and Roll and the King of Pop.

QueenBee 07-07-2009 21:11

Did you guys watch the memorial thingy? I had it on in the background (although I was kinda late) and it was so sad when his poor daughter spoke. I thought it was cute how she seemed eager to say something as well, you can tell she loved her father a lot.

Talyubittu 07-07-2009 21:16


Originally Posted by QueenBee (Post 386092)
Did you guys watch the memorial thingy? I had it on in the background (although I was kinda late) and it was so sad when his poor daughter spoke. I thought it was cute how she seemed eager to say something as well, you can tell she loved her father a lot.

I did, his daughter talking was one of the saddest things I've ever seen. It's very depressing.

coolasfcuk 08-07-2009 06:35

the bigger the FAME, the bigger the fucking gossip and SCANDAL 'news'.... no one, but a few know for sure what really happened .... not to mention, the lives of SO famous people, and of people becoming SO famous SO young are NOTHING like the lives of you and me... or pretty much anyone that is reading this have.... so anything else aside- the guy is a fucking GENIUS ...
and i have to say i am glad i didnt go to work today, as it is right next to the Staples Center.... looking fwd to a normal commute tomorrow

freddie 08-07-2009 12:42

I'll miss him loads. He was the icon of my generation. And probably the best artist who ever did anything. The first - and probably last - star with such a unilateral global appeal. The ceramony was so touching. :-/

thegurgi 08-07-2009 14:28

i watched the ceremony while I was at work and it was hard for me to get a little choked up watching it. Didn't cry or anything but i definitely felt it in my gut. It's such a shame and to hear from the people who knew him and loved him you got such a better sense of who he was and how overblown so much of that stuff was. RIP, Michael. You can not be replaced.

Slayer 08-07-2009 23:07

I really don't see what's the bug fuss about ?:rolleyes:
Let me put it in a mush simpler way people,When we cone into this world We Eat, We Shit,We Fuck ,We Kill Offtop:
(Some of us)
,We Die & Those who tend to do drugs they to skip to the last part mush faster than others
So yup he's dead, My condolences to his fans and family:D

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