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coolasfcuk 03-04-2003 05:52

Sing It !
Ha, yeaaah, I've debated for a while if I should post those or not, but then I decided why not ?!?:blabla: We all do it, secretly or not, ha ha, so might as well. ....My mom says I am a horrible singer, and I do agree with her for the most part. :laugh: So feel free to laugh, criticise, clap, ect., it's all up here for entertainment, any reactions(feedback) are welcomed. :gigi: A Karaoke thread?!? And if there are any other brave ones out there that want to show us how They jam to t.A.T.u. go ahead...:heh:


In English:

In Russian:

Echoed 03-04-2003 06:17

Lol. A little off-key here and there, but your voice has a very nice sound to it. Clear and easy to listen to. ^_^ Very cool for you to have shared. :D

I would share, but I sound like a drowning cat. It would be MUCH more advantageous for you guys NOT to EVER hear me sing if you want to KEEP being able to use your ears. LOL.


Silinys 03-04-2003 06:28

The bad thing is that we hear the girls voices higher than your ... Lets do an acapella :D .

QueenBee 03-04-2003 15:25

Weee! Makes me wanna sing! Maybe I'll record something and put it on here.. :) I think your voice is great.. a thousand times better than mine! lol.. which program did you use?

Ranko 03-04-2003 19:09

Everybody, let's sing! ^_^ Your voice is definitely better than mine's... lol. A karaoke thread could be a good idea... Spiral Architect made some instrumental remixes... maybe somebody could sing... not me tho ..^^; Btw, lol @ Echo. I think I've heard that before. :D

Kappa 04-04-2003 04:36

For someone who was in a chorus for three years and in a children's group for almost four, my voice regrets it everytime I sing: too little practice. Sadly tho', because I am supposed to have the same register Lena does...

Suppose I'd have to go back to a chorus... anyway I'll try. And you'll laugh *blushes horribly*

Kappa 04-04-2003 04:43

Heard it. You're bulgarian, aren't you? Very good english XD

And very nicely done. It'll probably beat my own thing. I know! I'll have Karxwp (my girlfriend) sit down next to me while I sing it and she can tell you if I screwed up.

Echoed 04-04-2003 05:10

Hush, Ranko. :P

Maybe I'll put up that one file I had sent to you, Didi. Lol. Duvet. People can have a blast laughing at me. Of course, it has nothing to do with t.A.T.u. So maybe I won't. :P


coolasfcuk 04-04-2003 05:17


Originally posted by Echoed
Lol. A little off-key here and there, but your voice has a very nice sound to it.

Ha ha, 'little off-key". What is this thing - KEY ?!?!:heh: I don't know any of those, I told you, I am completely handicapped when it comes to music. I think in my country it was required to have music up till 8th grade, and that's it. But we didn't really have to sing or play any instrument. I Love sining along with any songs though, so I have fun with it... After all, the best Karaoke is when you Can't really sing that well, other wise it's no fun ! :D
I'm glad people are having fun with this though, thanks for all the comments.
C'mon, we need more..darje, I am waiting to hear you, with that much musical experience you gotta be better than me, so don' worry too much, Have FUN ! And yes, I am bulgarian, I don't have problems with english, but I think I will have accent forever, not that I wanna lose it (secret- people usually find it sexy ! ) :heh:

EDIT: Echoed, go ahead, I will love to hear it. Tatu or not, it belongs in the Karaoke thread !

goku 04-04-2003 05:24

coolasfcuk, not bad! :done:

I must ask you, do you speak Russian fluently? You've got them words nailed down pretty darn well.. :D

Echoed 04-04-2003 05:26

Lol. Don't mind me. I've had about 11 years of piano, and just about half as many of solfиge. (Which is voice-related theory.)

I'm being obnoxious and noticing little things. :P

But despite my little experience in music, you do NOT want to hear me sing. It can shatter glass. ^_^'

I'd much prefer listening to better qualified (and motivated or talented) people to sing. Lol. Such as yourself and darje and any willing participant. :D


coolasfcuk 04-04-2003 08:05

Echoed, you can change your mind anytime, remember that... we will be waiting. And shattering glass voices are beautiful, look at Bjork. Your comments were very appreciated, now i will research 'keys'a little more. :D
And anybody else, sing sing and post post !
And Goku, a little off top, but let me answer your question: I have no problems with pronanciation in Russian, I speak it, my grammar is a little off, but that's because I haven't practiced in long-long time, and Russian is very compllicated gramatically. My language and Russian are very similar, lots of the words are even the same, same alphabet, and so on. Just to finish, an interesting thing: one of my best frieds here is Russian, Moskvich- that's what you call someone from Moscow, so everytime i speak to him in Russian he tells me I sound like a 'village person'. Or someone from outside Moscow, that speaks with accent. Because Bulgarians have 'harder' pronanciation, Russians- 'soft', and as far as I understood Moscow people speak softer than the rest, and their 'a' is very specific. But the same friend of mine, when he says stuff in bulgarian for me, I tell him the same, he sounds like 'Village person'' to me also, because people from Sofia, the capital of Bulgaria where I am from, speak harder than all the rest bulgarians, who speak 'soft', more like Russians. But I doubt that anybody that doesn't speak those languages can catch that, to americans I sound Russian, lol, because most of them aren't even aware that bulgaria exist! :heh: OK, no more off topic.

Ranko 05-04-2003 05:30


Originally posted by Echoed
Hush, Ranko. :P

Maybe I'll put up that one file I had sent to you, Didi. Lol. Duvet. People can have a blast laughing at me. Of course, it has nothing to do with t.A.T.u. So maybe I won't. :P


I can just put it in the FTP... no prob here. But you know what will happen if people d/l Duvet sung by you... they'll poke you in the eye for saying you sound like a drowning cat.. sort of. :D

Echoed 05-04-2003 07:44

I'll upload you another version of it, without the echoing business. Lol.

Go ahead and put it up after. I think we all need a good laugh. Lol. (I do sound like a drowning cat. :P)

It'll be funny. :D

I realize that if I were in a correct state of mind, I'd probably not even suggest this at all. Lol. (Must be the soccer/football-induced exhaustion. ^_^')

EDIT: Well, apparently, I can't. Lol. Oh well. We'll just have to wait then. (Maybe I'll have changed my mind again, by then. :P)


QueenBee 05-04-2003 12:23

Ooo Ill be waiting for Echoed's lil' song ^_^

YLuelniaa 05-04-2003 20:59

CoolAsFcuk...I give you mad props sounded...good...I enjoyed it...

Ranko 05-04-2003 21:24

Disk full. Lol. That's why you couldn't finish the upload.. ( Upload it again plz, i wantsa hear ^^;; ).
Anyway, here's the url for the song with the echoing bussiness. ^_~


NOT a drowning cat. Lol. :D

Echoed 05-04-2003 21:46


For NO echoing. Lol. Much clearer. ^_^' (And right tempo. The other one is a little fast. Meep.)

Thanks for the upload space, Ranko. ^_~


QueenBee 05-04-2003 22:40

I think Echoed sounds so lovely and I know everyone agrees with me! :D

Echoed 06-04-2003 00:53

Lol. Thank you, Queenie. ^_^' But I still sound like a drowning cat. :P


coolasfcuk 06-04-2003 01:00

Echoed, trying to connect, it's taking a while I hope it works, I wanna hear....

Echoed 06-04-2003 01:45

I hope you don't die hearing me. Lol. ^_^'


YLuelniaa 06-04-2003 01:56

I heard you....hehe yep thats right...not bad

coolasfcuk 06-04-2003 01:58

Echoed, well..... what can I say.... I am SPEECHLESS !!!
Amazing, beautiful voice. Reminds me of Alanis Morissette's voice a little, but honestly even sounds better, and I used to be Alanis fan!- must be the canadian thing.
Let me tell you, I am starting a fan-club for you, he he. :D
I saved it, so I will hear it more than once, deffinately ... very beautiful....:heh:
OT: do you usually speak french or english? I know montreal is french speaking but I am just making sure.

Echoed 06-04-2003 02:05

Lol. Thanks. I'm very flattered. ^_^' But I still have a rather common voice. (The only reason I sound like Alanis, sort of, is because I'm copying exactly how the singer sings. Not Alanis, but the style is the same. My voice is common, so I compensate by being not too bad of a mimic. ^_^') But thank you. :D

I speak both French and English. ^_^ I could sing something in French too, if any of you feel like suffering more. :P (I'd advise against it.)


coolasfcuk 06-04-2003 02:10


Originally posted by Echoed

I speak both French and English. ^_^ I could sing something in French too, if any of you feel like suffering more. :P (I'd advise against it.)


Go go go !!! No advertisings here.. :D I would love to hear french piece.
Well if you're copying, you're copying it 1 to 1 !!

Echoed 06-04-2003 05:39

Okay. I've just recorded myself. Again. *Twitch.* I really sing worst in French, than I already do in English. (And I sound worst now too. Because that other file was recorded, like... last year.)


Anyway. I'll just upload it. ...Somewhere. (This will soon become very embarrassing for me. Lol. Or I'll laugh a lot. Which I think I'll be doing. As you all laugh at/with me. *Grins.*)


coolasfcuk 06-04-2003 05:47

Echoed, where did you upload?? Do tell, I wanna hear !

Echoed 06-04-2003 06:02


Fluffy = Feathers = Duvet :D

Oogleh = Ugly. Because I sung like crap, and yeah. "Belle". And it's very awkward to sing that song. Lol. But whatever. For the sake of a few more laughs (that hopefully won't end up in deafness).


YLuelniaa 06-04-2003 06:17

you sounded better then what i could ever sound like!

Echoed 06-04-2003 17:22

Lol. Thank you, YLuelniaa. ^_^' Very appreciated.


Ranko 06-04-2003 17:50

Embarassing? Everything's relative... ^^;; Lol. Anyway, I think i'll second you when you say you sing better in english. But it doesn't have anything to do with the fact that i can't understand a word of spoken french. Lol.
I really liked it :D But i find you sung Duvet much better... now don't kill me or anything. ^^;; Lol.

Echoed 06-04-2003 19:44

Oh, for sure. Lol. There are only certain types of songs I can sing "well". (Yeah, right.) There aren't many French songs in which I can adapt to. LOL. (i.e. I stink at it. :lol: )

Also, I "sound" better when singing high. But I'm more comfortable singing low. (Which is why I detest singing alone, and only like singing in harmony with several other people. A tenor voice is better suited for harmonics. Lol.)

Anywho. No more singing for me. Lol. There are two files of me online and that's more than enough. *Fidget.* Actually, I think I'd like for them to be taken down soon. Lol. I'm getting all shifty.


Ranko 06-04-2003 20:19


Originally posted by Echoed
There are two files of me online and that's more than enough. *Fidget.* Actually, I think I'd like for them to be taken down soon. Lol. I'm getting all shifty.


Okie. The server account is down. These two files are unreachable.. but your third one is so spread around the world i might not be able to delete all copies of it. *grins*

Echoed 06-04-2003 20:27

Third? Which third? Lol. Oh wait... Fluffy, Oogleh... Ack. Fluffed Up? Take it dooown! Lol. I prefer Fluffy anyway. :P

Anyway. I have a normal voice. It's passable. (This'll be forgotten within the week. *Hopes.* Lol.)

Maybe when I feel less shy, I'll sing again. But that's doubtful. Lol.


Ranko 06-04-2003 20:32

Don't you remember? Oh well, it doesn't matter :D

Yeah... if only you knew the number of times that file has been downloaded... Lol. Maybe i'd better shut up tho. ^^;

Echoed 06-04-2003 20:39

Oh, Good Lord. No. LOL. You're kidding me. You've got to be kidding. Lol. I thought for sure it'd be forgotten by now. I bet it is. You're just taunting me. Lol.

I've been thinking about... erm... re-recording that, actually. Because... Well. It sounds a little flat and rather badly mixed in. I'll give you a heads up when I do get around to it.

ANYWAY. SHH. :P Back on topic!


coolasfcuk 07-04-2003 00:27

Echoed, I heard the French one too. :D Veryyyy nice. I do like how you sing the english one slightly better too, but there is something very nice in the sounding of French !! So I couldn't pick one if I had too. Thanks so much for sharing, very cool. :yes:

QueenBee 07-04-2003 15:09

And AS USUAL Monica (as in ME) can't hear the French one because "the password is not allowed" :/ This is proof of that there is NO god!

Echoed 07-04-2003 15:14

*Laughs!* I had Didi take it down. ^_^' It was making me shifty. But if you absolutely have to hear it. I'll send it to you when I can, Monmon. :P (Not now, though. -_-')

But I sang baaaad in that one. ^_^'


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