Unofficial forum of group TATU

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Bitty2002 12-03-2003 08:01

tatugirls forum saddens me
You know, it makes me depressed when I go to tatugirls forum...sadly the Official English site for the girls. It doesn't deserve to be. I am glad we have it, other wise the hoards of ignorant, immature, only horny people would come here. But the bad thing is that, that is what the girls have to look at as their official site. They sometimes will post there. Damn it they should post here, lol, at least we make mature, respectful comments. That bad thing is that I see so many of these idiots and it makes me realize what people who haven't looked into finding more about Tatu must think, or that they represent american fans. Gag. Then again I guess if this were made the official site, newbie fans or the horn dogs when searching for Tatu info would just end up here and this forum would be destroyed

YLuelniaa 12-03-2003 09:57

I so agree with you..

I am just waitin for this FAD, cause that is normally what it is here in the disappear and then the forum should return to normal...hopefully....i dont know if i can wait much longer...

tmp 12-03-2003 20:35

Bitty2002, if I tell you that this forum saddens me, would it change anything? you may count me as one of the "ignorant, immature, only horny people" all you want, it does not change a thing and is realy far from reality. In my turn I tend to think of this forum as a collection of people with exactly the qualities you listed.

don't you think each group deserves its fans? I'm happy I am not one of them :)

wake up :)

PowerPuff Grrl 12-03-2003 22:15

I think the tatugirls forum is crap because of the:

-absence of any moderators
-shitty ass navigation
-frequent amount of glitches that can often drive a user to insanity

These things can only allow a forum to become utter crap, even with decent posters.

Bitty2002 12-03-2003 22:45

tmp- I am sorry I reread your post like five times and still am not sure what you were saying...sorry. If you are saying what I interpreted to be this," Why are you complaining about this forum, it will gain nothing, change nothing." And to that, you are right, it doesn't. And I am sure a lot of people on there are genuine people with genuine posts and comments. However, to find those comments it like finding a needle in a hay stack. My reason for posting, was mainly because reading the posts there made me realize the kinds of people that Tatu attracts and also the majority of those being fromt he US...when I saw this, it saddened me. Why did I share this opinion? I dunno, I guess I wondered if Iit was just me, and because I felt ashamed of how some fans from the US were attacting. Anyway I still am not sure what you were trying to say, so perhaps all I just said was pointless, but I tried.

Jan 12-03-2003 23:22

tmp, - you know, she means official ENGLISH forum, not the russian one, don't you?

tmp 12-03-2003 23:33

Bitty2002, pointless is not that big of a deal. most of the posts here and on any other forum are pointless. you were, in a way, generalizing, putting everybody there in one basket. No I'm not one of them, I don't think I have ever been there :) I just don't like it when people try to make themselves look better by contrasting themselves with somebody else. That's what I thought you implied, but maybe I was mistaken, sorry :)

some people, and I guess am one of them, don't like to have everything dead serious, as it is around here, for example. To see this way of arranging things is really strange and amusing for a site around such a group as tatu (which is not serious nor intelectually stimulating) .

look at them and their attitude. what they have done since they started. how they act, how they sing. which songs they exploit over and over again, while having practically nothing to do with them. being abroad for quite some time, one of them still does not bother even to try to speak a foreign language. do you really beleave that you could be sincere singing in a language you have no clue about? They deserve the fans that you are ashamed of.
And don't be ashamed :) You are not one of those. As I'm not ashamed of what tatu is doing. Why should I? :)

Jan, yes, I know, still, see above :)

Bitty2002 13-03-2003 05:03

Sorry no offense was meant by what I was saying. I am totally aware of the types of fans Tatu attracts, that is what was making me sad. I am not claiming I am better or that these fans are bad people, but they are clearly younger or at least act like it. Didn't mean to generalize, but it is immpossible to examine every single person there, but if you ever go to that forum and then come to this forum, there is a clear and drastic difference. And while no I do not consider myself to one of those immature fans, I do consider them to be reflecting the American fans, or at least English speaking fans. I am indeed one of these. This is the forum the girls visit, it is the OFficial forum. All fans are clearly not this immature, look at this forum. So what saddened me and ashamed me was that that forum was what people will see and assume fans are like...did that make any sense? Whatever, this isn't even a big deal. I wasn't trying to attack, I was just very annoyed after reading tons of ignorant, rude, and immature posts on that forum and felt like complaining. Sorry.

Kouketsuno Rei 13-03-2003 07:14

I have to agree that I'm not always thrilled with that forum either. Sometimes, topics can get a little out of hand on here, but at least the moderators are there to stop them or remedy them. I notice that just about ANYTHING can be said or done on the forum. It's very chatty on that board, so it can be a little tiresome to thumb through all the chats and find decent, tasteful, and informative threads. I notice I don't have a problem on here cause there aren't a million new threads every 5 minutes. Okay that was a...sliiiiiight exaggeration :p

And of course,'s moderators always have so much exclusive stuff for us! :D Ya can't beat that! Much thanks is in order for that, don't you think?

Anyway, I do prefer this forum over the other, but that's just my opinion.:done:

freddie 13-03-2003 15:05

Tatugirs forum has turned into one big chat room, where everybody talks about everything, not necessarily tatu related. Its just one big mess. There are 20 threads each and every day asking if they are lesbians, and when are they coming to this or that country.
And if you send a reply to something, you are rudely attacked by those that dont share your opinions. A structured conversation just doesnt exist anymore.
Thats why Im very glad that we have this forum where dissccusions are clearly at a much higher level. Here we can have a dissccusion between people with different opinions and different ideas, yet we dont go aroun bashing everybody that doesnt seem things from your point of view. I think that most of us here are what a real tatu fans shoud be like - opened to different ideas. Isnt that the main message that tatu gave us?

Tmp you havent made any valid agruments why this forum and the people on it are the same (or worse?) than those on tatugirls forum. On what do you base your observations?:dknow:
All you said was some points against the group Tatu. But that is not the topic here. We arent talking about what tatu is or is not. We (the people on this forum) are not the group. We dont represent it. We are just fans. Everybody has their own opinion on the group, and everybody is welcome to share it, we will happily dissccus everything. You must have mistaken us for Ivan Shapovalov (or at least your (miss)conception of him). And finally - if you dont like the group why do you even bother yourself with it. Life and let live :done:

tmp 13-03-2003 17:40

freddie, what you said: "I think that most of us here are what a real tatu fans should be like - opened to different ideas" is the reason why I am around. And that's why I think you don't need to be a fan, or love or like tatu, to come to a tatu forum. That's how I came to the russian off forum. I liked the people and their way of thinking. Not all, but hey :)

And here also lies the reason why I don't like this one. Writing this message will most probably ban me from this place. I am not joking, I can post a translation of a very eh... spirited PM (with all the exclamations and attributes of the tatugirls forum messages, as you described them) one of the admins sent me regarding my 1st post in this thread. If I will have the opportunity, that is :)
You call this open-minded? You are maybe happy to discuss, but I don't see any indication it's what the administration wants.

Further, do you call open-minded or "mature" the following:

banning competitors URL from mentioning on this forum?

still coming to those sites and trying to make an advertisement of this place (the reason for my current visit)

while visiting those sites, imply directly or indirectly that people there are dumb (like forre, a few days back implied that the intellect is measured by the interest to tatu, well, if it's the case with her...)

editing news messages that they post here to remove competitors names

further, less relevant, but entertaining:

is it "mature" to think of yourself as "mature"?
is it "mature" to think of the quality of person's abilities and judgment from his/her age? (from one of the points to be a mod here)

Yes, this forum is unsurpassable by the amount of info. But, as I said I don't really care. And I don't think it gives anything to a forum. Forum is about discussion, not about a collection of news.

regarding the fans of tatu... I said that the group is what it is, and the fans are in accordance with their image, qualities and behavior. The fans on tatugirls, as you described them, are closer to the image of the group and to what they actually are, than you guys here. And that relates to the 1st post in this thread, complaining that tatu has such official forums. that's what they are and that's what they apparently want. to be frank I don't think they care about it at all and the fans in general.

so, I will be leaving shortly, one way or the other, so have fun, enjoy yourselves and don't take yourself too seriously :)

Jan 13-03-2003 18:13

"But, as I said I don't really care."-

that's exacly the thing!
Other people do.

" And I don't think it gives anything to a forum. Forum is about discussion, not about a collection of news."-

it has to be a discussion ON A SUBJECT though, isn't it?
Plus, any forum is site-connected, and the site IS about news.

freddie 13-03-2003 18:13


banning competitors URL from mentioning on this forum?
This is a question for the admins of this forum, but I dont see why they couldnt be alowed to do what they want. After all it is their forum, we are just users and we come to terms with the rules, or not and go somewhere else - nobody is forcing you to stay here if you dont want.


still coming to those sites and trying to make an advertisement of this place (the reason for my current visit)
If its alowed on those other sites why not?


while visiting those sites, imply directly or indirectly that people there are dumb (like forre, a few days back implied that the intellect is measured by the interest to tatu, well, if it's the case with her...)
I must have missed that, but as far as I can gather forre is very reasonable, and does a lot of stuff on this forum for the fans. I dont think that that is what she would have said. And maybe this statement is put out of context here or it could be a missquote. I dont want to speculate any further as I didnt even see this statement.


editing news messages that they post here to remove competitors names
I dont know about the others, but when I see an article on another site and post it here on tatysite I always mention where it came from originaly and who translated or transcribed it. And as far as I can remember so does everybody else.;)


is it "mature" to think of yourself as "mature"? is it "mature" to think of the quality of person's abilities and judgment from his/her age? (from one of the points to be a mod here)
That is just one aspect of being mature. You have a better chance of running into a mature adoult than a matture teenager. There are many mature teenagers around of course, but unfortunately very few of them visit tatugirs forum:D of course the main sign of your maturity are your actions, and that is also taken into acount.


Yes, this forum is unsurpassable by the amount of info. But, as I said I don't really care. And I don't think it gives anything to a forum. Forum is about discussion, not about a collection of news.
If there wouldnt be any new info then what would we discuss about? For instance: the new interview is posted and we discuss about it from all angles. The more the news the more stuff we can talk about and share our opinions. We cant talk about wheather they are a couple or not and what is Ivan Shapovalov role in Tatu all day long, can we? Thats what the news are here for. Just to start a discussion.


regarding the fans of tatu... I said that the group is what it is, and the fans are in accordance with their image, qualities and behavior. The fans on tatugirls, as you described them, are closer to the image of the group and to what they actually are, than you guys here. And that relates to the 1st post in this thread, complaining that tatu has such official forums. that's what they are and that's what they apparently want. to be frank I don't think they care about it at all and the fans in general.
Well we talked about what Tatu ARE quite a bit, and no one seems to know exactly. Everything that is said is just speculation. How can you be sure what they are and what they represent? You cant say that unless you know them personaly right? And whatever they are, even if their image is a complete marketing gimmick, they are still a damn good pop group, and as such are not rightly represented by the majority of people that come to tatugirls forum.

I personaly think they DO care about their fans, but thats just my opinion. Maybe you came up with your conclusions, based on your observations. Just open a new thread and let us know why you think that and we will disscus it. That is what the whole point of every forum should be - "everybody has their own opinion":D

tmp 13-03-2003 19:45

Jan, I know that that's exactly the thing :) I like discussions, sirious or just dumb :) People don't seem to care about it here. I got already 3 shutups in 2 days of different degrees of sofistication from you siniour members. Well? I asked for it in a way. I was provocative, but that appears to me the only way to get people talking here something other than "wow" and "I like tatu unconditionally". My problem, I know :)

I agree, that the amount of material does provide the ground for discussion. What I said though was that in itself it is not a discussion.

freddie, as I said, I will not be here for a long time whichever action Kate would take :) So I don't see a point of making a new thread, plus, I usually avoid starting new threads anyway, have my reasons :)

No, I don't know them personally, and don't want to and you know why. Still, we all can see what is going on, what they do and how they do it and make conclusions. some people tend to excuse them, some people don't. So, no, there will never be a consensus on what they are. But there are hard facts like them being notorious for singing under phonogram, not learning english and making questionable replies on their interviews. Some people like it and admire it, like the хуй войне action, I don't, because I think it dumb. My point is that these are the actions the public is exposed to, and that's I think why you get those kinds of fans. This is to clarify the relation to the topic of thread.

Regarding this site and your comments: I gave you my view and reasons, because you asked for it. I don't pretend to attempt to change your or anybody else mind here. You asked - I answered :)
For the record, I do my best not to take words out of context. But that's just my words, you can take it for granted or discard it :)
I prefer to be around people whom I respect. I've given my reasons why I don't respect your administration and some of the people here. I don't have interest in tatu, but I also don't see many open-minded people here and I don't see it possible to be open-minded when you get threats for saying what you think with all the reasons behind it. Big deal? Not for you, and not for me, I will go as I came :)
I also gave my reasons why I reacted on the 1st post of this thread.
Any other questions? :) If not, I think I will go. It was a little fun to be around, I may come back, especially if some people continue asking and forgetting to lock the door ;)

freddie 13-03-2003 21:14


"wow" and "I like tatu unconditionally"
I think this is not the case at all. There are many things I dont like about them and there are many others who dont like certain aspects of Tatu and we have all said it clearly when something was bothering us.
Yulia and Lena are not godesses at least not to me. I take them as they are - smart, happy and very talented teens who think they got something to say. If there is something to critisize I will mention it, so we can all disscuss it. I for example dont like Yulias attitude towards english language and I ve said so before.
Look at all the different threads on this forum and you will see - the fans are sometimes the toughest critics, cause they expect something more from the group than an ussual observer does. ;)

What you have with admins I dont know, so I wont touch the subject.

tmp 13-03-2003 22:09

freddie, maybe it's not the case, not only "wow". but somehow I have the impression that it is all one line of thought. I might have missed something, after all, I don't spend much time here. :)
I guess we have different definitions of talent and smartness. I have given my explanation of why there are fans like the ones on tatugirls, the existance of whom in a way is already something contradicting to what you think of tatu. I also don't see the point of discussing their obvious shortcomings. Shortcomings are shortcomings. Why would you need to go and ask sombody whether he or she also thinks that Yulia has no worthy voice and hardly can hold a long note, which was even before all that stuff about her throat started? I don't see the point to continue the discussion of their talents or absense thereof here, in my definition they have none, in yours they do. If you like you can always PM me, I will be checking them from time to time :)

So, I will bid goodbuy, it was a pleasure :)

Bitty2002 13-03-2003 23:49

wow, damn I wasn't trying to create a discussion...ha...ha..ha. Ohh the irony. Is it possible...are we having a mature discussion, on *shock* this forum, which apparently has no room for discussion?? And I am sorry, I was trying to be polite and understand your view, and how what I posted could be taken offense to. I do see areas in which my post could have been taken offense to. But the point is that you have to be looking for something to pick at. Do you just enjoy being angry? I mean cause you can read things how you want. Some people chose to read things in a certain light. I get the feeling no matter what I said, or explanation I gave for my actions, you would find something to take offense to. The point of my post was not to dog tatugirls, and I am sorry if that was how it was perceived. My point was that it saddened me that those were the types of fans Tatu attarcted. There is a clear difference. And every argument you have given goes along with that statement. You keep mentioning that Tatu deserves those fans. That Tatugirls reflects the real fanbase better. I disagree. There are those who like the music, those who think they are hot, but I consider a "fan" to be something more, a fan wants to keep up on news...they generally want to know more about the group than what they look like naked. On Tatugirls, they do not seem to know much, you cen tell many of the people on that forum are newly attracted to Tatu. They ask the same questions, are they gay? What does Tatu stand for. And they have every right to like Tatu. But from here, you get your real fans and your momentarily infatuated people. Some will after a few days of finding the girls hot or the music neat, will move on and never attempt to delve into finding out more about the group. This is fine..but I would not consider those types to be the real fanbase. I think that tatugirls reflects people who become infatuated with Tatu after seeing them on TRL, the radio, or tv shows...but I would not consider many of them to be the major fan, my definition of a fan perhaps differing for yours, base. This forum, on the other hand, reflects more of the solid fanbase. Most people on this forum have been following Tatu for quite awhile or if not a long time, have made an effort ot collect correct information. But you are allowed to disagree, these are just my observations.

And to be clear, I judge maturity on actions. Yes I said younger before, because god I am not perfect, next time I will examine the implications of every word I write down. But by actions alone, by my definition, they are VERY immature. And I once again clarify: yes I am generalizing, which is all a person can really do with out performing months of statistical research..which frankly I don't care to do. Not everyone on that forum is immature, however, the majority is. For example:

One person asked all the males to tell their penis size...I am sorry this is not a discussion, it is immature.

It has turned into a dating service. Which honeslty is fine, but in this forum it is sectioned into an seperate forum. I do not enjoy wading through hundreds of personal ads.

Posts like this: how many of you are still virgins... if not when did u lose it? oh and how old are u? and someone asking if they were still a vigin if they bled...these are the types of fans that are attracted that sadden me. yes I am aware Tatu does attract these types.

And overall, just as you are, I am allowed to have my opinion. I think that forum is crap, I am not going to be politically correct and be sweet and kiss your ass, by saying that it is okay and that I should be more careful with what I say. I am perfectly allowed to think that forum is crap. That is why they sell Chevy's and Fords. I never once said anyone was stupid or anything if they did like that forum. To each there own. For me personally, I just cannot enjoy wading through people's idiotic comments to find the viable ones.

Bitty2002 13-03-2003 23:58

"There are many things I dont like about them and there are many others who dont like certain aspects of Tatu and we have all said it clearly when something was bothering us."

As Freddie said...that is exactly why I posted the first post. One aspect I did not like about Tatu was that they were attracted these types of people.

Oh an on the wow, love unconditionally. The other forum does this equally as much. People will post entire threads with jsut the words, "I LOVE TATU!!! XOXOX, OMG they are great!!!"

forre 14-03-2003 01:25

tmp sounds like a boring Bible. I would say ... sorry .. psycho. Pssss.
Okay here it is:

while visiting those sites, imply directly or indirectly that people there are dumb (like forre, a few days back implied that the intellect is measured by the interest to tatu, well, if it's the case with her...)
I never said that. I'm here because I run a fan-club and currently out from the office as I hurt my foot. Lots of free time. I rarely leave any comments - mostly answering the questions. It's a fan-site too, so people come here because they share the same interest in Tatu music.

Btw, tmp is some 25 years older than most of the users of this forum and does nothing else than predicts. A rather pathetic and sad case.

Hammer18 19-03-2003 08:08

I agree with Bitty2002, because I checked out that "tatugirls" site for awhile and thought that it was more like a forum for a group of people just asking how there day was going ( thats what instant messenger is for)- so finally I checked out this site and I signed up and I'm happy about it because I can find out more about tatu which is what I wanted because they are a great band

Ripptyd 20-03-2003 12:14

Goodness...Must we start with name calling?

O-R-!-G-I-N 20-03-2003 14:48

lol @Ripp, that forums basically full of SPAM.

Ripptyd 21-03-2003 01:38

O-R-!-G-I-N, I was talking about in HERE.

idioteque 01-04-2003 02:27

i agree as well ... i used to belong to a WONDERFUL forum, (which is sadly not online anymore) , but there were a few immature people who ruined it for the rest of us.

sad .... and the people on the tatugirls forum are just really gross too .... there were a couple of posts that i found disturbing.

jedirogue10987 02-04-2003 00:40

i like the tatugirls forum! they do deserve to be the official site!

jedirogue10987 02-04-2003 00:47

not everyone there is gross
and we're not all horny. some of us are decent and funny.

Demitrylover 02-04-2003 00:51

are u ppl on this forum so ignorant? the will be the official site for ever. i think that this forum is pissed that interscope didnt chose this site as their official english forum. i like both of them, actually i spend most of my time their. that site is very interesting. yes there are many weird ppl there but we are all one big family. why? because we like tatu. if u dont like it then the fuck did u go there? if u dont like it stay away from it and dont speek behind others ppl's back. would u like it if we(members of said shit about this forum? i dony think so. please stop with this bull shit.

Demitrylover 02-04-2003 00:55

if u dont like it then why are the ppl in charge of this forum go there and put stuff there? if u dont like it, then dont go. we can get our own information about the girls. please stop with this CRAP

jedirogue10987 02-04-2003 00:57

u go gurl
i so agree with u

Echoed 02-04-2003 00:58

This is an old thread. At the time, there was a flood of spammers and some of the older members of the Official Site just wanted to let loose a little steam. I've been a member of the Official Forum for a while now. And I'll be the first to say that there are indeed some members that are very much worth the time to go there for.

But please, do not start assuming reasons for people's dislike of here. It has nothing to do with being "official". It's called "venting". Lol. AND, none of the moderators here ever complained about not liking the Official English Forum. So, again, please do not assume things.

Anyway, this thread is just slightly beginning to get ugly, so I'll be closing it. If anyone has any qualms with that, feel free to PM me, and we'll discuss re-opening it. ^_^'


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