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Kappa 21-10-2003 07:16

As said by Britney Spears
Stolen from a friend's LiveJournal.
A quote from Britney Spears, who says she has a pretty clear conception of God in an interview with Cinema magazine:

"...Everyone is at peace and happy, and they all hop around from cloud to cloud. In Heaven you can see your grandparents and everyone you loved once again. And an old man with a long white beard wanders around, that's God."

... Wow.

So she had to clear up that the long white bearded man was God? :rolleyes: :D

Isn't it nice seeing how someone who's a couple of years older, or equal (Haku, Parrish, and Denial excluded :P), than most of the people in the forum, has the mental process of a six year old?

protoman2k1 21-10-2003 09:04

Im pretty sure, that was her image of heaven no need to say that about her, humm and maybe it makes sence, Im a Catholic and when u enter a Catholic church they have a picture of the Holy trinity and God is a man with a white long beard . Everyone has different opinions of what heaven is, no one should be made fun of because of there opinions.

raven ryuu 21-10-2003 11:21

I'm Catholic...
All we had in my church were images of Jesus...and he had a long brown beard.
I'd like to poke fun at another young star...Jessica Simpson
If you've been watching her newlywed TV series on MTV, you will have learned that:

1. She thinks "Chicken of the Sea" is actually CHICKEN, although it "tastes like tuna"

2. When offered to eat Buffalo Wings, she will refuse because she doesn't eat Buffalo. (and she did not know that Buffalo don't have wings).


protoman2k1 21-10-2003 11:31

I love that show, I luve Jessica 2!!!

EeZeReal 21-10-2003 16:46


Isn't it nice seeing how someone who's a couple of years older has the mental process of a six year old?
LoL...Its truely beautiful. :D. I mean what about David Beckham


Originally said by the imbecile himself
'My parents have been there for me, ever since I was about 7.'

freddie 21-10-2003 18:04

This girl amazes me more every day with her profound responses. It's obvious that she is a personification of a platinum blonde intelectual. So much for those blonde jokes eh? I guess she showed us.:rolleyes:

Lena410 21-10-2003 19:37

:D well life surely is easier if you see everything that simple... is she sure that the old man with the long beard is god and not santa claus? damn..I was looking forward to meeting santa when I die...*shakes head in disappointment*

she stopped suprising me after she asked in an live interview for australian fans where australia is...and then said that a land so far away from L.A. can't be important. :rolleyes:

and since I have a girl in class who could be her twin..*cough* I'm still convinced she and her sister have to be somehow related to britney *cough* ...I'm even more used to such comments...:lol:

cirrus 21-10-2003 19:48

Oh how I love Jessica Simpson! It must be a scary, scary place inside of her head. She's afraid of dolphins!

Britney's not as fun compared to her. She's just... dumb.

Lux 21-10-2003 21:07

so the girl's not the sharpest tool in the box. *shrug* what she doesn't have she makes up for in utter hotness. one of the hottest girls ever. so she's manufactured. she's still hott.:D

guesshoo 21-10-2003 23:46


folks, when this kind of statement is made, the only appropriate response would be to "smile and nod".

Rachel 21-10-2003 23:48


Originally posted by Lux
one of the hottest girls ever. so she's manufactured. she's still hott.:D
I'd rather f**k Ivan than f**k her! (And that's saying something considering I'm gay!)

Lux 21-10-2003 23:58


Originally posted by I_Love_Yulia
I'd rather f**k Ivan than f**k her! (And that's saying something considering I'm gay!)
well..yeah. me too, i's the Don. :rolleyes::D

madeldoe 22-10-2003 07:11

no amount of vodka could persuade me to want to have sexual relations with that man *gag* :ill:

*returns to watching making the video for britney's vid featuring madonna" doo bee doo :D


LMFAO! :laugh: i knew i was in for a laugh! this vid's even funnier than bloodhound gangs 'mammals' video. LOL ohh my sides hurt :lol:

"ive never done a collaboration"
mm hmm..even though u did a song with pharell from the neptunes :rolleyes:

PowerPuff Grrl 22-10-2003 10:52


Originally posted by Lux
so the girl's not the sharpest tool in the box. *shrug* what she doesn't have she makes up for in utter hotness. one of the hottest girls ever. so she's manufactured. she's still hott.:D
See, I never got that.
I could easily walk into any mall in my city and spot like 50 girls that would be a whole lot hotter than Britney. I just find her to be plain.

Anyhoo here is my contribution:

In an interview with Esquire magazine she said that she was not resorting to using innuendo to sell records. When it was explained to her what the word "innuendo" means, Spears replied, 'Oh ,yeah. That. Oh, I do that all the time. I thought you just meant oral sex'.

Spears, you is talky meat... DANCE MONKEY!!!

QueenBee 22-10-2003 16:50

Thank god Britney isn't a real blonde *hallelujah*
*Is an offended blonde*

And I have always disliked her, *waves sign that says "Burn in hell Britney Spears"*

Kappa 22-10-2003 17:21

O_o This might not have much to do, but now I wonder: did Britney Spears finish senior high?

QueenBee 22-10-2003 17:25

Oh, d'you know what she said? :D

"I like going to countries oversea, like Canada."

kishkash 22-10-2003 17:45


"I like going to countries oversea, like Canada."

spyretto 22-10-2003 18:53

dear darje

Don't tell me you have a crush on Britney?

Kappa 22-10-2003 19:20


dear darje

Don't tell me you have a crush on Britney?
If I had a crush on Britney, don't you think I'd be crushed by those gigantic implants she has? :rolleyes: No, I don't. :P

QueenBee, you are KIDDING.

coolasfcuk 22-10-2003 19:28


don't you think I'd be crushed by those gigantic implants she has?
:confused: you call those gigantic :laugh: you must not have seen what gigantic boob implants are ;)
besides... getting a boob job done is not that big of a deal, esp for someone like her - whose career depends mainly on image :)

cirrus 22-10-2003 21:26


Originally posted by darje
O_o This might not have much to do, but now I wonder: did Britney Spears finish senior high?
Yeah, in small town Louisiana. That's close to Alabama. :eek: No offense to Alabama, since I'm right next to it (Georgia).

Britney didn't know who sang "I love Rock and Roll".
"Uhhh, I love that song! It's so great! I just lloooovveee Pat Benatar!"

It's by Joan Jet. Britney later went on to do a cover version...

Kappa 22-10-2003 21:53

Yeah, sure she loves that song. :lol:

coolasfcuk 22-10-2003 22:01


Yeah, sure she loves that song.
just as t.A.T.u. love HSIN by 'The Smiths' :lol:

rewatch/re listen to all your t.A.T.u. files, you will know what I am talking about ;)

protoman2k1 23-10-2003 03:30

oh shit
I also taught Pat Bennator, sang that song

raven ryuu 23-10-2003 15:45

Britney vs. Jessica thread now huh? :lol: From what I've read in these posts, I think Britney wins by a landslide. I haven't seen more Jessica moments yet...maybe she can catch up :p

cirrus 23-10-2003 18:41

raven ryuu, have you seen the Jessica Simpson "Newlyweds" show? It's full of her stupid moments.

Hear's a bit:

So we relish Jessica's whiny, spoiled-brat inability to pick up after herself. We delight at Nick having to put up with her pestering him about how he spends too much time with his brother Drew. Mostly, we laugh at what spectacularly stupid thing Jessica will come up with next. She doesn't realize that "Chicken of the Sea" is not actually chicken. She always thought "platypus" was pronounced "platymapus." She thinks buffalo wings are made from, well, buffalo.

The rest is here

I don't think Britney is very funny. In fact, she kinda gets on my nerves.

kishkash 23-10-2003 18:48

OMG lol...i remember seeing that chicken of the sea.

She was just sitting there munching, then all of a sudden she's all like "i know this is fish...but is it chicken?" (like THAT makes sense :rolleyes: ). Nick looks like he's about at the end of his rope in the next scene.

I honestly dunno what happened there... :hmmm:

but hey...she might not know a lot about the world (or much else)...but she might just be a really deep thinker ya ... erm ... yah whateva :D

russkayatatu 24-10-2003 04:46


Originally posted by QueenBee
Oh, d'you know what she said? :D

"I like going to countries oversea, like Canada."

QB, I thought that was said by George W. Bush? :confused: :rolleyes:

I guess there are a lot of these phrases around, attributed to whoever people think is "dumb" :gigi:

goku 24-10-2003 04:52

I can see where a lot of her seemingly unintelligble questions come from. When thinking "i know this is fish...but is it chicken?" she might have been thinking that vegetarians don't eat meat, and that chicken is meat, so fish is chicken.. OK nevermind I don't understand how she thinks, haha..

But I do think that everyone has a right to their own believes of what their heaven is like, no matter how childish or simple it may seem.

coolasfcuk 24-10-2003 04:58


But I do think that everyone has a right to their own believes of what their heaven is like, no matter how childish or simple it may seem.
:done: exactly...
but you know, people are hypocritical creatures..... it's demonstrated all the time... ;)

taty994945 24-10-2003 05:13

I agree with goku. No one knows what happens after death...

raven ryuu 26-10-2003 04:34

thanks for the link to that Newlyweds article cirrus. I posted about the Chicken of the Sea and Buffalo Wings incidents in the first page of this thread :p hehehe
I get MTV 2 weeks later out here on Guam, but I saw the preview for the episode of Jessica's 23rd birthday. She says something like this (while talking on a cellphone):
"I'm 23, which is almost 25, which is almost mid-20's" :lol:
So...25 is not mid-20's? :rolleyes: What's mid-20's then? 29? :laugh:

taty994945 26-10-2003 04:47

eeerrr...but i thought 25 was mid-20s. whats going on here? :dknow: :gigi:

denial 26-10-2003 04:48


Originally posted by raven ryuu
thanks for the link to that Newlyweds article cirrus. I posted about the Chicken of the Sea and Buffalo Wings incidents in the first page of this thread :p hehehe
I get MTV 2 weeks later out here on Guam, but I saw the preview for the episode of Jessica's 23rd birthday. She says something like this (while talking on a cellphone):
"I'm 23, which is almost 25, which is almost mid-20's" :lol:
So...25 is not mid-20's? :rolleyes: What's mid-20's then? 29? :laugh:

I don't understand your joke :ithink: ... so I had to laugh at you :laugh:

spyretto 26-10-2003 04:49


If I had a crush on Britney, don't you think I'd be crushed by those gigantic implants she has? No, I don't. :P
show me one who hasn't got them !

raven ryuu 26-10-2003 05:35

According to Jessica Simpson, being 23 y/o is almost like being 25 y/o. And being 25 y/o is ALMOST mid-twenties. Let's see...from what I've learned in math, 25 is in the middle...between 20 and 30. That would make it mid-twenties wouldn't it? :lol:
I don't know how else to explain it, but it's funny to me :p

goku 26-10-2003 05:55


Originally posted by spyretto
show me one who hasn't got them !
Exactly, spryetto. Isn't it sad now, that girls without them are rare and hard to find?

denial 26-10-2003 06:01


Originally posted by raven ryuu
According to Jessica Simpson, being 23 y/o is almost like being 25 y/o. And being 25 y/o is ALMOST mid-twenties. Let's see...from what I've learned in math, 25 is in the middle...between 20 and 30. That would make it mid-twenties wouldn't it? :lol:
I don't know how else to explain it, but it's funny to me :p

:ithink: that it? I'm laughing at myself ..:laugh:

For you :rose: ..

spyretto 26-10-2003 06:04

As far as I'm concerned Britney Spears scores a total ZERO in terms of musical innovation...not that I follow her career at all but she's such a predictably manufactured icon


Exactly, spryetto. Isn't it sad now, that girls without them are rare and hard to find?
Lena is naturally "gifted", and I don't think that Yulia's frame can support them :D so they're pretty safe...

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