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freddie 12-11-2005 00:49

Would you change your gender for 3 months?
If a sex-changing fairy came to you saying, you just won an all-expenses-paid trip to The Bahamas and then said she was just kidding because what she really could do is change your gender for 3 months and then change you back to your original form again... what would you do? Of course supposing you're not under the influence of illegal or quasi-medicinal narcotics and/or a certified shizophrenic. In that case your choice is obvious: call a doctor.

Some strict rules would apply though (all from The Sex Changing Fairy Rules Of Conduct™ manual, approved by the EU Coucil for Sex, Race and Nose Changing Fairies™):

- all normal usages of the changed body would be permited, while the manual strictly points out goat-fucking is not considered normal usage.

- you would not be allowed to abuse your new body, just to see all the things it could ... do. You'd have to take care of it as if it was your own (because basically, it would be)

- all sex organs would change corespondently to their evolutionary counterparts. Which means that if you are a male switching to female for 3 months and you tried to hack off your clit you would be left without a penis after turning back to male, and females trying to kick themselves in the nuts while being males, would have severely bruised ovaries after turning back to their original gender.

- males switching to females would not be able switch back to males during their menstrual cycle.

- you would not be allowed to use your sex-change privileges to stare freely at naked people of the opposite gender in the shower or follow them into public toilets (this applies especially to het-males)

So... would you dare accept sex-changing fairy's challenge?

spyretto 12-11-2005 00:56

(why would anybody want to hack their clit off.)

My answer is that I'd do it without the trip to Bahamas ( cause I don't believe in consumerism anyway, I can go to Bahamas if I wanted to but I don't ) You can practically disappear from 3 months.
So dear freddie you don't have time to listen to Tatu these days yet have time for threads like this..interesting indeed :D


you couldn't use your sex-change privileges to stare freely at naked people of the opposite gender in the shower or follow them in toilets (this applies especially to het-males)
That kind of activity is not great anyway.

forre 12-11-2005 01:01

I would accept even turning into a dog for 3 months out of pure curiosity.

freddie 12-11-2005 01:01


Originally Posted by spyretto
So dear freddie you don't have time to listen to Tatu these days yet have time for threads like this..interesting indeed :D

Oh, I have a bit of time now till new year. And I do listen to/read about tatu now. I just don't comment much on it, since it became tediously repetitive.


Originally Posted by forre
I would accept even turning into a dog for 3 months out of pure curiosity.

There's that famous restless slavic spirit that conquered half of Asia! :p

spyretto 12-11-2005 01:02


Originally Posted by forre
I would accept even turning into a dog for 3 months out of pure curiosity.

Yeah exactly!


Originally Posted by freddie

There's that famous restless slavic spirit that conquered half of Asia! :p

How about turning into a chicken with flu ;)

Kappa 12-11-2005 01:33

For three months?


Yeah, why not. I've always been curious as to how does it feel to grow a beard. :gigi:

YLuelniaa 12-11-2005 02:18

sure...why not...

kishkash 12-11-2005 02:58

interesting question...interesting fairy union as well :gigi:

my answer is ... NO...the curiosity never got to me. Im perfectly happy with the bits i have and wouldn't trade them in even if the change were to be temporary. Being male ur limited by a lot of stuff in more way than one.

Anyway i already know what its like to be a guy [no i didn't have a sex change] all came to me in a dream and i didn't like it at all..lets just say i was happy to be back in my body when i woke up :p

*enjoys the good times with miss. pinky*

nath 12-11-2005 10:54


Originally Posted by forre
I would accept even turning into a dog for 3 months out of pure curiosity.

Not using a computor or simply reading a book during 3 months???:eek:
Impressed here!:done:
*imagines herself sleeping with an "Olga-Dog" :rolleyes: *

No. I would be afraid to keep some "macho instincts" after.. :D
I would make just one exception...For you, Freddie and Spy....just warn me when you'll be "women"...and I'd "transform" myself during some minutes ...just to have the pleasure to put my hand on your buttocks in the subway.... to check your reactions...:p

No , seriously , I don't have this desire cause I don't feel men as so "stranger" ...i don't feel them such as a "mystery" for me....
And, to be honest, I think it might be difficult to be a man...cause you have always to "prove" "prove" something to the society.....even in a bed" , you have to prove something.... It might be tiring!...

So don't make confusion , I don't want to be "a man" during 3 months , not because I hate men or stupid things like that ...but just because I'm too lazy here.....:lady:

I prefer to stay in my kitchen, watching beautiful male singers at the tv and eating chocolates while my husband is working... ;)

Rachel 12-11-2005 12:35

No way :bum:

If I had *that* between my legs I'd kill myself :bum:

zebu 12-11-2005 13:36


Originally Posted by freddie
There's that famous restless slavic spirit that conquered half of Asia! :p

u obsessed with slavs or smthing?

nath 12-11-2005 13:40


Originally Posted by zebu
u obsessed with slavs or smthing?

Da! Attila and his Dogs...hihi... :D

KillaQueen 12-11-2005 14:03

For 3 months? :eek: Nope, thank you very much.

Maybe one day... MAYBE one week, out of sheer curiosity, but definitely NOT 3 months. That's too much. It might play with your psyche and you might have problems afterwards. 3 months is a whole lot of time to get used to something. It could have dangerous repercussions.

forre 12-11-2005 15:18

I see a pretty conservative gang around here, heh :D

Kappa 12-11-2005 15:58

Yeah well, I guess everyone's entitled to be conservative in here. Straightness is not exactly our flag of representation. :p

I guess I'm kind of curious about being a man because of my prior time acting as a drag king. As much as you can rehearse, you can never ask as a natural man while being a woman, so we tend to exagerate.

KillaQueen 12-11-2005 16:04

i know you used to act as a 'drag king', darje, but why? :spy:
sorry, i dont mean to be offensive or anything. but i just dont understand this drag thing. ok, maybe when people do it on stage, in a club or something... but why would you do it?

Kappa 12-11-2005 16:57

No offense taken, don't worry. :yes: I actually have no idea. I've always liked dividing myself.

There's the normal Darje, who's average and walks around in the streets looking around and paying attention, never a center of attention herself. And there's the flamboyant Darje that downs two shots of vodka in a row, loosens HIS tie, takes the mic and starts lip syncing a classic song for the mere purpose of wooing the ladies, like a peacock would extend his colorful feathers. I've always liked this dual quality of mine, although I haven't exploited it in quite a bit because of lack of time and oportunities.

haku 12-11-2005 17:03

If the sex-change fairy could make it permanent, i would do it, but not for only 3 months, the change back to male would be too painful.

marina 13-11-2005 07:12

Man bodies on women are the new pink ! :lol:

I will do it . I will be a real stud, you know....
First thing (before going shopping for killer shirts and shoes..) i 'd go to the bathroom to check how is everything works) not that i don't know but you have to try;)
.. And to stay away from bikini shaving and waxing legs for 3 months is a real bliss !
...bitches weep after me ...

KillaQueen 13-11-2005 10:39


Originally Posted by marina
I will do it . I will be a real stud, you know....
First thing (before going shopping for killer shirts and shoes..) i 'd go to the bathroom to check how is everything works) not that i don't know but you have to try;)
.. And to stay away from bikini shaving and waxing legs for 3 months is a real bliss !
...bitches weep after me ...

:lol: :lol: :lol:

freddie 13-11-2005 20:43


Originally Posted by marina
.. And to stay away from bikini shaving and waxing legs for 3 months is a real bliss !

Some men do that as well. ;)

zelda05 14-11-2005 10:27


Originally Posted by Amber
If the sex-change fairy could make it permanent, i would do it

Thats the spirit! :D But I hope u know that females have menopause, etc. :)


Originally Posted by freddie
Some men do that as well.

yep, men with "feminine" side.

I will accept it just out of the curiosity. Go to bars flirt with the men.. lol (probably will get my ass kicked) :D

rosh 14-11-2005 13:26

oh i think it would be great ! ive been a tomboy all my life so pretty much get treated "like one of the boys" by the boys. it would be interesting to see how people would relate to me as a man.

hey does this sex change option come with being taller too ? im tired of being 5'1 ! heehee

i welcome any positive experience that could enrich my life, my psyche, my way of thinking and seeing the world.

xmad 14-11-2005 17:45

Yeah,why not.I would do that and then I'd go somewhere else cuz I wouldnt want to let her change my gender back to its original.:D

thegurgi 14-11-2005 17:52

yeah, i'd do it... why not? i've done equally crazier things that effected my life a lot longer than 3 months...

although my question is: would you remember your actions or learn from them? Could you later in your life tell your grandchildren "for 3 months i was a girl" .... haha

Vince 15-11-2005 02:18

It whould be fun

Lux 15-11-2005 02:29

yes but..what would the rest of my body look? would i be taller? i mean, if all we're talking about is BAM i have the reproductive system of a male then...haha no. but if a male *build came with it then..sure LOL the idea of having something hanging between my legs is utterly disgusting but this could be an eye opening experience.

on second thought, no. hell no. there is no reason to. i could not live the rest of my life properly with this experience in mind.

Khartoun2004 15-11-2005 02:35

hmm... interesting proposition indeed... I suppose if it meant I could then run around and sleep with all the straight women that I wouldn't be able to otherwise, it wouldn't be that bad. However, I think I'm with Rachel when I say the whole added package would definitely make it not worth it at all.

So my answer would be, HELL NO!

Rachel 15-11-2005 02:40


Originally Posted by Khartoun2004
I suppose if it meant I could then run around and sleep with all the straight women that I wouldn't be able to otherwise, it wouldn't be that bad.

The idea of having a dick and fucking women with it doesn't turn me on in the slightest...I'm definately a lesbian and not a straight male. LOL

Khartoun2004 15-11-2005 02:42


Originally Posted by Rachel
The idea of having a dick and fucking women with it doesn't turn me on in the slightest...I'm definately a lesbian and not a straight male. LOL

That was the point, yeah I could run around eating out all those hot straight chicks, but then I'd have to use the dick too... and that's just an ick factor I never want to experience. No offense to the guys of the forum.

Dees 15-11-2005 09:33

Funny you all brought this up, cause i'm doing it in real life. I'm trans, female to male.
I'll be featured on this site soon! It's full of trans men like me.

KillaQueen 16-11-2005 00:06

let us know when, Dees! we'd want to see you! :rose:

Dees 16-11-2005 01:25

I've been taking T for seven months now, and everyone says i look different but i don't see it. I think i still look the same. I still have my chest and my female parts due to my financial situation though. There is a pic of me in my prof.

KillaQueen 16-11-2005 01:39

hmm.. you do look androginous in the pic, so i think you're definitely on the way! good luck and i hope you get the physical aspect you've always dreamed of. i know how it feels to have a physical complex (what with having an enormous chest), and after surgery it all became better. i felt... human. yet i cannot begin to imagine how it must feel being trapped in the wrong body. as in thinking there's several things wrong with you. i guess i should thank God i only had one thing that i thought was majorly wrong with me.

freddie 16-11-2005 02:01

Good luck Dees! You'll be a hit with the ladies, I bet. Or with gentlemen. Whichever you prefer.

Amanda 16-11-2005 02:34

Yes. *Blink*

marina 16-11-2005 13:17


Originally Posted by Dees
I've been taking T for seven months now, and everyone says i look different but i don't see it. I think i still look the same. I still have my chest and my female parts due to my financial situation though. There is a pic of me in my prof.

It all depends on your T- dosages....slow progress can also be due to your genetics, some guys had goatees at like 8 months and others taken well over 2 years to get any...
From your pic you look pretty passable and so ...young :) so I'm a bit surprised that you are taking T . Good luck to you! for *female parts and financial situation* , binder with very good compression that's the answer ;)

Rachel 16-11-2005 14:38

Dees, you handsome gentleman! :coctail:

fanoff 16-11-2005 21:42

now its the time to realize that this forum is full of gays and lesbians and gays turned into lesbians:D :D

forre 17-11-2005 01:04


Originally Posted by fanoff
now its the time to realize that this forum is full of gays and lesbians and gays turned into lesbians

What a surprise! :D

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