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kishkash 29-04-2004 04:55

Q & A game (Part 2)
Part 1

A: maybe :kwink:

Q: Do you know the way to San Jose?

freddie 29-04-2004 06:14

A: Yeah... just follow teh road and go SOUTH. You're bound to get there eventualy.

Q: Why don't I feel refreshed or anything after having slept for 7 hours?

teeny 29-04-2004 09:34

a: cos you either needed more or had too many hours of sleep.

q: Why did I sleep until late today, when I have a report to write?

Khartoun2004 29-04-2004 10:54

A: The same reason I slept all day when I have a paper to write also... :dknow:

Q: How many tatu fans does it take to screw in a light bulb?

taty994945 29-04-2004 11:10

A: two, cause without you there is no me :D

Q: What's the coolest sounding russian word?

luxxi 29-04-2004 14:08


Anybody going to San Francisco?


teeny 29-04-2004 14:10

a: nope.. but "if you're going to San Francisco, be sure to wear some flowers in your hair"

q: anyone else just had a sudden urge to watch Forrest Gump? :lalala:

luxxi 29-04-2004 14:39

Not me.....

When Frankie comes to Hollywood, what will h do there? :confused:


Khartoun2004 29-04-2004 20:17

A: Find a really hot guy and kiss him...

Q: Why do teachers like to give really long and involvled projects at the end of the year in addition to really long and hard exams?

luxxi 29-04-2004 20:28

Because they are sadistic bastards

What's underneath your clothes?


Mossopp 29-04-2004 20:35

A: Skin

Q: Any tips on how to calm down when you're feeling edgy? I'm just about climbing the walls right now!

taty994945 30-04-2004 00:05

Q: Go to sleep....I just woke up, but im gonna go back to sleep now. :D

A: Pillows are uncomfortable, yes?

Khartoun2004 30-04-2004 03:06

A: definitely

Q: What do you get a girl who has everything?

edit: my 200th post! woot woot :coctail: for everyone

teeny 30-04-2004 07:20

a: I'm not any good with getting gifts. Last time I gave away a pile of CD-Rs with a note saying I would learn her how to use them too.

q: what brand is your computer?

taty994945 30-04-2004 07:25

A: It says "Pentagon" on the case. Pretty hi tech. :p

Q: is it qquiet?

teeny 30-04-2004 07:46

a: it's sure not. "Wierd Al - Will The Real Slim Shady Please Shut Up" playing and computer cooler is running loudly

q: Fave breakfast?

taty994945 30-04-2004 07:52

A: milk and toast

Q do i use exclamation marks too frequently?!

luxxi 30-04-2004 13:37

It's up to you to decide!!!!!!!!!

Is there more to life than this?


Mossopp 30-04-2004 18:10

A: I sure hope so!

Q: Why do shoe repair shops always cut keys aswell? :ithink:

luxxi 30-04-2004 18:15

Key cutting mafia muscled in.

Are you happy now?


russkayatatu 30-04-2004 18:31

A Yes!! :)

Q Do you give money to people begging on the street?

Mossopp 30-04-2004 18:36

A: Hell no! They can work for their money just like I have to! :bebebe:

Q: What's the deal with pigeons? :spy:

russkayatatu 30-04-2004 18:41

A :spy: they're birds, what do you expect?

Q have you ever walked out of a movie theatre before the movie was over?

Mossopp 30-04-2004 18:50

A: No - if I pay my money I'm there till the end, for better or worse. My dad walked out of 'So I Married An Axe Murderer' though. He said it was shite and went and sat in the car for an hour! :laugh:

Q: Have you ever walked out of a concert?

russkayatatu 30-04-2004 18:53

A: no. (I thought "So I Married an Axe Murderer" was a good movie - I like Mike Myers, though ;) )

Q: what do you think about one-night stands?

coolasfcuk 30-04-2004 18:54

A: Why not? :gigi:

Q: what do you think about sex toys?

Crampaholic 30-04-2004 20:09

A: They can be useful for most of ppl...but for me? i dont like them!!
Q: r u Paranoid?

luxxi 30-04-2004 20:38

No. I know they are after me. :spy:

U like Korn's new video?


Khartoun2004 30-04-2004 21:36

A: I haven't seen it. I hate Mtv with a passion. Music television my ASS!

Q: Why do bees sting people in the foot while they're sleeping?

(It seriously has happened to me. I woke up because I felt this pinch in my foot and there was a huge bumble bee hanging out of it)

luxxi 30-04-2004 21:56

Ask Queenbee. She's their queen. :bow:

Who took fun out of fundamentalists? :ill:


kishkash 30-04-2004 21:58

A: maybee they look like flowers...i dunno...its the law of foots or something

Q: do u swell up like a football when u get stung by a bee?

Mossopp 30-04-2004 23:09

A: I dunno - I've never been stung by a bee.

Q: Wouldn't it be funny if bees could talk and they all sounded like Bumble Bee Man from 'The Simpsons?! :laugh:

kishkash 01-05-2004 01:35

A: LMAO!! id wanna c that :gigi:

Q: how often do u trim your nails?

Khartoun2004 01-05-2004 02:00

A: About once a week, sometimes two

Q: Why is Prom such a big deal?

luxxi 01-05-2004 08:40

Because people allow it to be. :bebebe:

We're in now. Where's milk and honey? :spy:


Mossopp 01-05-2004 14:58

A: I dunno. Maybe they ran away with the dish and the spoon.

Q: Why is every music channel or radio station I turn to either playing The Rasmus or Eamon?!? :bebebe:

Unplugged 01-05-2004 15:05

A: Cos radio and music channels are lazy and repetitive

Q: Is Mossopp gonna have a blast tonight? :coctail:

Mossopp 01-05-2004 16:03


Originally Posted by staringelf
Q: Is Mossopp gonna have a blast tonight? :coctail:

A: Probably not. I'll just get blasted. *hic* :p

Q: Are my neighbours hypocrites to complain about my "loud" music when the only reason I turned the volume up was to drown out the noise they've been making since 9am?!?

luxxi 01-05-2004 16:50


Wouldn't burning candle at both ends burn your fingers? :spy:


Khartoun2004 01-05-2004 21:50

A: yes... yes it would

Q: Why are stupid people allowed to breed and hold positions of power? i.e. George W. Bush Sr. and Jr.

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