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parrish122 06-11-2003 16:08

The Chosen
Yes, I'm insane. I'm starting yet *another* fic.

Chapter one, "A Newborn Hope" is up. It's at:

I *had* used that site for an actual journal, but I kept being slack about updating it, so I figured I'd throw a fanfic on there. :) The fanfic is clearly titled though.

This fanfic is pretty different, even for me. *laughs* Let me know what you think, please.


haku 06-11-2003 16:37

Ooh Parrish! I like this first chapter! That's what i love about your fics! You take us in directions and universes we're not expecting! :)
I had a starwarsy feeling reading this! I like the fact that we don't know where or when we are! Could be Antiquity, Middle Ages, or even a backward remote planet in a distant future... LOL, ok, i'll stop the craziness now! :D

amikana 06-11-2003 16:59

ooh! i very much like the sound of this fic! very different and very very good!! :D i don't know how you do it Parrish :)


angeljas01 06-11-2003 17:45

All I can say is Wow!...I'm really liking this story =)

samegirl 06-11-2003 18:44

wow parrish! this is going to be wow! i have no words, i have a good feeling with this fic, i really do

PoisonousTruth 06-11-2003 21:01

Yes, Parrish, you are insane.. how in the world do you keep all these story lines straight?*l*

That was a great start to this story and of course you've left as all wanting more.:D

showMElove2 06-11-2003 23:13

Wow! Looking forward to reading more of this! Brilliant start as always!!!

warx 06-11-2003 23:27

MY GOD...ur so GOOOOD....:D

guesshoo 07-11-2003 00:40

this reminds me of the strories of Moses and his mother in the Old Testament and of Jesus' birth in the New Testament of the Bible.
i like this approach, definately different. i'm looking forward to what this story has to offer!

rivierakid 07-11-2003 03:41

*Another* one?? Dang...You really are crazy! But, then again, I wouldn't have you any other way. :D

And besides, I really like this. It's awesome! I'll definitely be waiting for more!

parrish122 07-11-2003 15:54

Chapter two, "When It Changed" is up!

And it is more than twice as long as chapter one. *Faints*

Thanks for the comments gang. I'm *really* enjoying writing this one. Not that I don't enjoy all of them, but I think this will be one of my favorites. :)


samegirl 07-11-2003 16:38

Very very good chapter parrish and with lots of action like the best laid plans! (one of my favourites!) you rock girl, and i'm amazed with this mental power lena and yulia have, and how yulia is so protective with lena :) how sweet is that
l liked it wery wery much!

amikana 07-11-2003 17:37

[speechless] wow. i *really* like the direction this story is taking. they're both so powerful and yet vulnerable and together they're like invincible.....

[sigh] it's just *so* good! and it's only been two chapters :)

amikana :D

guesshoo 07-11-2003 22:45

i love how powerfu they are. that is the coolest thing ever!
and the grammar is off the chains!
i can tell this is going to be fun.

great work..........parrish (thought i'd give it a break for a post or 2). ;-)

angeljas01 08-11-2003 00:16

Parrish I'm sooooo loving this one...Beautiful writing as always.

showMElove2 08-11-2003 05:33

Hooked on yet another one! The versatility of your writing always amazes me. Action (yeah) "Let's get ready to rumble"
(lol Couldn't resist; I think the 10 hour shifts are getting to me)

PoisonousTruth 08-11-2003 07:17

I was holding my breath the whole way through that chapter.

haku 09-11-2003 06:53

Great writing as usual Parrish. :)
The link between Yulia and Lena reminded me of the Atreides twins. Well, they get married in the end, maybe Y&L will too... :D

So much violence and it's only 2 chapters... This story is gonna be action packed. :)

Everywhere i look, men always seem to want to rape or abuse girls and women *shakes head and sighs* I feel ashamed.

Kouketsuno Rei 09-11-2003 16:50

Whoa, another one! You spoil us!!

Your writing is just incredible! I love it! This one is quite interesting, too! I'm really looking forward to an update! :D

dare2dream28 09-11-2003 22:34

OMG OMG O_M_G!!!! This is freaken AWESOME!!!! *jumps up and down* Woooozzzeerrrsss this is one heck of a story already! Gosh it reminds me of that story where that one king who had every baby killed under 2..umm, was it mythology or did it deal with Christianity somehow? Don't remember. Anyway, Parrish, WOAH!!! I laughed and cringed when I saw where Lena hit her mark. hehe WOAH I am just blown away already by this fic!!!!! I can't wait for the next chapter Parrish!!! :done:

warx 09-11-2003 22:43

AWESOME parrish....:done:

parrish122 11-11-2003 23:32

Thanks for all the wonderful comments!

And Dare2dream? I was thinking of how in the Bible it tells of mass killings of infants when both Moses and Jesus were born.

I was also thinking of the tale of Oedipus. A prophecy was made at his birth that he would kill his father. So Laius (his father) decided that his son must die (if I remember right, he was left in the wild to die). Oedipus *didn't* die, and ended up killing his father and marrying his mother--not knowing who they were, of course. So, when Laius decided to have his son killed to avoid the prophecy, he ended up causing it to come true.

And this is where the whole "Oedipus complex" gets it's name.

So when your parents say, "Stop reading those trashy fanfics.", you can honestly say, "But we learn things from Parrish's stories!". :D


parrish122 12-11-2003 16:07

Chapter three, "Let Me Share Your Pain" is up!


dare2dream28 12-11-2003 19:25


Originally posted by parrish122
Thanks for all the wonderful comments!

And Dare2dream? I was thinking of how in the Bible it tells of mass killings of infants when both Moses and Jesus were born.

I was also thinking of the tale of Oedipus. A prophecy was made at his birth that he would kill his father. So Laius (his father) decided that his son must die (if I remember right, he was left in the wild to die). Oedipus *didn't* die, and ended up killing his father and marrying his mother--not knowing who they were, of course. So, when Laius decided to have his son killed to avoid the prophecy, he ended up causing it to come true.

And this is where the whole "Oedipus complex" gets it's name.

So when your parents say, "Stop reading those trashy fanfics.", you can honestly say, "But we learn things from Parrish's stories!". :D


I knew the beginning story line sounded familiar!!!! Thanks for reminding me--the Oedipus story was the one that I was thinking of when reading your story. And LOL@your eductional comment for fanfics. :) True though! Look at all we learned from BLP! That was one awesome story, still my absolute fav of all time. :D

End of Chapter 3---awww isn't that cute! That's all I'll say about that so I don't give it away. ;) Thanks for the great update Parrish!

haku 12-11-2003 23:05

Such a sweet chapter, and yeah, the end is extra sweet. :)

Ok, i'll continue with my geeky references but Lena with her red hair and her powers totally reminds me of a Leroni of Darkover. :)

showMElove2 13-11-2003 09:42

Gosh, I almost felt that pain. Great chapter once again!

parrish122 13-11-2003 15:46

Chapter four, "You Would Still See The Real Me", is up!

And Haku? Who writes the book you mentioned in your last post? You've got me curious now. :)


amikana 13-11-2003 16:04

awww [tear for lena] :(

but i really really *really* like this fic. it has this whole like 'epic' quality to it that is phenomenal - and so unlike a lot of other fics. great stuff here Parrish :)


dare2dream28 13-11-2003 17:47

Awww, I feel so bad for Lena, but it's good that Yuia's there to comfort her. I'm glad how you write about how close they are and how they each have their ways of comforting each other, even if it's just by a simple gesture. Great stuff Parrish! :done:

haku 13-11-2003 21:04

Poor Lena. :( That must be fantastic though to be able to share your pain (and i assume your joy) so deeply with someone.

warx 13-11-2003 22:55

cnt wait for more parrish....
i really really really really like this one...:gigi:

parrish122 14-11-2003 15:46

Chapter five, "You Have Always Been Here", is up!


amikana 14-11-2003 16:22

awwwww! Parrish i honestly don't know how you do it but gosh, this is great! so much emotion!

amikana :D

dare2dream28 14-11-2003 16:26

*sniff* That was so sad, yet so heartfelt at the same time. That last action and line by Lena...oh that gets the biggest AWWWW ever!! Parrish, you are turning me into a big softy! I never really got emotional over stories until I started to read yours..guess you've worked your magic well! :D

guesshoo 15-11-2003 01:19

awwww, that is so sweeeeet!
i am really lovin this mov.......i mean fic.

great work p.!

Veggie Delite 15-11-2003 01:25

it was so touchy :(

*blows nose in handkerchief*

haku 15-11-2003 06:41

I'm glad Lena was able to somehow know her mother, but feeling the moment of death of someone you love like that must be extremely hard!

I like the way you describe the incredibly deep connection between Y&L. :)

angeljas01 15-11-2003 07:39

Very sweet chapter Parrish! thanks!

showMElove2 15-11-2003 09:51

Your creativity in these storylines continues to astonish me, It was so touching that Lena had the power to know her mom through those images and the fact that Y&L share everything together; the good and the bad makes it that much sweeter!!

parrish122 15-11-2003 15:58

Chapter six, "Forever" , is up!

And gang? Thank you so much for your comments. They mean a lot to me. It helps to know that I am able to make people feel for my characters. :)


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