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PowerPuff Grrl 03-08-2003 19:34

"Two hours of my life I will never get back;" The WORST movies you have ever seen
I was about to just put up a thread on Gigli but decided to put this instead just to see if there would be any other movie as horrible as this. So if there is anybody who have actually seen this movie please share with us just how bad it really is (also post as to why you saw it in the first place, you know given all the news).

To all the others, please post some of the worst films you have ever seen. Ever.
Not only would the snark be fun to read, but also you would be passing on some insightful advice to people, including me, for the next time we decide to rent some movies.

I'll start:
-Enough: I never wanted to see the movie in the first place it is just that my friend was a huge J.Lo fan (at that time) so she couldn't miss out on this. Think "Sleeping with the Enemy" but crappier. OMG, was it utter crap. The plot soooo didn't make any sense, the acting was hideous. I mean holy cow man, I didn't even pay for the movie and I still wanted my money back.

-Eyes Wide Shut: And I loved Stanley Kubrick, I really do but this just shames me to no extent. It was the only movie I have ever walked out on. Such needless nudity, mind-numbing score, slow-paced walking/talking/etc...

-Charlie's Angels: Full Throttle; I loved the first one but the producers decided to take whatever their focus groups liked and multiplied it by infinite for the sequel. It was too much; nothing was even remotely coherenet.

-A Beautiful Mind: I don't care if this did win an Oscar for anything, it was still a piece of crap. Oh yeah right; love can cure schizophrenia. My ass!!!

-Red Planet and Mission to Mars: Both about the planet Mars, both sucked. I am completely convinced that any movie based on Mars will suck. Just leave Mars alone people! In the latter movie it had an alien crying, CRYING!!!

Edited for the children.

Celtic Jobber 04-08-2003 02:20

Gigli or this... what's worse?
- The League of Extraordinary Gentleman: Oh my God, was this a bad movie, 2 and a half hours of sheer boredom. It was so boring that it seemed like a movie aimed at older crowds, but featured laughable special effects and horrible costumes that make kiddy fare like Mighty Morphin Power Rangers seem like art. And, since when is Mr. Hyde a 600 lb. rip-off of the incredible Hulk?

cirrus 04-08-2003 05:04

Anyone seen Blue Velvet ?

It's between bad, and just plain weird and misunderstood. With a midget dancing on top of a car.

XtremeHollywood 04-08-2003 08:30

The Sword and the Sorcerer. C'mon any movie that says watch out for the sequel soon and never sees the light of day has to be bad. Dude, it's been like 11 years already!

Oh, and Mulholland Dr. Not a bad movie, it's just that everyone that's seen it can't explan to me what it was all about.

luxxi 04-08-2003 08:41

Charlie's Angels One of few movies during which I had the urge to leave cinema.

David Lynch's Everybody is soooo freaked out about him but I don't get them.

Mission Impossible 1 & 2 When you say "Yeah, right" 5 times in first 10 minutes you know movie will suck.

Matrix Reloaded WTF?

Uhaku 04-08-2003 09:46

Mission Impossible 2 - Impossible to watch and live on.

Charlie's Angels - I thought I was in Hell.

Armageddon - I still can't forgive myself for letting this movie to grace my TV screen.

But I am a cheerleader - Just boring.

monkcheese 05-08-2003 04:48

Gigli was horrid.

'Turkey time! Gobble, gobble!'

russkayatatu 05-08-2003 06:52

Probably my worst movie-going experience was seeing "Taurus" in Moscow - it is a Russian movie about the last days of Lenin's life - and it was so boring it was unbelievable...all 45-seconds-long pans of the horizon, of a field; everything moved so slowly and nothing was happening; they weren't even talking: as I remember it was Lenin in a room being tended to, then he decided to go for a walk/drive, he was in a field for a long time, then he decided to crawl somewhere, then at the end he talked with Stalin a little. There was hardly any dialogue and I was practically going nuts :gigi: I don't know; maybe Russians think it is a great movie; when I saw it, I thought I just basically had wasted my time. When I was in Moscow I saw some other Russian movies at this theatre that I thought were pretty bad, but they were bad in a fun kind of way, plus they had lots of dialogue, so that was good, I was getting a lot out of it regardless :D And I saw probably 3 movies that were good to really good, so it's not like I hate all contemporary Russian cinema ;)

The other horrible one, which is right up there, was "Next Friday" :gigi: We were supposed to go see another movie, I forget which one, and there was a problem with the projection so we decided to see that movie rather than go home...and it was really terrible, as I remember...I remember going to the bathroom and thinking, "I don't want to go back into the theatre, please don't make me sit through the ending." That's pretty bad, I think ;)

taty994945 05-08-2003 08:10

dumb and dumberer, its real dumb, and not in a funny way.

Kappa 05-08-2003 08:45

*POUT* Am I the only fekking one that did like Charlie's Angels?

On the other hand, I'm a lesbian, thus, I was practially puddling every time Drew Barrymore was onscreen.

I will never forgive myself for seeing Daredevil: the only thing that redeems the fhughing movie is that my very own velvet teddybear (whose name by the way is Michael Clark Duncan, god HOW I WANT a hug from him).

The Hours. The movie's not really bad but gosh is it slow.

Original Sin... the sex in the movie is good, the movie without sex is bad. LOL...

rylettia 05-08-2003 10:54

I'm embarassed I even saw these: Crossroads, Glitter, Gigli, Maid in Manhattan, Spice World See a pattern in the actresses? Stick to singing, girls :bebebe:

Tom Violence 05-08-2003 12:13

I saw Crossroads at the cinema. And I quite enjoyed it, albeit most of the time I only extracted pleasure from it by laughing at the clichйs. But Britney's acting really wasn't that terrible. However, it was the third film I'd seen that day, creeping about the back of the Multiplex on a ticket for some other film entirely. I wouldn't have handed over hard cash for it.

The worst film I've ever seen, without a doubt, was North - starring a very young Elijah Wood. Grrr. Not a single joke in that film works. In the main film there's no plot, Elijah Wood just travels the world meeting potential parents. Yawn. Whilst in the sub-plot some poindexter kid tries to take over the world. More dramatic, maybe, but they spend so little time on that plot that what he's doing makes no sense at all.

I remember that the main selling point of the film at the time was the chance to see Bruce Willis dressed as the Easter Bunny. Sadly, this was the highlight of the whole film. Look! A Hollywood hard man in a silly suit! Holly sodding bejesus.

Mossopp 05-08-2003 18:12


Originally posted by darje
*POUT* Am I the only fekking one that did like Charlie's Angels?
On the other hand, I'm a lesbian, thus, I was practially puddling every time Drew Barrymore was onscreen.

I liked 'Charlies Angels', darje. I can understand your *aherm* situation regarding Drew Barrymore aswell! :done:

And as for everyone bashing David Lynch movies: just cos you don't understand them doesn't make 'em bad. Even if you can't follow the story you can still admire the imagery.
And I did actually understand 'Mulholland Drive' so it's not completely nonsensical. In fact, I thought it was a fantastic film! :D

All get back to y'all regarding what I consider to be the worst films I've seen. There's been many so it'll take me a while to remember them (I've tried to erase most of them from my memory!).

Disengage 05-08-2003 18:39

The Exorcist 2 and 3

spyretto 05-08-2003 21:09

It'd have to be in the cinema to be a waste of 2 hours of your life and can't remember watching something really crappy and long in the cinema. It should be something real boring, like, say, Costner's Waterworld ;) or some other flop like that.

When I watch it at home it's not a waste of time though coz I get a sound hour of sleep :D

Oh , I think watching Star Wars Episode I had also the same effect...

EeZeReal 05-08-2003 21:20

Yea Waterworld was pretty..well... pitiful.. :none:

My pick is the almighty Deep Impact... :rolleyes:

PowerPuff Grrl 05-08-2003 23:18


Originally posted by Mossopp
And as for everyone bashing David Lynch movies: just cos you don't understand them doesn't make 'em bad. Even if you can't follow the story you can still admire the imagery.
And I did actually understand 'Mulholland Drive' so it's not completely nonsensical. In fact, I thought it was a fantastic film! :D

I also thought it was a good movie... I didn't get it, but I liked it nonetheless!
However, nobody is going to agree with everybody when it comes to what constitutes a "great" film. So we are all going to get different opinions, each being as valid as the next.

On topic though, I absolutely loathed The Fight Club. The directing was inventive, I actually liked the way how David Finch portrayed gritty world underground boxing/fighting/whatever and also how he used his music directing skills in this movie, it really shows. But I hated the execution of the message.

The absolute, ridiculous defense mechanism these men used against society because of how their were insecure of their masculinity. And their reasons why to up their defenses are equally absurd.
Because they:
- "were made to groom themselves fashionabley,"
- "had to have an appreciation for tasteful furniture,"
- "found out that they aren't going 'to be all that they can be'"

But winner for me was:
- "because they had no great war or depression to help them truly define what a man is really"

So in order to help them find out their latent masculinity they go through phases in their "club" ranging from shaving their heads, sleeping on dirty-ass matresses with no bedsheets, to beating each other up to a bloody pulp.

Grow the f*ck up children!
Echoed: *Gasp!* Language. But yeah.

I better edit some more, for the children.

Disengage 06-08-2003 00:58


The only reason I sat through that whole thing was because I was on painkillers at the time.

Ripptyd 06-08-2003 01:23

I'll give you FOUR bloody hours of my life I'll never get back!
Gods & Generals
I'll admit, I did like a couple parts: The very few fighting scenes. It was ALL talking, I swear! Every scene was NEEDLESSLY drawn out. They could have cut at LEAST an hour if they didn't draw it all out. I mean there's an INTERMISSION.
I saw it in the theater with my friend because it was one of her history assignments. LMAO.
Made me want to go and watch it's sequel Gettysburg because it had ACTION and stuff going on. Plus Chamberlain was the shiznitz in the war.

elwolf_x 06-08-2003 01:55

Gods & Generals! too bad i'm reading that book as a summer assignment for school. heh the book's really not that bad though, but so much for watching the movie as well.
i like chamberlain in the book too!

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