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spyretto 19-05-2005 20:43

not a bad cleavage though :p

Maybe forre will be right and she'll go through? Yeah but the song is crap ;)

coolasfcuk 19-05-2005 20:46

Iceland - another *thumb down* - thought id rather watch this than any of the ZZZzzzz ballads ive seen so far

spyretto 19-05-2005 20:48

Belgium should have some big vocals. But this is the only good thing about the song.

coolasfcuk 19-05-2005 20:50

Belgium - Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz if there is one more ballad im going to slit my wrists!!!!!! :rolleyes: Marc Anthony this time? :lol:

ok, we give it to the guy that he can sing - better than ballads sang BAD LoL

spyretto 19-05-2005 20:51

oh there're a lot more. :p

coolasfcuk 19-05-2005 20:54

Estonia - OMG, whats up with this circus??????? bad school girls that look like transvestite houselives? :lol:
oh wait, they arent at school desks.. those are TURN tables???????? HAHAAHAH biggest *thumb down* so far!

spyretto 19-05-2005 20:55

haha, something tells me you haven't listened to these songs before, cool?

forre 19-05-2005 20:57

Okay, Swedes are on stage (for Norway). They are fun! Hi-hi. Go Wig-Wam!

coolasfcuk 19-05-2005 20:57

oh yeah baby, Norway, i am anticipating this one :D

spyretto 19-05-2005 20:57


Originally Posted by coolasfcuk
oh yeah baby, Norway, i am anticipating this one :D

No comments :lol:

coolasfcuk 19-05-2005 20:59

Ive heard Norway before - I am all for Glam! They arent that great, but definitelly BETTER than all the rest so far - kinda refreshing for Eurovision (even though its 80s) ... and esp if they have swedes on there :chupa:

forre 19-05-2005 21:00


Originally Posted by coolasfcuk
esp if they have swedes on there

It's a totally Swedish band but they tour a lot in Norway.

coolasfcuk 19-05-2005 21:00

c'mon - smash some guitars, man!!!!! "Rooooock and roll, Ukraine" that was a good ending

spyretto 19-05-2005 21:00

Yeah I like the song, kinda retro but the performance is really nasty :p

coolasfcuk 19-05-2005 21:02

the neighbours - Romania - what a BAD euro techno song! I do like the Stomp-ish people in the back banging on the thrash cans though....... but yeah *thumb down*


eah I like the song, kinda retro but the performance is really nasty
absolutely AGREE! They didnt do the Glam rockers too good justice... they should've had MORE energy!

spyretto 19-05-2005 21:03

Wow, sparks :D

Romania has a good chance, I think.

Hungary is one of the favs. I can't see why though

coolasfcuk 19-05-2005 21:05

hungary - ok, i like the dance performance better, but the song is just :eek: BAD! That girl is BAD at singing!!! :help:

spyretto 19-05-2005 21:08

Next is a ballad cool :D

coolasfcuk 19-05-2005 21:10

Finland - ZZZZZZzzzzzzzz - need i say again :bebebe: bad.. bad... and he isnt even good looking! At least be good looking when you're gonna do a booooooring ballad - thats my philosophy....this is what the Bulgarian thing will be as well HAHA! I am trying to stay and watch until we perform, hopefully i can do it - we are #21, right?

spyretto 19-05-2005 21:11


Originally Posted by coolasfcuk
Finland - ZZZZZZzzzzzzzz - need i say again :bebebe: bad.. bad... this is what the Bulgarian thing will be as well HAHA! I am trying to stay and watch until we perform, hopefully i can do it - we are #21, right?

Hmm, actually I thought this ballad was not bad ;)

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