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dare2dream28 24-06-2003 04:08

*picks jaw up from floor* WOW. parrish, what a truely AMAZING and emotional story. Just wow. You are one awesome writer and I hope that you continue writing...maybe even publish something professionally *hint hint* :D I'm so glad that you decided to share such a personal story with us. I feel honored and am SO glad I had the opportunity to read it. To change Shania's song a little bit, you DO impress me much. :Bthumb Can't wait to read your next story!!!

pacmangirl 24-06-2003 06:37

ay ay ay... that gave me chills at the end... and it didn't help that it's very dark in my house right now, i'm home alone, and it's raining..
Very awesome though, truly great story parrish, be proud :)

parrish122 24-06-2003 06:58

*majorly blushing*

Thanks gang. Really. I'm so glad you liked it.

Oh, and I *am* trying to get things published. I'll let you know if I do. It wouldn't be hard to tell though, since I'm sure I'd be bouncing around the forum like crazy. :)

Come to think of it, I *do* have something I need to send off to try and get in print....


vicky7 24-06-2003 17:30

Have to say what a nice ending, I read it just before I went to bed so I went to sleep all happy! Hope you manage to get something in print, good luck with that!

smilie faces 24-06-2003 20:03

Hey Parrish!
whatever it is that you publish ... I want my copy signed !! :D

heheh :)

warx 24-06-2003 22:33

yeah parrish...just like smeli faces i wantmy copy sign...
although its impossible for me to purchase it coz im too damn far frm you....

parrish122 25-06-2003 00:58


Well, when I get my next paycheck I'm going to pick myself up a writer's guide, so I'll know a good listing of people that might actually want my stuff. :) So we'll see.

Oh, this is a funny story you all might enjoy. I'd told a friend of mine about my writing and got her to read CETT and FFY. She'd been hanging out with me at my work, and I work third shift, so this was fairly late when she left.

She made the mistake of reading it before she was going to go to bed. A few hours later I get a call from her, cussing me out because now she *can't* sleep. :) The emotional rollercoaster of both fics really got to her. On one hand, I kinda felt bad...but on the other I was like "YES!! I GOT HER!!" LOL

Because this is someone who rarely reads, and I've *never* known her to get emotional about something she's read. A bit of a victory for me. :)


pacmangirl 25-06-2003 05:10


but on the other I was like "YES!! I GOT HER!!"
Haha, parrish-100000000, writer's block- ZERO :D

Madonna 25-06-2003 19:19

That ending was so good!!! I couldn't think of a better way this story could have ended. Wow Parrish, great job!! And also thanks for sharing your story with us.


pacmangirl 25-06-2003 22:52

Wow, parrish, I really admire how much of yourself you give to write your stories, and it trully shows as all of them (well, all the ones you've shown us :) ) turn out amazing. Your writing has touched my heart in a way that I can't describe..

dare2dream28 26-06-2003 03:57

I agree with pacmangirl. Parrish, honestly, I really, really, REALLY hate to read, but I just can't stop when it comes to fanfictions, especially yours! You have a way with making your readers identify with the characters and utterly FEEL for them (not necessarily feel sorry for them, just plain feel for them). That's talent and I hope that you get that piece of work published that you were talking about because I know I'll sure as heck buy it and darn it, I want it signed! lol :D

Veritas 18-07-2003 13:57

It says that the page cannot be found
Is there something I'm not doing? lol

nashfarm 19-08-2008 02:51

hi, i am new here.. i am interested to read close enough to touch and i will fear no evil... where can i read it... i tried ripptyd link but nothing happen

Winkie 05-01-2011 17:23

I'm desperately looking for this one, because I loved it. I have found I will fear no evil and Rainfall again, but not this one.. Did someone save it somewhere? I'd love to read it one more time..

Talyubittu 05-01-2011 18:21


Originally Posted by Winkie (Post 395339)
I'm desperately looking for this one, because I loved it. I have found I will fear no evil and Rainfall again, but not this one.. Did someone save it somewhere? I'd love to read it one more time..

You might have some luck here Winkie. I did some hunting for you!

One of the users at least has it on their HD, either wait till they upload it to or ask them for the file directly!

Winkie 10-01-2011 14:46


I found that page already. It's not on the new parrishverse yet, and I have emailed that user directly but got no reply. So I fear it won't be online there any time soon, too bad.

But thanks a lot! ^^

parrish122 09-05-2011 21:55

You can find the entire "Close Enough To Touch" fic here:

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