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forre 14-05-2009 19:51



robbie 14-05-2009 20:42

Norway is my favourite.

PS. Poland sucks as always :ill:

fanoff 14-05-2009 21:43

My prediction after seeing the performances:


Argos 14-05-2009 22:00

The finalists:


No big surprises.

AshMcAuliffe 14-05-2009 22:03

Poor camp Hungary LOL

fanoff 14-05-2009 22:05

I got 9 of them with both before the show and after the show,leaving Albania out before and Lithuania after:)

forre 14-05-2009 22:33

I got 8 right. Ha-ha. No, no. I should have skipped the Netherlands. It was hilarious. Still laughing.

P.S. Can't stand Norwegian singing no matter how cute the guy is.

fanoff 15-05-2009 00:04


Originally Posted by forre (Post 384658)
.S. Can't stand Norwegian singing no matter how cute the guy is.

I can,but how can people be so sure that he will be the winner?I don't see that light in him.But I don't see the light in anyone this year so why not?They have a good draw also.And I think our girl(Hadise) will do very well even if she won't be able to win.

This is the order that we will see the finalists.

1 Lithuania
2 Israel
3 France
4 Sweden
5 Croatia
6 Portugal
7 Iceland
8 Greece
9 Armenia
10 Russia
11 Azerbaijan
12 Bosnia-Herz.
13 Moldova
14 Malta
15 Estonia
16 Demark
17 Germany
18 Turkey
19 Albania
20 Norway
21 Ukraine
22 Romania
23 U.K.
24 Finland
25 Spain

It's a very slow songs dominated beginning and very uptempo songs dominated ending.UK should be shining with all the songs around are fast.

spyretto 15-05-2009 07:25

Far too many bad and bizarre songs and they're bad in a bad way, no redeeming features like before whatsoever.. I think about 1/3 of the songs are garbage in terms of either the composition or the presentation or even both. From the ones that are ok, it's probably gonna be a contest between Turkey and Norway with the latter possibly edging it. Greece and Azerbaijan might also be in the top 5 while Estonia's nice but a little too boring in terms of the presentation. I don't expect the UK to do well for various reasons and although the song is not bad the performance is probably gonna bury it.
Norway is very very close, he's not the best performer in the world but he has a lot of energy and when it comes down to the nitty gritty stuff the voting will go his way because he can get enough points from everybody.

I missed both semis ( didn't miss much from what I saw in reruns ) but I'll watch the final which is gonna be more watchable. The deteriorating level of the competition is worrying though.

forre 15-05-2009 07:36


Originally Posted by spyretto (Post 384680)
The deteriorating level of the competition is worrying though.

Not at all. Eurovision has always been like that. Some years a bit bettere and some years a bit worse. Believe it or not, it's still the 3rd most watched TV show in the world after Olympics and the Soccer World Cup.

sakuya 15-05-2009 12:12

Yeah, sasha son is great. He's gay. ;) I met him quite often @ soho gay club :) He was special guest @ one of most famous transsexual around here. My bf knows him well. Only thing I don't like about him too much he's a love boy. Great show, great song. I like lithuanian version of it more... Lyrics of it is about lost people, who didn't find themselves yet.

spyretto 15-05-2009 14:18


Originally Posted by forre (Post 384682)
Not at all. Eurovision has always been like that. Some years a bit bettere and some years a bit worse. Believe it or not, it's still the 3rd most watched TV show in the world after Olympics and the Soccer World Cup.

It's still a fun show and a great occasion I was just commenting on the increasing number of worthless crap song and performances. I had to fast forward on the following ones:

Czech R
Fyr Macedonia

And then a lot of boring ones about 1/3 of the competition, just bad vocals like Poland and bizarre performances like the Dutch and then we're left with 1/3 that had any merit at all.
The 2 semi finals format is long drawn and boring. The West has long lost interest in the competition, otherwise you wouldn't have countries like Belgium sending a rockabilly singer who imitates Elvis :bum:

forre 15-05-2009 16:08


Originally Posted by spyretto (Post 384687)
The West has long lost interest in the competition, otherwise you wouldn't have countries like Belgium sending a rockabilly singer who imitates Elvis

Germany brought Dita von Teese, France sent their big gun Kaas and UK got Sir. Lloyd Webber to compose the song - is it what you called "lost an interest"? He-he.

Btw, our lovely Dita showed up in a very specific outfit during the first dress rehearsal, which would generate lots of publicity for Germany. A very clever move.

The outfit

I guess she'd need to change it for the second dress rehearsal but the button is already pushed. Germany goes straight to Top 10 in tomorrow's final table.

Argos 15-05-2009 18:17


Originally Posted by forre (Post 384688)
Germany brought Dita von Teese...

I guess people who gather porno pics know her better than people following the music scene (apart from Marilyn Manson fans). :gigi:

The level, oh my... There was quite a lot of crap this year, as every year. Too many amateurs trying their luck here, but sometimes they do it really well. If there were not those hilarious imitators of 60's to 70's music or those guys who desperately try to be funny, those acts who attempt to bribe the juries with some third-class pseudo-ethno rubbish, it wouldn't be one of the most entertaining music show for the whole family.

@ Olga and your Rybak-allergy. Prepare for the ultimate cruelty in the finals, when you have to disgest not only his voice, but that of the entry of your first/second/third home country too, Miss Prihod'ko, the girl with the vocal chords made of telegraph wire, singing and behaving like a Dnepr tug-boat worker (by the way looove this one from her!)!

forre 15-05-2009 20:09


Originally Posted by Argos (Post 384692)
@ Olga and your Rybak-allergy. Prepare for the ultimate cruelty in the finals, when you have to disgest not only his voice, but that of the entry of your first/second/third home country too, Miss Prihod'ko, the girl with the vocal chords made of telegraph wire, singing and behaving like a Dnepr tug-boat worker (by the way looove this one from her!)!

I can afford some minor partying this year, so I'll prepare some alcohol to get through all vocal disasters tomorrow night. No matter how funny Eurovision is, it's demoralising for me to listen to the offkey singing. With the right amount of alcohol, I can deal even with Rybak's victory. I actually think he might win. Great start position and great stage act! People like the song too. So this formula always works well.

little_polar_bear 16-05-2009 12:05


Originally Posted by forre (Post 384696)
I can deal even with Rybak's victory. I actually think he might win. Great start position and great stage act! People like the song too. So this formula always works well.

Yep, after seeing both semi-finals it became somehow clear to me why people like this entry so much. It was also for me one of the best performances even though it's not so my taste, but the boy is very professional! Germany made huge efforts, indeed. I am curious :D.

The men of the Ukrainian anti-crisis woman looked so much better than her. :p

forre 16-05-2009 16:24

My Top 10 prediction (with comments):

1. Norway (hate it but it hits each chapter of the book "How to win Eurovision")
2. France (sings well and popular in some countries)
3. U.K. (great start position, jury pick)
4. Greece (such shit works well plus has cool visual presentation)
5. Bosnia (gets votes of all Balkan countries)
6. Iceland (everyone's little sweetheart and gets votes from all Scandinavia)
7. Estonia (very original, gets Baltic votes plus jury pick)
8. Azerbajan (neighbour voting plus decent jury pick)
9. Armenia (diaspora plus votes from all folk style lovers)
10. Ukraine (somehow people like it, crazy visual presentation plus it has great start position)

Argos 16-05-2009 16:54

Norway (says my instinct)
Greece (sexy great performer, routine)
Turkey (catchy, good performance, not the best singer)
Ukraine (crazy and courageous, sexy)
Russia (either top or flop, depends on whether people like the singer or not)
Bosnia (best Balkan, has to be in the top 10)
Estonia (great song, but boring performance)
Azerbaijan (Arash is fun)
Iceland (great voice, good song)
France (just a feeling that she's in best form, routine)

The first three might be quite a bit ahead of the rest, with the jury votes Norway should win. Somehow I expect the acts behind those three being quite close to each other, so friendship/neighbour voting could considerably influence the results. The UK could easily be in that group too, but well, I have already ten.

fanoff 16-05-2009 17:44

I really started to believe that Hadise is going to win the contest!It's seen almost impossible by most fans.

forre 16-05-2009 17:48


Originally Posted by fanoff (Post 384729)
I really started to believe that Hadise is going to win the contest!

I have some Russians in my blog that think France will win though she is not even in Top 10 of some predictions. I think it's not so obvious this year. We'll see what happens. Funny.

What about your Top 10? Come on! Give it a shot. It's just for fun, you know :)

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