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AshMcAuliffe 06-02-2010 14:57

Thank you Talyubittu. I would provide all alcohol and munchies and i would solemnly swear a promise to behave myself. :D

Dradeel - Yup. The harsh vocal track is still happening. I think a suitably dark video would be a good accompaniment. I think i will do some rough guide vocals and see what happens for all the tracks. The lyrics are indescribable. I'll post them all for opinions over the weekend. :)

AshMcAuliffe 06-02-2010 18:45

Lyrics i have put together for the songs in the hope that a vocal recorded "Dark City" sees the light of day... They are just things i've put together over the past few months but are still subject to change. "In Dreams" still need lyrics but i'm working on that. :)

Andrew McAuliffe

The neon blue smoke covers downtown
The dirty alleyways
Pulsating beats from seedy nightclubs
The ceilings of decay

Dishevelled humans like machines
Their frequencies all wrong
Mechanically heading downtown for another chance to share their broken minds...

The crystal line devoured
Auto-programmed to get high
Pulsating heartbeats drowned in sound
The drugs they can't deny

Yet on the outside smile
Yet on the inside something dark lurks... they want to die

Dead End
Andrew McAuliffe

You are the soulmate to many people around the world
And no-one dares to question you
And like a rose in winter the argument dies
And all i want is to feel someone by my side

Time goes by
Day by day
Hour by hour
Deed by deed
Lie by lie
Side by side
Heart to heart
Reaching a dead end

Bruised and broken i'm alone in my room
There's nothing to comfort bar the white light of the moon
Blood bruises beat bashed befall me
But i've numbed
I feel no pain
Now there's a darkness over me
Telling me to cut myself
I'm not the only one like this
Who finds the urge hard to resist
Getting close to an end
All i know is grey

Time goes by
Day by day
Hour by hour
Deed by deed
Lie by lie
Side by side
Heart to heart
Reaching a dead end...

Fragile State of Mind
Andrew McAuliffe

They use their eyes to see
The soul in me
When all is meant to be
The little death's for me

Hands behind me tied
The dark inside my mind
When the unseen is seen
This sceptic will believe
and all i ask for is
A sign to see
A clearer line
A way to free myself from my fragile state of mind

The lines are blurred
All i sense is absurd
The only way to be i closed entirely
and all i ask for is
A sign to see
A clearer line
A way to free myself from my fragile state of mind...

Andrew McAuliffe

I looked into the sky, i saw your face and i fell in love with your light blue eyes
The essence of fear
And i saw your eyes begin to well up with tears...

I felt nothing but hurt for you
Your tears began to fall as rain
So i ran for shelter and i cried

"Empty out your heart
Empty out your soul"

I looked into the sky and i felt shivers down my spine the moment i confused my feelings for you
But i realise you're not alive...

You're eyes, their pain, an odyssey
The sun is gone - i stare in wonder once again
I lie in rain

"Empty out your heart
Empty out your soul
Empty out your mind and stay here with me because
Fractured is not the way to be..."

Dark City
Andrew McAuliffe

The emptiness
That silent suicide
When the joy of love and pain of hurt collide
You feel torn
So you look deep inside
It's a secret you know you cannot hide
You can't change not
You've left it too late
It takes it slow within you to permeate...
And when you venture off life's path
Here's what will read on your epitaph
"Born-Lived-Aged-Died weak"

(In the dark city) I tried
(In the dark city) I cried
(In the dark city) i begged the dark city for death...

Hall of Mirrors
Andrew McAuliffe

A house
A dream
A death
A scream
What's right?
What's wrong?
Alll hope is gone
This house
This dream
My death
The scene
The fear
The pain
My blood pours away...

And the sky shall fall
And i'll avenge it all

Some safety sent and safety sold
I now awake myself
Distracting mind made matters brings my dreamscape back to health
The mystical and the musical and the mirror draws me in
While something in my mind connects the nightmare to my fate

And the sky shall fall
And i'll avenge it all

Andrew McAuliffe

I gave you everything
I left myself with none and now you're gone
I gave you everything
You've broken me now
You've torn my soul apart
And now i'm standing here
The fire burns
The vision burn away
I gave you everything
I gave you everything

I gave you everything
My name, my faith
My mind, my heart, my smile
I gave you everything
The tears i cried
The night my sore soul died
And now i'm bleeding here
The pyre burns
The ashes touch the ground
I gave you everything
I gave you everything

I gave you everything
From cash to pills to kisses lipstick smudged
I gave you everything
I trusted you
I fucked everyone off
And now i'm crying here
The blade so sharp
It trembles in my hand
I gave you everything
I gave you everything

Now you are free
I just bleed for you...

AshMcAuliffe 06-02-2010 19:30

Re-uploaded guitar and vocal albums
Book of Shadows -
The Nocturnicon -

AshMcAuliffe 07-02-2010 05:04

I have artwork news...

Front Cover -
Inlet Tray -
Double picture in centre of album with some lyrics (yet to be added) -
Back picture of booklet -

AshMcAuliffe 07-02-2010 18:12

another question - Albums with a bonus remix track or hidden track: Good idea?

dradeel 08-02-2010 05:58

I was never fond of remixes. Pure bonus tracks that are complete new songs or hidden tracks are cooler :) It's a totally new experience. Sonic Syndicate has done it perfectly I'd say. They have tons of bonus tracks that it takes a while to discover if you weren't as lucky as to live in a country that released an album with the bonus tracks :p and they had some hidden and unreleased bonus tracks around as well. Awesome! Keeps the love of the band fresh! ;)

AshMcAuliffe 09-02-2010 11:08

I was thinking of making a new song to add as a bonus track but cannot for the life of me actually sit down to do it. I think i'm defo on a music making break. The remix of "Sirius" is ok and i'm kind of swaying towards adding it as a hidden track. I don't want to be shoddy and just add a track i've already put on any of the E.P.'s i've put out... although maybe a remastered version of "Gnosis" might go well....?

AshMcAuliffe 14-02-2010 21:01

omg! i seriously underestimated the power of a good mastering!
A producer friend of mine has been mastering the tracks and i've heard the first mastering version and wow! He's managed to bring the tracks even more to life and bring to the fore some of the subtle electronic effects i thought were lost/drowned out. He's going over the tracks this week to finalise the mastering. :D Awesomeness! I'm so excited... i'm like a little kid! :lol:

AshMcAuliffe 01-03-2010 02:54

Album credits...
All music written and performed by AshMcAuliffe

Produced by AshMcAuliffe
Recorded at The ['mju:zɪk] SpaceLab, Easington
Mastered by Przemyslaw "Soulburner" Rel
Artwork by Dylan Kitchener (
Text by Taisir Chase

Thank You - Adam Bagnall, Amanda Nelson, Andrea Walker, Calum King, Colin Fell, Colleen McAuliffe, Irene Corkin, Irene Green, Jennifer Sitwala, Joanne Robertson, Jonny Lessard, Kelly Atkinson, Michael Albright, Robert Kryński, Shirley Stevenson, Taisir Chase.

Special Thanks:
Przemyslaw "Soulburner" Rel - I'm extremely appreciative for all your hard work on my album and for the sound musical advice.
Dylan Kitchener - Thank you for the photographic masterpieces. You rock!
Morten Rolland - Basically, you have been a muse. You've always offered vital yet impartial advice. I value your opinion quite a lot, ya know? Thank you.

© A.M. Music 2010

AshMcAuliffe 01-03-2010 02:55

The album has been mastered!
One final piece of artwork to finish and then it's off to the printers we go. :D :D :D

dradeel 02-03-2010 15:17


Originally Posted by AshMcAuliffe (Post 392308)
Morten Rolland - Basically, you have been a muse. You've always offered vital yet impartial advice. I value your opinion quite a lot, ya know? Thank you.

Aaaawww :heart: :D That made me really happy. Hehe. I'm glad your cd is complete, comrade. I'm anxious to hear the final results.

AshMcAuliffe 03-03-2010 01:36


Originally Posted by dradeel (Post 392324)
Aaaawww :heart: :D That made me really happy. Hehe. I'm glad your cd is complete, comrade. I'm anxious to hear the final results.

:D Yay. Glad it made you smile. The original passage was longer... but Adam suggested whittling it down to stop it sounding mushy. :p
What do you think to the finished artwork?


dradeel 03-03-2010 07:32

It still looks fab. I've liked the cover art pics since you first showed them.

So how will the final product be? Do you usually invest in high quality printing? :)

AshMcAuliffe 03-03-2010 12:41

Well the CD's are going to be in jewel casing but black... It's going to look exceptionally dark.
The company says it's high quality printing. The mastered music sounds pretty awesome. :)
Aiming to have the CD's on order for the start of April.

AshMcAuliffe 04-03-2010 01:29

"Dark City" Release details
"Dark City" is finally ready.

I'm happy to say that the digital download version of the album is ready and will be released on Monday 8th March. The digital download will contain all the artwork and an exclusive Universal Sickness Remix of "Sirius" which will not appear on the CD format of the album. You can pre-order the digital download album now.


Fragile State of Mind
Hall of Mirrors
In The Future
Dark City
In Flux
In Dreams
Dead End

Bonus Track - Sirius (The Universal Sickness Mix)

The digital download of the album will cost £5/$8.99. If you would like a copy of the download please follow the following:

* Send payment via PayPal to the email address
* Add a message with the payment stating your name and email address
* Download link will posted to your email account

Physical CD's are soon going to go into production and are scheduled for an April release. Dates will be confirmed. You can pre-order the CD version of the album now. The CD's will cost £9.99 inclusive of postage and packing. The reason for this price is for the CD printing and production cost. I hope you can appreciate this as i'm paying to have the CD's professionally made. You can pre-order the CD by following this procedure -

* Send payment via PayPal of £9.99/$15 to the email address
* Add a message with the payment stating your name and FULL postal address.
* You will receive a confirmation email which will act as a receipt
* CD will be posted in April when CD's are printed

If you prefer to wait to buy the CD please send me an email to

Your support would be much appreciated.

dradeel 05-03-2010 01:16

Nice... Very nice! :D I guess I'll order one to be sent home to Norway. I'll probably get back to you on that when it's closer to date or whatever. Hehe.

I'm looking forward to see the finished product!

AshMcAuliffe 06-03-2010 17:52

awesome. Cheers man! :D
The download has proven popular thus far. I'm glad people are eager to hear it.
I added the "Sirius" remix as an extra track for the download instead of putting it on the CD.
I'm looking forward to reading what people think of it. :)

AshMcAuliffe 08-03-2010 03:28

Dark City (Digi Download) - Released Today.

includes - Bonus Track and all artwork

Now... i must sleep...

AshMcAuliffe 11-03-2010 00:13

Well... i have gotten 2 reviews back so far.

Via MySpace "Thanks a lot for the opportunity to listen to your wonderful album.
I really like it. As already mentioned on an other site. :-)
You did a good job, go on. Hope to hear from you again in future."

Via Facebook - "The track "Sirius" is really nice.
As well as Fragile State of Mind, Hall of Mirrors, Crystalline, ...
Listened to the album several times now. It's quite catchy."

AshMcAuliffe 20-03-2010 14:28

Forgot to add this on here but the digital download of "Dark City" Includes a Bonus Track, all the Artwork AND the first guitar album "Book of Shadows" for £5

Book of Shadows (2006) Review
Review by Jonny-Boy via Facebook

Book of Shadows is quite possibly one of the most well-rounded indie-pop albums you will ever hear in your life. Much of it seems heavily influenced by The Cranberries, as their general musical song structure is all over the place, but there are songs that bring it to its own and make you realize, this is not an album of Cranberries covers, it's a well-put together story.

Who the Hell starts with an intense build up to brace you for a haunting melody with a faint vocal. A typical, but very interesting start for an album of this genre. The lyrics are quite mysterious and don't play up to be anything more.

I Am Me is more direct and the music is genuinely softer, as it should be with its lyrics. This is one of those soft pop-rock masterpieces that deliver everything it promises and leaves you wanting more still.

The Beginning is the first song we get to that has Cranberries fan written all over it, but that doesn't take away from the song. The influence is there, but it doesn't take over the song and in fact seems to shoot it into a lovely song. Dolores would be proud. And so should everyone else.

Happiness Is Merely Supernatural is my favourite song on the album and is quite possibly the best song on the album as well as one of the greatest songs of all time. The verses are well put together, but the chorus takes off into something genuine and heartfelt. There's something sad and emotional about it that quite a few people should be able to relate to. Not only that but the chorus' hook is very catchy. The refrain is haunting and takes some spite against whom the song is talking about. If there's one song you're going to listen to from the album, one song that should be a single and played all over the radio for the masses to love, it's this song.

Resurrection is a simple song and doesn't proclaim to be anything more, but that doesn't stop it from being the start of something very artsy. It's the kind of song indie critics cream their pants over and promises to be a fan favourite. The solo is simply terrific and shows off some wonderful playing by the artist, proving there’s more than a just sweet vocal.

Little Tears of Passion is The Cranberries' Empty. But it's not. It is. It isn't. Except the harmonica solo at the end which seems like tribute to Alanis. Anyway, the song is too beautiful to be so short. I feel it should've been expanded, but it's a great little breath of fresh air and showcases that there is more than one musical influence on the album.

Hand of Glory (I Don't Need Your Hate) is a song with content that would generally be said rudely, passionately and would not hesitate to be mean back to who it's talking to. But it's not and that's what keeps it 100% original. It says everything in an "I don't need this, I just want to keep things peaceful" tone. It's definitely worth the listen if you're ever mad at someone.

The Sceptics' Skin is another positively haunting song with faint vocals. Almost like a sequel to the first song on the album, so that we don't forget that this album isn't all "happy, have fun & peace".

Don't Take Away the Fire. If there's a Cranberries outtake on this album, this is it. And all these Cranberries references, do not mistake them for ripping off or cramping the artists style because influence is something to be proud of and showcase as loudly as possible.

Take Breath is probably my second favourite song on the album. This song just screams praise to someone is very cute in itself. It sounds like another single and that in itself should have fans demanding more.

Girl Called Silence. I'm not big on poems on albums, but this is good. Not my favourite, but it's really a unique step for the album.

And the Epilogue is the first dose of instrumental tracks that follow on other projects. It's quite epic, but makes you realize the album is over and you've heard it all.

Also: MY version of the album came with a bonus track (not sure if everyone else got it). It's an edit of the song The Beginning. Seems like an attempt at a radio edit for a song that originally over 5 minutes long. There's really no other difference than that, but it plays off like a good bonus track. It also seems like it's there to remind you the album is good and you should go listen to it again (which I will)."

AshMcAuliffe 21-04-2010 11:47

Digi album has done mighty well which is awesome. I'm dead pleased everyone likes the album so far. :D

AshMcAuliffe 20-07-2010 21:56

So, "Dark City" CD edition has been delayed for a wee while due to health, economic and some rather GRRR reasons.
The printing is finally set to go ahead in mid-late August.
4 bonus tracks are being mastered at present as maybe 1 or 2 will end up on the CD.

AshMcAuliffe 05-08-2010 18:50

August Update - "Dark City" CD album and other news...
Just to let you know, the forthcoming CD version of the "Dark City" record is going to contain 2 bonus tracks. The Digital Version still has the Universal Sickness remix of "Sirius" so i thought it would be nice to add a couple of bonus tracks on the CD.

The tracks are, therefore, titled:

* Outro - Sleep Now
* The Void

So, i'm sure you're getting kind of annoyed at the constant delay of the CD album. Well, there are a variety of reasons which have all led to the delay. Personal health issues, company recession/cost issues, no computer access other than at the local library etc etc.
I'm hoping the CD's will go into print mid-late August. Just a few tweaks are needed but all in all everything is complete.

I want to thank those of you have purchased the Digital version of "Dark City." I have thoroughly enjoyed reading your thoughts and opinions. I'm happy that the response has been firmly positive.
When i went into making this album many people tried to tell me that instrumental albums have no chance of success as no one can relate to the tracks without vocals/lyrics. The tracks speak for themselves. The titles of the tracks aid the imagination of the listener and, hopefully, the "Dark City" concept comes through loud and clear.

It's been an interesting musical adventure but also a very stressful and time consuming project. I have decided to take a wee break from recording any more material. This is due to my current health issues and i really need to focus on getting myself back to full health in order to record another album.

I will tell you, though, that i have been messing with the acoustic guitar once again and the idea of creating an electronic/acoustic album really appeals. Knowing me, however, this is subject to change as my musical tastes evolve.

I really hope you guys will support the CD release of "Dark City" as it is really important to me. I want you to enjoy the full completed package it in its entirety.

Another update coming soon.


AshMcAuliffe 12-08-2010 20:16

My album goes in to print next week. I'm uber excited.
If any of you are still interested in purchasing a copy please PM me? :)

AshMcAuliffe 16-08-2010 16:44

Excitement in the house of Ash.
The order was finalised today meaning "Dark City" now, officially, starts printing tomorrow.
:D :coctail:

AshMcAuliffe 20-08-2010 13:25

"Dark City" is complete
The parcels arrived an hour ago and everything looks AMAZING!
The official release date is Monday 23rd August via The albums are £10 inc. postage and packing.
In the meantime, you can order via paypal. The payment address is -
Make sure to put your name and address.

AshMcAuliffe 20-08-2010 18:12

"Dark City" CD available on eBay

Postage & Packing is included in the price. :)

AshMcAuliffe 22-08-2010 15:27

"Dark City" CD via PayPal

AshMcAuliffe 27-08-2010 17:30

:confused: Where did my Tatysite friends go?

dradeel 27-08-2010 17:51

Lol, observing now and then, but don't have much to say yet/atm? Hehehe. Sorry, comrade! :coctail: Have a drink with me! Hehe.

AshMcAuliffe 27-08-2010 19:05

*raises glass of gin* Cheers! What are you drinking? :coctail:

dradeel 30-08-2010 17:31

I was drinking beer. Hehehe. So I guess "drink" isn't exactly right, but close enough? :) Alcoholic beverages are alcoholic beverages, after all.

AshMcAuliffe 30-08-2010 17:34

^agreed. Alcohol is alcohol and alcohol is good shiz! ;)
I found a new favourite drink. Malibu, coke and lime! Yum! I was all fuzzy, warm and nicely drunk! :P I want some more.
Had a nice night on Saturday. Adam, I and Kelly had a Dark City night to celebrate. So the album was played, the movie was watched, then the album more. :D :laugh: ^^

dradeel 31-08-2010 22:38


Originally Posted by AshMcAuliffe (Post 394392)
Malibu, coke and lime

Really? I've tried Mailbu with coke, and it wasn't very pleasant when I did. Does lime make the whole difference?

Glad you had a good release party night! :D I should've been there! Hehe. Aaalthough I was having an headache from the night before on saturday and sitting licking my own wounds that night, so would probably have stayed at home anyways :p

AshMcAuliffe 01-09-2010 10:45


Originally Posted by dradeel (Post 394409)
Really? I've tried Mailbu with coke, and it wasn't very pleasant when I did. Does lime make the whole difference?

Glad you had a good release party night! :D I should've been there! Hehe. Aaalthough I was having an headache from the night before on saturday and sitting licking my own wounds that night, so would probably have stayed at home anyways :p

Yup. By squeezing the juice of lime in it makes all the difference. Gone completely off dry Gin now. Sloe Gin can stay though. :D
"Dark City" night was great and i think you'd have enjoyed it, especially when the alcohol set in. Dancing insanely both inside and outside of the house and annoying the neighbours = good times.
The postmistress is intrigued by all the parcels i've been taking down. She finally plucked up the courage to ask what they were today. Posted the CD's off to various countries so far - Poland, Ireland, Italy, Australia, USA, Germany and Finland as well as within the UK. :)

dradeel 05-09-2010 10:55


Originally Posted by AshMcAuliffe (Post 394419)
Yup. By squeezing the juice of lime in it makes all the difference. Gone completely off dry Gin now. Sloe Gin can stay though.

Hah! Completely off the dry gin!? What's happening to you? Hehehe. Hmm... if I buy some Malibu I'll try that the next time, but forgive me for saying I still have my doubts. :D


Originally Posted by AshMcAuliffe (Post 394419)
Dancing insanely both inside and outside of the house and annoying the neighbours = good times

Hah, dancing isn't really for me. I'd rather smoke my cigar, sip to my drink and watch you guys dance instead :laugh:


Originally Posted by AshMcAuliffe (Post 394419)
The postmistress is intrigued by all the parcels i've been taking down. She finally plucked up the courage to ask what they were today

Hahaha, very good! And I'll see if you can't add Norway to that list soon ;)

AshMcAuliffe 06-09-2010 00:20

Totally off dry gin. It gives me terrible headaches now. Just the smell of it. But hey, if it's available i'll still drink it. I haven't had a decent drink in ages what with all the hospital appointments i've had regarding my stomach. That is partly why i'm mega relieved to have the Dark City CD's done and dusted. It's been a worthwhile and fulfilling musical experience. When you're ready know that it will be a great pleasure to post your CD. :)

AshMcAuliffe 09-09-2010 16:03

"Sirius" video

A fan (saying 'fan' feels funny!) has used "Sirius" as the soundtrack to his latest skateboarding video. I like! :)
Thus this becomes the 2nd video featuring a track from "Dark City."

AshMcAuliffe 16-09-2010 17:55


AshMcAuliffe 23-09-2010 00:07

"Dark City" available on eBay once again.
It's still free postage and packing (including all shipping tax) to anywhere in the world. :D

Look here for more details - Dorian has her copy... Do you?

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