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fanoff 12-11-2011 11:21

I agree with this YT comment


I like this better than Never forget, Julia just have that "Spark"
NF is a better song but this has the feeling. I wouldn't like SM if I heard it from someone other than Yulia, yet she makes the song grow.

Argos 12-11-2011 11:44


Originally Posted by Talyubittu (Post 396985)
It sounds like something someone converted from English to Russian on Google translate.

It's all I + verb + I + verb + I + verb. And the verses aren't anything but random nouns.

The first few measures (after the snake-charming intro) I thought it's a cheap plagiate from Linda's Five Minutes (which in the same way begins seemingly random like "Rush - hour - light - moment - but!"). This impression didn't last long. 'Sdvinu mir' turned to vacuity within seconds.


Originally Posted by MalchikGeiBrand
Something about her voice seems different. I dunno. Her voice sounds nicer in this song compared to her others in my opinion though.

My first impression was: "Who the hell is singing this?" On a second run I decided it's a chimaera of Yulya's voice and her sound producer's digital equipment. (And I won't try it a third time.)

regigigas1505 12-11-2011 16:21

Well, I'd like to inform everyone Yulia cancelled all her significant appearences on TV and all that. She was going to MTV, she'd do an online chat on UOL and also perform live and unplugged. All gone now.

Her team says she'll be tired. I say she's lazy and Argos's right about her.

UPDATE: TWO performances were just cancelled. Florianopolis and Porto Alegre. haha can't wait for my city to be the next one! ¬¬
I'm surprised I'm not surprised.

NEW UPDATE: "Not cancelled. They should be rescheduling. Julia's arrival date got changed because of the change in flights. Nothing to worry about." -- says Team Volkova. hmmm

YET ANOTHER ONE: It seems they meant the appearences, not the gigs. I'm confused... We should wait for more information right now.

sakuya 13-11-2011 00:25


The thing that piss me off the most is that Julia has the X factor. She has it easy. Attract crowds towards her. And what does she do.. Make the worst of russian pop. Lena has to work to have that kind energy in her and it is still not enough. Julia has it, but she don't want to work with it and do it the easy way (as i said, typical shitty pop music, cancellations, lip job etc). It's sad she chose Rubliovka style and have her career as a hobby like every second rich men wife in Russia.

Flight cancellation thing might be true. For example Simple plan plane to brasil was cancelled as well. If they both are flying from US...

Starrgurl 13-11-2011 02:02

I actually like the new single better than any of her demos. Is it as strong as Lena's lead single? Probably not. But all these cancelled performances are what's really gonna bring her down. If she would just promote herself right, she could possibly get somewhere.

manatsu103 13-11-2011 07:02

I like the new single, I somehow think the english version will be better some how... mark
my words. The melody isn't terrible, her voice sounds so young and vulnerable, it somewhat reminds me of a scrapped dvesti po vstrechnoy demo.... I like it... nuff said.

RowerB 13-11-2011 07:27

After listening to the song about 50 times I’ve decided it is even better than Woman All the Way Down. It has really got me now.

Arnaudfrenchy 13-11-2011 10:51

I have listened to it 4 or 5 times, i had enough and decided that Rage is even better than this.

michael 13-11-2011 13:22

Some early pics from yesterdays video shoot:

Talyubittu 13-11-2011 18:54

At this point, I'm just going to haha.

I can see her lips are back in those new photos as well.

Funny thing about flights too. Evidently only one plane is headed to wherever she's going from wherever she's at currently. It's only 2011 after all. International flights are hard to come by. Miss one you miss them all! :lol:

Excuses, excuses, excuses.

Starrgurl 14-11-2011 05:43

Oh god, what is it with those lips? When is she gonna realize that THEY DON'T LOOK GOOD?!

regigigas1505 14-11-2011 14:07

Starrgurl, that's my thoughts exactly! But, remember, that's because she stopped the surgeries, as thegurgi told us in all his honesty.

Well, unfortunately I have to tell you guys I'm not going to her concert at my city (Belo Horizonte) anymore. That's probably because it won't happen.

I went to the mall yesterday to buy my tickets at the one and only place that was selling it and I was told I would actually be the first one to buy it. No tickets were sold yet. I talked to the lady and she confessed there probably won't be any concert, so I decided I didn't need to pass through a lot of nonsense to get my money back later. Also, it was kinda expensive and I wish to keep my memories from her when she first came to my country. So, that's it. There won't be pics and videos from me, but rest assured -- fans from Sao Paulo and Rio are sure to do it.

EsseAmaAquele 15-11-2011 14:47

Julia will be performing live in Russia on December 16...
Great News!!!

Julia will be performing live in Russia on December 16, 2011 at 23:00hs. The event will take place at the club-bar "MosConcert". This club is part of "Empire Bar XxxX", the most successful entertainment network in St. Petersburg.

The news were first published at the site, where you can also read something she said about her shows: "I look forward to the concerts and a world tour. My speech will be different from the t.A.T.u.'s one. This will be a great show with huge screens, and there will be a short film in each of them. I want my fans to take part in these films. I want them to feel they're part of my show, as if they were traveling around the world with me."

Originally published by Read more here: ... 1-tbc.html

convol 16-11-2011 00:32

Swedish "euro-pop" production or not (which isn't exactly my cup of tea either, to say the least), to me the single sounded like background music to Kirkorov dancing around with badly choreographed, overly made-up dancers on New Wave. Will this have a chance of becoming a hit in Russia?

Edit: Although at least it's melodic...

regigigas1505 17-11-2011 17:15

So, she's here.

She looks better without makeup, that's for sure.

Oh, and for the record: the Belo Horizonte presentation was just cancelled -- no surprise. Tonight, however, she'll perform in Rio. Videos and more pics are sure to come!

RowerB 18-11-2011 08:27

Sdvinu Mir now has 736 Likes on youtube and only 288 Dislikes. Yulia is great.

Blakeich 18-11-2011 19:03

Here is a link of Yulia Singing the English version "All because of you" at her concert but like i dont think its as good as the russian version the english sounds too simple.

I do the things i do, do the things, do the things i do
all because of you, cause of you, all because of you
I do the things i do, do the things, do the things i do
all because of you you.


and then she puts the mic to the audience for them to sing when its the premier of the friggin song so how are they supposed to know the words. I think it was a nervious reaction.

manatsu103 18-11-2011 20:50


Originally Posted by Blakeich (Post 397025)
I do the things i do, do the things, do the things i do
all because of you, cause of you, all because of you
I do the things i do, do the things, do the things i do
all because of you you.

hahaha. My lyrics for my song "All Because of you" run circles around this one.

But I'm sure it will be my guilty pleasure....

Arnaudfrenchy 18-11-2011 21:08

"I do the things i do, do the things, do the things i do
all because of you, cause of you, all because of you
I do the things i do, do the things, do the things i do
all because of you you."

Seriously :rolleyes:

And i will not talk about the singing... :bum:

regigigas1505 18-11-2011 21:56

Well, it's sad that she can't sing and everything... Her face, etc., but I'll try to be positive for once.

All the fans who went to the concert were really really happy to see her. They said she was really kind and caring, took pictures even out of the meet&greet.

Here are many pics:

They said her version of Bruno Mars song was the best of the show. Also, there were less than 40 people in there, but she was enjoying every minute of it according to them.

They also said her backing vocal sucked and Yulia was rough on her at many times, giving her signals all the time -- like, "shh" LOL

About her face... They said she looked really cute and like a doll blablabla -- me, I think she's a really different person now, not the same face, but yeah, she's still kinda cute. Maybe the time will heal it if she lets it go for once and for all, who knows.

Anyways, I'm glad all the (few) people who went enjoyed and thought the singing was amazing and that she rocked etc. There are more videos to come, too. :coctail:

Update: -- here are maaaaaaaaaaany more pictures.

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