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teeny 04-02-2004 19:15


Uninstall MSN for fun to see the difference
uninstall MSN and the fun will be gone :(
But it does require resources for sure.

*goes to remove ICQ from startup*

spyretto 04-02-2004 23:25

MSN loads a program called loadqm at startup, some useless program that checks if you have an older version of msn. If you disable or get rid of that program MSN won't be slowing your computer down as much.

Quick launch bar? I never have any programs there. It's annoying ;)

Have you got a dial up connection QueenBee? Cause you may notice that the virus protection interferes with your connection and hangs up the line.

can have the expert opinion of the other forumers? :)

la aurora 05-02-2004 01:00

hmmm... stands at queenie's side :lalala:

I am a fool when it comes to computers... I mean I can deal with some programmes like Photoshop... but when it comes to something more serious i do suck...

Anyway... i have my computer with Internet connection for 5-6 years... may be even more... i don't know what Firewalls are for... I don't have any antivirus software... and nothing ever happened. i can't remember getting any virus... even if i did, I don't know about it :gigi: Being a true russian I follow this rule 'poka grom ne gryanet, muzhik ne perekrestitsa'. Which means I won't think about problem before I really get it.

So when my Windows died not so long ago, I was kinda surprised. When I shared my problem with some computer-knowing friends they were about to die from laughter. They just couldn't believe my Windows was never re-installed in 5 years! lol

Yeah... some things wouldn't work... but I'd just look here or there, push a pair of buttons and suddenly everything is ok... But the more I learn about computers, the less things work on it. I never toughed Windows for 5 years... now I reinstall it regulary... wich is quite painful with my 100% american computer that just refuses to work with russian pirated programmes *sigh*

Ok... as there are so many knowing ppl, I have a couple of questions:

First is about programmes working with music... I have Yamaha sound card and ordinary headset (with mic and headphones). Sound Forge, Cool Edit, Frooty Loops, Samplitude producer and other programes... they all work ok... while such programes as Cubase and Logic Platinum pretend they are mute and deaf. There's no sound... at all. They worked well at the beginning... but then something happened and they shut up... I remember quite well that I wasn't changing anything in Settings. Now even if I re-install them, they are mute.

2nd... well... it's an easy one... I'm about to get ADSL in a couple of days... and I never cared about traffic before... I was counting only minutes as I paid per hour. Just curious if anyone knows how many Kbs browsing tatysite takes... per hour... I know u can't give exact number... but still... and such programmes as ICQ... how much per hour?

3rd question is for our lil queenie, the queen of web-design lol U said u could help here :lalala: so...
a) is there a way I can get a border consisting of 1px dots for example? I don't think I've seen this option is CSS. But may be I just didn't notice of course.... :rolleyes:
b) now IFRAMEs... and Opera browser... This option is for IE mostly... but I've seen pages with IFRAMES and they worked ok in my Opera... even older version than I have now. But when I write HTML code by hand... and try to see it in Opera, it shows some weird stuff like oe> or somethong like that instead of the whole page. So my questin is: WTF?
c) u should know the answer on this I think... I feel comfortable enough with tables and all... but layers are something I'm a fool at. The question: what I need filters for and how each of them works?

lol... ok... enough by now... I'm asking too much... I have some more questions but I'll shut up by now :lalala:

spyretto 05-02-2004 01:14

You reinstall them from scratch? :eek:

I used to do that but now I use system restore. As a matter of fact, I just used it now. I'm a very happy customer :D

About ADSL, do you mean they impose some downloading/uploading limit :eek: I've heard about that before but with cable not ADSL. That's quite disturbing, actually.

la aurora 05-02-2004 01:27

well... spy... I am such a fool that I'm not even sure if what I'm going to get is actually ADSL... but it's a wireless domestic network... or something... as for limits... not... there are no limits... I just get 200Mbs of free traffic per month and then I have to pay for each Mb 0.7$. That's all... So I'd like to know how much will the thing cost for me... i just paid more than 100& to get it and hope it will be worth it... coz now I can spend 20$ in 2 days lol

haku 05-02-2004 01:54


Originally posted by sunny poison
I'm not even sure if what I'm going to get is actually ADSL... but it's a wireless domestic network...
If it's a wireless technology, it's not ADSL (ADSL is wired), it sounds more like Wi-Fi technology or something similar. :)

200MB is enough if all you do is browsing web sites or chatting on MSN/AIM, but you'll have to be careful to not donwload too much big files because you could use that in only one day.

PS: I hope you meant 200MB because you wrote 200Mb but that would be very little.

la aurora 05-02-2004 02:08

well... lol... thanks haku... I told u I was a fool in computers... it's RadioEthernet for domestic networks... and eah... I meant 200 MBs of course :rolleyes:
as for huge files.... I don't have such habbit... would u get it having 21600 dial-up? lol But I can get used fast of course... we'll see... anyway, seems it won't be as expensive as it is now...

haku 05-02-2004 02:28


Originally posted by sunny poison
as for huge files.... I don't have such habbit... would u get it having 21600 dial-up?
I know where you're coming from. :)
I'm quite old LOL My first modem was 9600 b/s, it was somewhere in the mid 1990s LOL

taty994945 05-02-2004 05:31

Hey DAZ, thanks for the anti-virus programs, good stuff! :done:

nath 05-02-2004 07:55


Originally posted by crni
sunwalk, are you ripping dvd to vobs or directly to divx (or xvid)?
i mean, i never get such problems, but i use Smart Ripper to rip to vobs and then DrDivx to encode it to divx, or Gordian Knot for xvid. but if you want to encode it to xvid, i'd recommend you use Auto Gordian Knot, which is as good as the "normal" Gordian but MUCH simpler.
good luck ;)

Thanks a lot crni!....I've finally succeded in ripping my dvd in Divx....
But i have another little problem now....i've gotten a LONG video in which i included 2 langages : french and english.
The video was long so my software cut it into 3 parts : 3X699Mo
After i got the subtittles in english and french with vobdub...but as my video is cut with 3 parts when i launch the subtittles with the video number 2 , for exemple, the subtittles begin at the beginning of the movie !...
So , do you know how to do to "cut" the subtittles and make them work perfectly with the video , please?
Thanks a lot..

crni 05-02-2004 15:52

sunwalk, i'm not really sure if i got this one... but let's see...
you mean you have three vids and one subtitle file? for three videos you must have three different subtitle files to load with each video separately... that's how i do it...
anyway...the software i use is SubtitleProcessor. it can do pretty much anything you want to do with the subs, so feel free to experiment ;)

denial 06-02-2004 13:30

Internet Explorer Address Bar Spoofing Test

Originally posted by denial
Last Reviewed: 2/2/2004 (3.0)
Keywords: KB834489

MS04-004 Cumulative Security Update for Internet Explorer (832894):

http(s)://username : password@server/resource.ext
Internet Explorer Address Bar Spoofing Test

Test to see if your browser is vulnerable to the "Internet Explorer URL Spoofing Vulnerability".

From the above page:

After you have clicked the link:
If your address bar only says "" then your browser is vulnerable.

Also, notice that your status bar (lower left corner of IE) only displays "" when holding the mouse cursor over the link.
I think this is critical especially if you are doing online banking or shopping.

taty994945 06-02-2004 14:08

fcuk! I think im vulnerable :(

teeny 06-02-2004 14:31

Go get the newest updates and security fixes at
I usually install the updates one at a time just in case some tries to update the same files.
Then either visit the update site at a regular basis or turn on automatic update. I perfer visiting the site myself since not all updates are needed for my use.

haku 06-02-2004 14:43

I don't have any anti-virus software either. :D

QueenBee 06-02-2004 16:10

For Sunny Poison

a) is there a way I can get a border consisting of 1px dots for example? I don't think I've seen this option is CSS. But may be I just didn't notice of course....
Yeah, and I think it will show up differently in IE and other browsers. For example, in IE it will show as small lines, not exactly small dots. I think it works good in Mozilla. :yes:

If you want all objects to have a border of a special kind (in this case dotted) you add this as CSS:

---Object--- {border-style: dotted}

For example if you want images to have a dotted border you add this:

IMG {border-style: dotted}

If you want only a specific image to have a border like this you add: style="BORDER:1px dotted #000000" to the image.

For example: <img src="Imagename.jpg" style="BORDER:1px dotted #000000">

You can play around with the attributes. :) And also add different objects such as:

P, IMG {border-style: dotted}

Some more examples of border you can try:
-Dashed (looks like small lines)
-Solid (looks like regular border)

Remember that in IE and Mozilla and Opera and all those things it can show up differently because of the coding style.


b) now IFRAMEs... and Opera browser... This option is for IE mostly... but I've seen pages with IFRAMES and they worked ok in my Opera... even older version than I have now. But when I write HTML code by hand... and try to see it in Opera, it shows some weird stuff like oe> or somethong like that instead of the whole page. So my questin is: WTF?
Hehehe, yeah, different browsers sometimes screw up the coding.. I have no idea why this is. I think when we code by hand we use a special coding, it's not that very complicated, but when you use programs such as Dreamweaver and FrontPage, they use more complicated coding styles which these different browers understand better than when we code by hand.. but that's just what I THINK.. I'm not sure at all. So I'm sorry. :(


c) u should know the answer on this I think... I feel comfortable enough with tables and all... but layers are something I'm a fool at. The question: what I need filters for and how each of them works?
I think filters and layers are different things.. but you asked about layers.. so.. I'm gonna answer about using layers. I'm not sure what all the things they can do are, but I use them to position different things on a page. For example on my website (I know! Sneaky commercial :p) you can see how I have added Yulia over the iframe so that she covers the text when you scroll. And I used DIV Layers to create that effect. (The Yulia is a GIF-image where the background is transparent) They're really good when you make websites, but I suck at explaining at how they work exactly. I saw a website using them, and then I just taught myself. I tried looking for pages on about div layers, but honestly I didn't get any of the things that they said.. :laugh:

Anyway, here is how you add a layer. You simply write it in the <body> section of the html-code.

<div id="image" style="position: absolute; left: ###px; top: ###px; width: ###px; height: ###px"> <img border="0" src="yourimage.jpg" width="yourwidth" height="yourheight"> </div>

Div id = I think this is used for other more complicated codings, when you specify the name of the object.. I never use this myself, I actually erase it completely, but if you want you can always do some research.. I tried and haven't gotten any good results. I had a HTML-book before but I can't find it now, otherwise I would have looked in there. :(

Style="position: absolute; left: ###px; top: ###px; width: ###px; height: ###px" = This is where you position the object(s). Left: how many pixels from the left it should be. Top: How many pixels from the top it should be. The width and height decide how big the layer should be, but I never use them, the layer's height and width is decided automatically depending on how big the object(s) is/are. Kind of hard to explain, but you don't need to use the height and width attributes.

I put the image code as an example so you know where the object should be. :yes:

That's it! Wow, that's totally MESSED UP. I'm really sorry if you don't get any of it.. it's very complicated to explain. But try it out and play around with it. :yes: And if there is any problem just tell me! :rose: We might not use the same techniques, and sorry if I misinterpreted your questions... I hope this helped anyway (And if it did not help you, I hope it helped someone else) but I'm sorry it just confused everybody.. :p

forre 06-02-2004 17:45


Originally posted by forre

Uninstall MSN for fun to see the difference.
To uninstall MSN with one click:
1.Start - Run - [the following command below, copy and paste in the command window]
RunDll32 advpack.dll,LaunchINFSection %windir%\INF\msmsgs.inf,BLC.Remove
2. You'll be prompted to uninstall MSN.

All right, I ran the command. It uninstalls the original version of MSN (4.7) shipped with Win XP. However, it keeps the later updates and MSN works just fine. Nevertheless, this version (4.7) seem to slow down the computer. The difference is seen. Especially when launching Outlook Express. Now it starts without any delays.

Mentioned by spy loadqm is not running under Win Xp and therefore not listed in the Processes.

If you lost MSN anyway, get it back.

Kappa 06-02-2004 19:03

forre, there's an easier way, if we're talking about erasing WINDOWS Messenger. :P

denial 07-02-2004 18:24

Dear Sunny Poison,


Originally posted by sunny poison
hmmm... stands at queenie's side :lalala:

I am a fool when it comes to computers...
:rolleyes: .. oh well .. for you :rose: ... :laugh:


2nd... well... it's an easy one... I'm about to get ADSL in a couple of days... and I never cared about traffic before... I was counting only minutes as I paid per hour. Just curious if anyone knows how many Kbs browsing tatysite takes... per hour... I know u can't give exact number... but still... and such programmes as ICQ... how much per hour?
You can try this one Net.Medic. It doesnt work on my computer. :rolleyes: .. maybe I need to reboot first.
To download.

There.. if you play around with the menu and options you can see many things related to your internet connection network. Good too if you designing website with lots of graphics so you can see how many bytes were transmit from your webpage. Have fun!

Anyway .. I would like to hear more about your RadioEthernet experience.. hope you'll get it soon .. I wonder how the connection go when its very heavy rain ..

The satelite tv doesnt work when its raining too heavy ..and I would sit infront of tv like a fool feeling so dissapointed but not knowing what to do..especially if the movie half way. I hope it wont be same problem with RadioEthernet ..

and I have question... what is CSS ?

teeny 07-02-2004 23:42


Originally posted by denial
and I have question... what is CSS ?
It's short for Cascading Style Sheets
Used when building homepages. Then all standards for font, backgrounds, tables.. Design features to be short can be written in one file and used by all the html (asp, php.. add more) pages. Saves time when designing and esp when redesigning. The styles can be included in the top of the page itself but a part of the feature of saving time is a bit wasted.

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