Unofficial forum of group TATU

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-   -   "Tatu in Podnebesnaya". Releases from 31.01.04 and 01.02.04. [aka Eps. 5 & 6] (

cirrus 03-02-2004 21:13


I could see it eventually becoming a Lena project, which I would have no problem with. Tatu are coming apart little by little, with Yulia's voice problems and Ivan's shitty management. And I think it would be a mistake to replace Yulia with another girl. So, take the girl with talent and work on her career. I think that's a good direction.


I'm a money hungry bitch!
That's the spirit! :done:

QueenBee 03-02-2004 21:29


I could see it eventually becoming a Lena project, which I would have no problem with.
WHAT?! Are you insane?! :p

I wonder how the project would have worked out if it was only Lena. I mean, pretty much everything so far would have been pretty useless, and there would have been a whole new concept I assume. They should have worked on Yulia's throat problems before, now it seems like it's already too late.. but you never know, right? But yeah, I hope they ditch Ivan, he has no control whatsoever it seems, and there's nothing "special" about the project anymore. It doesn't "stick out" if you get my point.. We just follow Tatu 'cause we like them already.

Kate 03-02-2004 21:35


Tatu are coming apart little by little, with Yulia's voice problems and Ivan's shitty management.
That's true... :( There is no way that Julia can regain her voice and sing like she did 3 years ago. But Lena's voice is very nice. :D I'll buy Lena's solo CD, given that her song lyrics aren't going to be so random, and have a little meaning...

cirrus 03-02-2004 21:38


WHAT?! Are you insane?!
Ummm. Probably.

but I have to admit, I never liked Yulia that much anyways. :eek: I think there's always gonna be *something* special about the Tatu project, since there's no one else quite like them.


I'll buy Lena's solo CD
Me too, if by "purchasing" you mean "downloading". Actually, if it's worth the money, I'd gladly buy it.

"wings of hospitals... show me sex..."

QueenBee 03-02-2004 21:58


Ummm. Probably.
Aaaw don't worry.. We all are, we all are.. :coctail:


but I have to admit, I never liked Yulia that much anyways.
Hhhh.. *Faints* How come? :ithink: *Goes back to fainting*


I think there's always gonna be *something* special about the Tatu project, since there's no one else quite like them.
Maybe you're right.. I mean, "they've changed who we are" :p But the sad thing is that people think Tatu is over. Well.. :hmmm: Even if they disappear now I'll be listening to their old songs :yes: I just can't get tired of them! :D


Me too, if by "purchasing" you mean "downloading".
Hahaha yeah.. me too. :gigi: *High five*

thegurgi 03-02-2004 22:12

Ummm, Kate.


There is no way that Julia can regain her voice and sing like she did 3 years ago
Yulia can get her voice back... how do i know? Well, i completely lost my ability to sing at all once... i could talk OK.... but i just had no control anymore... But after letting it calm down, drinking smooth hot liquids and a few other remedies and just not singing I was able to get better. I can't sing like i used to but that was because of puberty :: i used to sing Tenor 1, those were the days :: but i can hold notes with out them breaking now :)! So, I put faith in Yulia, she just needs to be responsble enough to fix it and put some effort in it. Julia's problem is range and control... those can be fixed... they really can.

But, She can be fixed... eventually... but it's asking a lot.

Unplugged 03-02-2004 22:46

thegurgi, I don't agree with you. Yulia will never have the same voice that she had before she started smoking. Her voice was a lot higher back then, that's why now she's always complaining about "screaming" - because her voice has turned lower because of smoking and she has to try harder in order to hit the higher note. She's not gonna get her old voice back just with remedies or hot drinks - those effects from smoking that got her voice lower and weaker are not reversible. Even if she just smoked for a couple of years, it's enough to cause a change. There's singers who can smoke and that wouldn't do much to their voices because they have really strong throats, while others have really sensitive throats that are damaged much more easily - I believe this is Yulia's case - and mine also :rolleyes: :p

thegurgi 03-02-2004 22:49

staringelf, i'm refering to Laryngitis and VOCAL CONTROL... NOT RANGE.... [they are so different].

Range can be changed so rapidly it's almost hard to say who can sing what any day of the week. I've always said that Yulia will never be able to sing high like she did before, but that was a matter of Range. In MP3 we have, WE [or at least I] can tell she is having a ton of trouble with control... which CAN be fixed. [which also has a lot to do with focus]

Kate 03-02-2004 22:54

thegurgi, whatever it is you are referring to, Julia's voice will never ever be the ame. Yeah, she can sing, so can I. :lol: I have a load, strong voice, but my range is not for singing. And Julia can regain her loudness, but her singing ability is most likely lost forever. :( Sad, but that's how things work if you don't treasure your vocal talent and smoke it off. :(

thegurgi 03-02-2004 23:02

katbeidar, well, i kind of agree with what you said. She'll still be able to sing when she can control her chords again... it just probably won't have the same flavor it used to have. :: although, sometimes scratchy voices are sexy... it just depends on how it works... actually it's usually frightning, but some people make it work... i dunno, i'm just rambling ::

and really? no one understands what i'm talking about?? i guess i'm just used to being around people who actually know... stuff.... like this

cirrus 03-02-2004 23:16

thegurgi - yes, control and range are different. having proper control over your voice allows you to hold notes and generally sound like a good singer. Range is what notes you are able to sing. Smoking takes away some of your range.
-In Yulia's case, not properly treating vocal problems can damage your vocal chords beyond repair. Either way, your control and range are fucked up.


Hhhh.. *Faints* How come?
I liked Yulia in the beginning - the early music videos and interviews. But recently, I think she gives off this superstar better-than-you sort of air, and I can't stand that. No matter how famous you are, you should still be a considerate person. I dunno, Yulia seems like a bitch sometimes. Like in that video of her fighting the photographer. Lena appears friendlier (though I bet they both have bitchy moments).

I think if I met them, I'd like Lena better, or atleast get a better impression from her. :rose:

thegurgi 03-02-2004 23:27

i thought of the simple answer

Control affects Range
Range doesn't affect Control....

Therefore If you're control sucks, your range will also suck. But control is fixable if you do something about it. but i do believe that Julia has tried to do something.... just not very well.

And yeah, Yulia has become rather Jaded...

Unplugged 03-02-2004 23:29

I think that what happens with Yulia is that she is forced to go into a range which she can no longer achieve easily, and therefore she loses control over her voice and starts having problems over and over.
Of course she can sing, and will sing, but never like she did when she recorded "Nas Ne Dogoniat". I think Ivan should make Lena hit the higher notes, not Yulia anymore. Although Lena's voice has also changed a tad due to smoking, she doesn't have the throat problems that Yulia does, so it's a lot easier for her.

QueenBee 03-02-2004 23:35


I think she gives off this superstar better-than-you sort of air, and I can't stand that. No matter how famous you are, you should still be a considerate person. I dunno, Yulia seems like a bitch sometimes.
Hahaha! I totally agree *High five* I think Yulia acts too much like a diva sometimes.. and I can't stand those kind of people! *Going insane*


Control affects Range
Range doesn't affect Control....
Err.. :ithink: This isn't stuff I understand. :laugh: I don't know if Yulia will heal properly, but NOW her voice is really really bad... I don't see an album coming anytime soon! :dknow:

Staringelf congrats on 400th post :rose:

Unplugged 03-02-2004 23:42


Staringelf congrats on 400th post
Hahaha :laugh: Thanks, Queenie :D I don't even notice those things... 400, huh? :p Well I only need 2930 to reach your number :gigi:


I dunno, Yulia seems like a bitch sometimes. Like in that video of her fighting the photographer.
I agree. Of course the photographer was arrogant from the beginning, but then so was she - "Yulia is not dressing up", "Are you sure I'm gonna be in this photoshoot? What makes you so sure?" - she was provoking him just because she didn't like him. It's part of the business to deal with arrogant photographers sometimes, you can't just tell everyone to fuck off just because you don't like them - it's work, be profissional, do what you gotta do and ignore the rest. Just like Lena was trying to do.

QueenBee 04-02-2004 00:18


I don't even notice those things...
Yeah, it's about what you write, not how much. ;) But I keep track of them when I'm bored.. Which I am very often! :gigi:

cirrus 04-02-2004 00:43


Originally posted by staringelf
you can't just tell everyone to fuck off just because you don't like them - it's work, be profissional, do what you gotta do and ignore the rest. Just like Lena was trying to do.
EXACTLY! :done: Too many celebrities don't understand and it only makes them look bad.

*images how nice and professional he'd be if he were famous*

spyretto 04-02-2004 00:49

Wow, Yulia bashing? didn't see that coming :lol:

I'm totally clueless whether she can recover or not. Not with the way they go around doing things, that's for sure. What about the surgery? Why don't they take a break to sort their problems? If they do, will they be able to come back or would time have turned their backs on them?
Questions, questions...

QueenBee 04-02-2004 00:50


*images how nice and professional he'd be if he were famous*
Whaaa?! But you're slavic! ;)

I'd be nice and professional too.. It's in my nature :laugh: But Yulia has always been known for the more "fuck off"-type. I think Lena acts more mature in these situations. But then she suddenly agreed with Yulia! :eek: What's up with that! Use your brain, girl! :p I don't know what Yulia is trying to do.. She's not the queen of the world.

cirrus 04-02-2004 00:54


Wow, Yulia bashing? didn't see that coming
WHAAA?! This isn't bashing, man. Just... erm... some observations. ;)


But you're slavic!
Oh yeah. So I'd be nice, professional, negative, and most probably drunk. Bring it on! :smoke:

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