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Arnaudfrenchy 11-11-2011 18:14


Originally Posted by regigigas1505 (Post 396940)
Arnaudfrenchy, the producer's swedish...

I wasn't sure lol
Thank you for confirming. :)
Thanks to Argos too. ;-)


Originally Posted by Blakeich (Post 396941)
why does she own the catalogue. I never understood this could you explain.

Well, the story isn't clear. Someone told that at a fan meeting in Russia, yulia told she didn't own the rights. But it's a complete crap that i am seriously laughing at. :D

Yulia and Lena have all the right to sing tatu songs if they want. This is just a moral.

Blakeich 11-11-2011 18:20

Шаг – ночь, бег – день.
Сон – прочь, в тень проблем.
Лёд – страсть, блеск губ,
Но власть мне зачем?
Я же могу быть сильной
Тобой на треть
Сильно обнять, ждать сильно
И сильно захотеть.

Я буду для тебя высоты ощущением
Если ты плывешь я могу стать течением
Хочешь для тебя сдвину мир, только попроси
Мне же хватит сил, сил сил

Пей ром, жги боль,
Спрячь всё вглубь души.
Вверх – зной, вниз – мост.
Где твой свет скажи!
Я же могу быть сильной
Тобой на треть
Сильно обнять, ждать сильно
И сильно захотеть.

Я буду для тебя высоты ощущением
Если ты плывешь я могу стать течением
Хочешь для тебя сдвину мир, только попроси
Мне же хватит сил, сил сил

Я обернусь,
Чтобы слышать твой пульс
В голосах, в тишине, в музыке из такси
Обернусь и пойду снова. Мне хватит сил

– Pace – night, Run – day.
– Sleep – slip away, into the shadow of problems.
– Ice – passion, the glimmer of lips,
– But why do I have control?
– I could have the strength
– Of three of you
– Embrace strongly, wait strongly
– And want it strongly

– I will be your sense of height for you
– If you float away, I can turn into the waves
– If you want me to move the world, just ask
– I have enough strength, strength strength

– Drink rum – burn the pain,
– Hide everything deep within your soul.
– Up – heat. Down – a bridge.
– Just say where your light is!
– I could have the strength
– Of three of you
– Embrace strongly, wait strongly
– And want it strongly

– I will be your sense of height for you
– If you float away, I can turn into the waves
– If you want me to move the world, just ask
– I have enough strength, strength strength

– I turn around
– Just to listen to your pulse.
– In the voices, in the silence, in the music from the taxi
– I turn around and leave again. I have enough strength

thegurgi 11-11-2011 18:23


Originally Posted by Arnaudfrenchy (Post 396943)
Yulia and Lena have all the right to sing tatu songs if they want. This is just a moral.

you are right Arnaud about the morality thing (to a degree), i was merely commenting that the reason why Julia is performing Tatu songs is because that's what the company requested. If Julia refused to sing them - the tour wouldn't happen and she really wanted to visit the Brazilian fans. My theory as to why Julia was contacted, and not Lena, is because of the legal ownership of the Tatu catalog... think about the big controversy of Michael Jackson owning the Beatles catalog, this is a similar vein. And there are conflicting reports about it's ownership, all i know is what i've been told from the people i know.

As for the song, it's part of the Gala contract so yeah, it's gonna be more pop than anything. You gotta sow your seeds before you can really do your own stuff and this is definitely the beginning... i've heard that the new demo is banging.

Arnaudfrenchy 11-11-2011 18:35


Originally Posted by thegurgi (Post 396945)
i was merely commenting that the reason why Julia is performing Tatu songs is because that's what the company requested. If Julia refused to sing them - the tour wouldn't happen and she really wanted to visit the Brazilian fans. My theory as to why Julia was contacted, and not Lena, is because of the legal ownership of the Tatu catalog...

Yes, i agree with you. Then nothing confirmed that Yulia was the owner of tatu songs.


Originally Posted by thegurgi (Post 396945)
think about the big controversy of Michael Jackson owning the Beatles catalog, this is a similar vein.

I didn't know about that.

Talyubittu 11-11-2011 19:36


Originally Posted by thegurgi (Post 396930)
actually - she was approached by the Brazilian touring company because they wanted her to perform Tatu songs... it was part of the contract. She technically owns the Tatu catalog (Lena doesn't) ... so, it's her authority to perform them over Lena, which (i'm guessing) is why the Brazilians contacted Julia and not Lena... I'm sorry it's not going exactly the way you seem to think it should be going. But you don't really have the facts correct enough to even begin... the logistics of merely getting the girl to a photoshoot is mind boggling. Things get thrown together in days in between huge lulls. You plan it as best you can, conceptually - but the reality of these things is that it just happens. There's a lot more about to happen too - so you can can the righteous negativity towards the project. If you don't like and it's not what you're into, that's not really any of our faults.

Delays in production of the song, i still don't know the english version, but we're filming the music video tomorrow in LA, it's gonna be a lot of fun. I'll be taking photos from the set and collecting items for the website -

I don't care if she personally wrote and composed every one of the songs t.A.T.u. ever performed. The issue isn't ownership, it's decency. And anybody who opens their mouth about their former band mate performing t.A.T.u. music under a solo name should not throw stones in her own glass house, contract or not. She did have the option to refuse and say "No, I'm simply Yulia Volkova now" - but she didn't, did she? So what point do you think you're making? I fail to see it.

Also, they should have approached both girls if their intent was to put on a show with he pretext of being a t.A.T.u. concert. That's just my opinion on that specific matter. Clearly though, the people in control have always and currently still do know what's best since both girls are still about as important as stray birds on a radar.

In addition, if you'd like to point out which "facts" I don't have correct then please, enlighten me. I'd love the experience to be informed of what I evidently don't know since I'm also evidently not in contact with anyone affiliated with the project and am also evidently spewing false information? I'll leave that to the powers that be as well since they're the ones with experience in that department.

And trust me, I can imagine how difficult it is to get "the girl" to a photo shoot. Probably about as difficult as everything else related to her and her project seem to be despite being in her best interest to do all of these things. Things being thrown together last minute is not anything new here, but way to shed light on all the problems Yulia Volkova carried over from t.A.T.u. despite the absence of Boris Rensky.

So, finally - the only thing I'm going to "can" is dealing with you since you spout a whole lot of nonsense under the same pretense of "big things are happening" that have yet to happen. Performing t.A.T.u. songs + 3 unused tracks + one decent new single is also not big. Especially since you've stated yourself they're booking her for her involvement with t.A.T.u. predominantly, not her specifically.

Announcing a single in August and releasing it in November is clue number one in case you're confused about what I'm talking about as well. Which isn't "big" by the way. It's essential in order to be an artist and once again, delayed and underwhelming in the end. It's been years since t.A.T.u. collapsed and you still don't even know when one English counterpart of a song is going to be released. This post from you has been about as informative as reading the nutrition facts on a box of Twinkies; i.e. tells me everything I already knew. Full of fat, artery clogging and stuffed with artificial ingredients. Let me contain my overwhelming surprise.

If I weren't interested in Yulia Volkova, I wouldn't be here. I'm not going to be chastised for her teams failure to put together a decent project after two? three? I don't even know how long it's been - years. Especially by her fan-turned-graphic-designer who in reality doesn't know anything. See the part where you mention that here. So enjoy your photo shoot.


thegurgi 11-11-2011 19:53


Originally Posted by Talyubittu (Post 396947)
If I weren't interested in Yulia Volkova, I wouldn't be here. I'm not going to be chastised for her teams failure to put together a decent project after two? three? I don't even know how long it's been - years. Especially by her fan-turned-graphic-designer. So enjoy your photo shoot.


whatever. I was a graphic designer before I was her fan, btw...and it will be a blast, literally at one point.

I just think there's just been way too much read into these things and ton of assumptions. It's easy to make your comments a your computer, i know cause i used to do it a lot about things i really had no experience in. But when you're actually in the field, working - you find out how utterly naive and silly your comments are - I regret so much that I used to say about shit but i've learned and moved on. Like how Julia has is learning from her mistakes - learning is something a lot of people just don't know how to do ... especially my fellow Americans. We dwell on idiotic one liners and act as if they are definitive always. We americans LOVE that... our political system's relationship with the media is dependent on it. Very typical... I know you think i'm still some high school student with a design hobby, but i've been working in the field and worked with clients bigger than Julia Volkova. I defend this project because it's not worth all the criticism it's being given. SERIOUSLY... this is like 5 people trying to help a girl record some songs cause it's all she knows. And you guys act as if we're actually trying to replicate the Tatu career. Or that there's so much more to this than there is... or that it's been YEARS. Do you forget that Julia has 2 children that's shes's been trying to raise? That she didn't get to spend any time with when they were born. I can tell you that she HAS been doing that... and shopping, a lot of shopping... she's definitely not perfect but i give her credit, she has a lot more drive than any one i've met and she's just ridiculously kind to people and that's more than i can say for some people.... a lot of people....

and i'd love to say why lena wasn't approached for Brazil but i've only heard the Brazilians take and the Boris stories and they are never reliable...

regigigas1505 11-11-2011 20:00

How can you say she learned from her mistakes? It's literally ON HER FACE. She hasn't.

Since you know so much, why don't you explain something actually useful and tell us the background on this plastic thing? She shoulda gotten treatment before ruining her face, now it's all gone.

thegurgi 11-11-2011 20:09


Originally Posted by regigigas1505 (Post 396949)
ow can you say she learned from her mistakes? It's literally ON HER FACE. She hasn't.

Since you know so much, why don't you explain something actually useful and tell us the background on this plastic thing? She shoulda gotten treatment before ruining her face, now it's all gone.

she stopped a long time ago - but i'll make sure i tell her you said that... she'll really enjoy your nice comments.

--- my basic point before, really ignoring your insult there, - i think it's pretty remarkable what her team and herself have managed to do with little budget and resources... that's my perspective and since i'm a constructive person and not destructive, that's the one i'm going to stick to. Maybe you guys need to read a book called 'How to Win Friends and Influence People' or something. Cause the destructive criticism on these boards is just toxic ... and not worth my energy. I have friends, a job and a career to work on ... i've said my peace about julia's career and that's that. Enjoy what we have coming up cause I think it's gonna be really good, better than sdvinu mir (the english version i hear is actually better!)

regigigas1505 11-11-2011 20:22

Yes, she stopped a long time ago. Right. That's why she looked almost OK back in december and she only gets worse now.

As for what you tell her or not, it's not my concern -- she's a public figure, deal with it. Her surgeries made everyone suffer for her, to this day. What you tell her I or other members say about it won't matter at all, as you're obviously as shallow as her destructive plastic ideas.

Talyubittu 11-11-2011 20:24


Originally Posted by thegurgi (Post 396948)
whatever. I was a graphic designer before I was her fan, btw...and it will be a blast, literally at one point.

I just think there's just been way too much read into these things and ton of assumptions. It's easy to make your comments a your computer, i know cause i used to do it a lot about things i really had no experience in. But when you're actually in the field, working - you find out how utterly naive and silly your comments are - I regret so much that I used to say about shit but i've learned and moved on. Like how Julia has is learning from her mistakes - learning is something a lot of people just don't know how to do ... especially my fellow Americans. We dwell on idiotic one liners and act as if they are definitive always. We americans LOVE that... our political system's relationship with the media is dependent on it. Very typical... I know you think i'm still some high school student with a design hobby, but i've been working in the field and worked with clients bigger than Julia Volkova. I defend this project because it's not worth all the criticism it's being given. SERIOUSLY... this is like 5 people trying to help a girl record some songs cause it's all she knows. And you guys act as if we're actually trying to replicate the Tatu career. Or that there's so much more to this than there is... or that it's been YEARS. Do you forget that Julia has 2 children that's shes's been trying to raise? That she didn't get to spend any time with when they were born. I can tell you that she HAS been doing that... and shopping, a lot of shopping... she's definitely not perfect but i give her credit, she has a lot more drive than any one i've met and she's just ridiculously kind to people and that's more than i can say for some people.... a lot of people....

and i'd love to say why lena wasn't approached for Brazil but i've only heard the Brazilians take and the Boris stories and they are never reliable...

To address the unimportant things first, by "fan turned graphic designer" I was implying you were a former fan who later became a part of her team. Not that you suddenly knew your way around Photoshop because Yulia Volkova's team contracted you to make a website and photograph things.

Now, moving on the real issues - there are zero assumptions being made. What assumptions have you encountered, specifically by me thus far? Last I was aware, three songs were released via her website/birthday party - none of which were impressive. Second, one tour was already canceled due to circumstances "beyond the teams control" - I'm sure. And once again, the single that was leaked/released today that was announced in August and supposed to be released in August as well. None of which are "assumptions" - actually, I'm pretty sure I can find all of this information on her website, twitter or announcement she's personally made. So excuse your lack of being informed, not my and many others lack of enthusiasm over what you deem "assumptions".

As far as this "making comments from your computer" lunacy - have you or anyone else involved with this project looked in a mirror recently? Because absolutely zero has been done that is not from behind a computer screen. Including all of the absence of information you're trying to convince me that you're chock full of despite revealing none of it. It is not my job to sit and be patient as a fan. It is Yulia Volkova and her teams priority to maintain my interest - something they have not and still are not doing. Once again, her being half of t.A.T.u. in Brazil doesn't count because nobody other than handful of Brazilian t.A.T.u. fans (since Yulia Volkova has released nothing to gain new fans) care about the event that is going to be a simple re-hash of her birthday party, ex-t.A.T.u. and a new YouTube clip.

Moving on, you are not "in the field". As I said before. You are a former fan (not unlike a number of people involved in this "project" (Yourself, Amanda, Dean, + others) that was contacted out of what I can only assume (I will admit, assume) was desperation. If that isn't the first clue at the lack of professionalism regarding this entire ordeal + an already canceled concert + the release of three songs that were later shit-canned as well + the delayed release of the single + the lack of an English counterpart that god knows when will surface then I don't know what is.

I'm not following along with your State of The Union either with this "my fellow Americans' nonsense. What? What are you even saying? Let me save anyone else who is confused at your Insider like comments full of a lack of information from the trouble of attempting to find a diamond in the rough here. YOU WON'T.

If the woman is going to blame her lack of focus, initiative and accomplishment with regard to her own project on the fact that she's a birthing machine (which also did significant damage to t.A.T.u.) spare me the pity party because quite frankly I'm not interested in such a pathetic excuse for the lack of progress.

If you are a mom, be a mom. If you want to be a star - do some work. If you're undecided, do not send your graphic designer to chastise what little fans remain simply because we're underwhelmed with the obvious lack of progress. As I said before, it is not my fault she's a mom and incapable of doing things on time or following through with them. It is not my job as a fan to be interested in the lack of anything going on, nor is it the responsibility of anyone else to do the same.

Why don't you garner some professionalism and pass the message on while you're off being her photographer; announcing that she's more interested in shopping and raising her children isn't exactly artist of the year material, especially when what few fans are left are already waning in interest.

If she had this "drive" you talk about, she'd forget about flying to Sweden to record something full of loops that I could compose in 30 seconds in Garage Band. Then, maybe she'd remember that she's decently wealthy, an accomplished classical musician and a mom. So in other words - record the album in your home like the other half of artists with children and lives that I assure you are more hectic than the leisurely lifestyle of shopping and vacation that Yulia Volkova is notorious for.

This entire project is nothing but a rehash of t.A.T.u. - only years ago, Boris Rensky was the problem for the lack of progress. But now thanks to your comments on her use of a debit card and mom-obligations I think we know exactly what the problem is and was.

Yulia may be nice, and I wish her well. But as a fan, it doesn't change the fact that absolutely nothing is happening other than former fans turned uncompensated employees defending her lack of work ethic.

Perhaps you should pay attention to someone who actually is involved in "the field" you claim to be an expert on because of the nine months you've spent building a website and taking pictures of Yulia Volkova. Nobody involved with this project has any clue about "the field" you're claiming to be all knowing of since she's obviously still at square one.

Pass that along to her new management the next time you want to defend her being a mother and a shop-a-holic in favor of work.


Originally Posted by thegurgi (Post 396950)

--- my basic point before, really ignoring your insult there, - i think it's pretty remarkable what her team and herself have managed to do with little budget and resources... that's my perspective and since i'm a constructive person and not destructive, that's the one i'm going to stick to. Maybe you guys need to read a book called 'How to Win Friends and Influence People' or something. Cause the destructive criticism on these boards is just toxic ... and not worth my energy. I have friends, a job and a career to work on ... i've said my peace about julia's career and that's that. Enjoy what we have coming up cause I think it's gonna be really good, better than sdvinu mir (the english version i hear is actually better!)

I don't think any of it is remarkable. She owns the rights to t.A.T.u. according to you, royalties upon royalties yet she's still unable to afford a decent team? Tell that to a home garage band given a record deal as a result of hard work. That's the entire problem. Yulia Volkova has always sat back while others do the work and while money talks instead of roughing it and working her ass off. She wouldn't know a hard days work if it hit her in the face. Watch Podnebesnya, eXpedition, anything. It's always been someone else with two pretty girls being the face of it all. It doesn't work that way.

And before you give us recommendations on literature, why don't you have Yulia read a book called "How To Win Fans and Accomplish Something".

There would be less "destructive critacism" if there were any progress being made.

I'm so tired of the laziness involved with this project! And you're not helping the matter! You're pushing fans away, not changing opinions.

I suggest you be quiet about this project if the only things you're going to say are along the lines of what you already have. I'm pretty patient and I'd say dedicated as well. But even your lunacy is going to be enough to change that.

thegurgi 11-11-2011 20:47


Originally Posted by Talyubittu (Post 396952)
I suggest you be quiet about this project if the only things you're going to say are along the lines of what you already have. I'm pretty patient and I'd say dedicated as well. But even your lunacy is going to be enough to change that.

i suggest you relax, if you think i'm gonna read all that you're wrong too. I'm a dj too now, so i'm just killing time in between stop sets and it's not that much time... i'm glad you're patient, there is more coming up that i'm way more excited about than what's been launched before. You're right though - i do need to be quiet and it's not professional of me... i'm willing to admit that mistake. I'm also a human... hope i can be forgiven for that or will i just be called a lunatic again? not really an insult though - as far as any one is concerned this lunatic is doing pretty well for himself...

Talyubittu 11-11-2011 20:49


Originally Posted by thegurgi (Post 396953)
i suggest you relax, if you think i'm gonna read all that you're wrong too. I'm a dj too now, so i'm just killing time in between stop sets and it's not that much time... i'm glad you're patient, there is more coming up that i'm way more excited about than what's been launched before. You're right though - i do need to be quiet and it's not professional of me... i'm willing to admit that mistake. I'm also a human... hope i can be forgiven for that or will i just be called a lunatic again? not really an insult though - as far as any one is concerned this lunatic is doing pretty well for himself...

Laziness strikes again, maybe if you would bother to read that you could pass on what this project is missing.

Direction. Accomplishment. Work ethic. Simplicity.

Keep dreaming.

Arnaudfrenchy 11-11-2011 20:53


Originally Posted by Talyubittu (Post 396952)
to record something full of loops that I could compose in 30 seconds in Garage Band

I have this feeling too when i hear about the new song.

Talyubittu 11-11-2011 20:54


Originally Posted by Arnaudfrenchy (Post 396955)
I have this feeling too when i hear about the new song.

Because that's what it is. It sounds like a remix of Candy Shop.

Argos 11-11-2011 20:56


Originally Posted by Talyubittu (Post 396954)
Laziness strikes again, maybe if you would bother to read that you could pass on what this project is missing.

Well, actually I read it and I have to admit - it wasn't worth even a second. Attacking someone who tries to explain a little bit about the situation around Volkova is both annoying and counterproductive. I'm not going to tolerate if you will continue to insult a forum member, remember the rules!

Talyubittu 11-11-2011 20:57


Originally Posted by Argos (Post 396957)
Well, actually I read it and I have to admit - it wasn't worth even a second. Attacking someone who tries to explain a little bit about the situation around Volkova is both annoying and counterproductive. I'm not going to tolerate if you will continue to insult a forum member, remember the rules!

I have nothing against Greg. I have an issue with defending the lack of progress and announcing that she's busy swiping her debit card and having kids. That's not an explanation, it's an excuse.

Arnaudfrenchy 11-11-2011 21:01


Originally Posted by Talyubittu (Post 396956)
Because that's what it is. It sounds like a remix of Candy Shop.

But strangely, that's sound better with 50 cents. :D

thegurgi 11-11-2011 21:12


Originally Posted by Talyubittu (Post 396958)
having kids. That's not an explanation, it's an excuse.

a 20 year old boy calling having a kids an "excuse"... it's obvious there are no mother's on this forum. I'm merely the uncle of 4 with a sister who had a kid through medical school. I can only imagine her furor at such a comment. She's actually pregnant now. oh no! she's such a bitch for slowing down her career cause my brother in law wants a big screen tv! i can imagine her comments being particularly cruel and then hysterical...

argos, i'm not offended by his comments... other than being called lazy. You know i'm disabled and suffer from chronic pain... and i work my ass off to be a productive member of this society. Despite nothing being easy. So being called lazy is my 'n-word.' So if i can get permission tell him to fuck off... i'd love it. There's a difference between laziness and knowing when something isn't worth it... and since i'm willing to admit that i'm just wasting time here until i can leave the station and hang out with real people - i'm stuck with an un-impressible 20 year old know-it-all. Luckily, he's not really worth impressing, just wasting time on. Once he shows me some valid proof of worth towards society that he's provided - maybe i'll show him that respect... wait no. he called me lazy. fuck that. i'm out.

Argos 11-11-2011 21:13


Originally Posted by Talyubittu (Post 396958)
I have nothing against Greg. I have an issue with defending the lack of progress and announcing that she's busy swiping her debit card and having kids. That's not an explanation, it's an excuse.

It's not the arguments, it's the aggressive way and direct insults, which I don't like. You had definitely better days on this board!

So far the whole project was really disappointing for me too. Children and private duties can not always be brought up as reasons/excuses for a not convincing career start (which already takes several years). On the creative side I don't see anything special, even a tendency towards cheap and simple mimicry of already uninteresting 'work' from the past of pop music, with no intention to give it a deeper sense or even give it some personal note, which currently is completely missing. Yulya seems to be a hopeless case. I'm not even sure if she understands what an artist has to do to attract an audience.

obez17 11-11-2011 21:23

Disappointing for such a long wait. Sounds like a lot of other things. :/ I fail to hear a great climax that she criticized Lena's first single for lacking. 0_0

I am glad that it is finally out. I feel like some barrier has finally been broken.

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