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volkotina 23-04-2003 03:38

So grey- what are you trying to say that I am trying to say?! lol

Bitty2002- hmmm, strange...your dancing is quite contagious! 'begins to happily dance around also'

Okay folks, nothing to see here; move it along, move it along! lol

By the way, great chapter and I agree Dees, Yulia's friend is pushy; but maybe she doesn't realize it, you know?

daydreamer0102 23-04-2003 05:51

well bitty, love your work!!! happy b-day! i guess u got the best b-day present, someone u love, and someone who loves u back :p *aww..!!* hehehe sorry, i had to be all cheesy!

Dees 23-04-2003 06:18

I thought that the story was already done! I thought it was just a matter of putting up the chapters.

YLuelniaa 23-04-2003 06:29

same here
oh welllllllllll good job...loved the chapter...

damn that Svetlana ughh what a bit*h..

Bitty2002 23-04-2003 06:32

Dees, no no, I have the story line planned out and some future scenes but not the whole thing. When I first posted...I have like 10 chapters done. I have written the rest since I posted it first...make sense?

Dees 23-04-2003 06:34

I was just wondering.
So, how often do you write new chapters?

Bitty2002 23-04-2003 06:46

Well I tried to write one a day...but then school and...please see above...have made that every three days...maybe two if short.

Dees 23-04-2003 06:48

Every three days is good!
Do you put them up as you get done with them or are you a few ahead?

yul 23-04-2003 06:51

can someone help me here? I can't seem to find chapter 13...I must be doing something wrong. It only goes up to chapter 12 every time i!!!!

Dees 23-04-2003 06:56

It works fine for me. Try it again!
Scroll down!

Bitty2002 23-04-2003 06:57

It works for me...are you direct linking? Cause Ripp had to change things, you are going to have to link there from the main page

yul 23-04-2003 07:11

no worries guys....i finally got it. Not sure why it wasn't there the last couple of times i tried. Anyways, keep it coming! Am really enjoying it!

Sgt. Yang 23-04-2003 17:08

I liked chapter 13! It was short but full of emotions!

Dees 27-04-2003 00:03

What's up? Haven't had anything new for a long time! Today would be a good day for that!

Bitty2002 27-04-2003 00:08

Chapter 14
Chapter 14 is now up. Sorry, meant to do it yesterday, long story on why I couldn't. But yes, it is there now. Thanks for the patience.

Dees 27-04-2003 00:59

WOW! That was great! I thougt that it was one of Yulia's friends for a sec. Woa, well Lena doesn't seem to have any problems but Yulia is Deff. confused!
Good Job!

YLuelniaa 27-04-2003 03:37

me too...thankfully it wasn't sorta.

Man I feel bad for both of them now...for Lena..feelin let down in a way..

and Yulia for realizin that she will now be judged..

Sgt. Yang 27-04-2003 03:53

That was well worth the wait! I hope Lena won't get too upset!

pacmangirl 27-04-2003 06:03

well I duno about you.. but I think that kid should mind his OWN business! :mad: funny to think about what his face looked like though--> :eek: lol..
great job with the story though Bitty2002! :)

Ackey 28-04-2003 06:13

Hey Bitty! Can you put up chapter 15 tonight please?

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